If this is indeed true, how come it’s not being picked up by anyone else?
Mexican Military Crossing US Border and Attacking. Homeland Security Does Nothing.
By John C Dvorak Thursday March 6, 2008
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#26 – Consider how many management types are Democrats.
In my professional career, I count zero. All the management monkeys I know are Republicans.
Why? Because Republicans value maintaining the status quo for the privileged over any concern for the rights and dignity of the labor force.
#29 fortunately, I have a brain. I learned to add 1+1 when I was very young. 1+1 = 2, whether you are a repub, dem or a Martian.
I would suggest you however, make an appointment with the Wizard…
#31–OFTLO==of course there are democrat managers. I am an independent liberal that finds myself voting mostly democratic by default. Not only a life in management but I owned and ran by own business with 12 employees.
Stop the monolithic non-think. I can’t think of a single issue where “party identity” is 100%. Silly to post that it is on an issue as multi-facted as illegal immigration.
Although this is likely a group of rogue individuals who are not backed by the Mexican government, the Mexican government can pretty much do whatever it wants and the U.S. government will support it. This includes the U.S. Government doing effectively “nothing” to protect the U.S. border with Mexico against the influx of drug smugglers, (potential) terrorists and illegal aliens.
This also includes spending U.S. taxpayer money (now 1.4 Billion dollars) to protect Mexico’s souther border instead of protecting our own border.
See the “Merida Initiative”.
You fools, I’ve already voted many times. More than once in each election in fact.
#35 – you must be from Chicago then. Even the dead can vote there, more than once.
It’s about 3 Dems to 2 Reps, in my experience, including a Fortune 500 business owner Democrat.
How many Republicans are there in downtown NYC or Washington DC?
#33 – Silly to post that it is on an issue as multi-facted as illegal immigration.
We are geeks who bitch about things on the Internet, in some cases, possibly naked. This isn’t the goddamn Algonquin Round Table.
Why does everything I write have to pass the criteria of a position paper in a political science class at Yale?
I throw out simplistic bits of Intercrap to jab or joke with others in the thread from time to time. Quit thinking that it represents my entire world view.
Of course some managers are Democrats. After all, Taco Bell has managers too, right?
#37 – How many Republicans are there in downtown NYC or Washington DC?
DC? I have no idea.
NY? It’s probably pretty mixed till you get to Wall Street.
I’m from Chicago where there are plenty of stripes, but outside of the biggest cities, it seems all red to me…
…and by red, I don’t mean communist.
#38 OFTLO – “I throw out simplistic bits of Intercrap to jab or joke with others in the thread from time to time. Quit thinking that it represents my entire world view.”
And I appreciate throwing it back as you and I have been to disagree from time to time.
“We are geeks who bitch about things on the Internet, in some cases, possibly naked. This isn’t the goddamn Algonquin Round Table.
Why does everything I write have to pass the criteria of a position paper in a political science class at Yale?”
OFTLO- Well said, and thank you. Bobbo is just being bobbo, he loves to stir it up. I, for one appreciate it. And yet, like you, I feel that we sometimes take ourselves a little too seriously. Its all good.
If it’s true that they crossed Rio Grande and went 200 yards inland… why not get an Apache helicopter to shoot them to pieces and then take the discussion about the dead bodies with the Mexican Government?
#36, patrick
#35 – you must be from Chicago then. Even the dead can vote there, more than once.
Can you back that up or this this just another one of your right wing nut pieces of bullshit you like to toss out there.
Just because Santa left you some nice treats under your tree and the tooth fairy is paying for all those holes in your mouth doesn’t mean there is evidence of their being. This lie has been posted by so many right wing nuts they must believe it. Yet, none of them can actually provide any proof.
#43 – lighten up. It was a joke based on the corruption of the old political machine that used to run things there. And yes, in times past dead people were found to have voted there. A long time ago of course. If you didn’t know that, go look it up for yourself.
#32, patrick,
#29 fortunately, I have a brain. I learned to add 1+1 when I was very young. 1+1 = 2, whether you are a repub, dem or a Martian.
Fortunately, most people can add higher than that. Without using our fingers. But whatever this has to do the comment in #29 is beyond me. I see you still haven’t answered OFTLO’s request that you back up your statement.
BTW, there are already laws on the books about immigration. The current PRESIDENT is not enforcing them. Fuck blaming Democrats for that. The Republicans are the ones NOT doing the job.
You might have a brain, using it is a separate question where the answer appears to be self evident. If you have to boast you have something, the probability is it that it is very insignificant.
#45 – Of course it isn’t enforced. However, it takes a lot more $ than is currently allocated to handle the mess as it exists. You never answered why dem leadership doesn’t want verification of citizenship to vote at polling places. Waiting…
I’ll answer you when you quit stalling…
I have lived in Mexico for 24 years. The truth is that a lot of x-military and x-police (as well as active duty of both) are involved in drugs. But the drug dealers when caught, have automatic weapons etc, but they also have regular uniforms of all kinds of police and military. These reports are useless unless you grab the ones crossing and firing on US people and actually see what and who they are.
In the end, yes probably some were active Mexican police or military. No, they were not going across the border under any orders. The bottom line is that the US drug lords are the ones who keep this communication along the border open using anybody in any kind of uniform that benefits them. All of this hinges on US money from US drug users. Cut off the demand, and these people have no reason to do any of this.
Doesn’t it strike you as strange that the official site of the National Border Patrol Council is a blog?
Somehow, I don’t think it’s a government organization…
But its fine for Colombia to cross Ecuador’s border any time it feels. The USA supports it.