Just another brick in the wall?

Pupils given smileys to beat online pervs – Metro.co.uk: A school has used Acid House-style smiley faces to conceal the identities of pupil pictured on its website, apparently to protect them from paedophiles.
The primary school has been accused of being alarmist for covering up the faces of the children with an icon of the Acid House dance craze of the 1990s.
Yesterday the smiley face pictures of sports teams at Cann Hall Primary School in Clacton, Essex, were removed and a message put up which read: “Our newsletter section is under going maintenance please pop back soon”

  1. xjonx says:

    Why go to all that trouble when you could just not put up any pictures. Talk about a waste of time, money and effort.

  2. Pharaoh90 says:

    Ok, I’ll say it. If you show their bodies with smiley faces. It will just make them more interested.

    “you could just not put up any pictures” It’s consequence of over thinking things.

    Lets not think now lets enjoy some acid house http://tinyurl.com/2uwyrr

  3. Ron Larson says:

    Did you know that in a lot of places it is illegal to photograph or video tape children’s sports because of such concerns? You can’t tape your kids playing soccer.

    Why don’t they ban the print ads and catalogs of clothing companies that show teens and pre-teens dressed up in makeup?

  4. hhopper says:

    Wonder why one of the kids is unhappy. 🙂

  5. Sheeple says:

    Thats me! I am a Sheeple wouldn’t you be unhappy?

  6. Just put the kids in burkas and be done with it.

  7. Mister Catshit says:

    #3, Ron,

    As long as it is a public venue no one can stop you from taking pictures or taping a video. School grounds qualify as a public place. Private venues and auditoriums can legally ban cameras inside their buildings.

    I always carry a pen and note pad with me so I can write down names of imbeciles that complain as well as make any notes on what is happening.

  8. Major Motoko Kusanagi says:

    The Laughing Man strikes again!

  9. JimD says:

    The kids ought to respond by wearing smiley face masks to school !!!

  10. the answer says:

    but what if smileys are what’s gets your jollys off?

  11. hhopper says:

    Yeah, watch out for this guy:


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