If this is indeed true, how come it’s not being picked up by anyone else?

  1. the answer says:

    Because MSNBC likes to start shit? I thought it was proven that it was drug smugglers in military garb

  2. Steve-O says:

    It has been reported before…

    If it was on Fox news you would be screaming that it was a pack of lies. I’m glad to see it was on MSNBC.

    This is fairly old news since I’ve seen it reported by Glenn Beck on CNN-HNN.

    Dems want the illegals to vote.
    Repubs want the cheap labor.

    We get screwed either way.

  3. tchamp2 says:

    I voted for Bush twice, but this is where I am against him 100%.

    He’s too worried with keeping good relations with Mexico, when he needs to worry more about our own security.

    I’m all for stopping Al-Queda, but we also need to stop the pressing threat of illegal immigrant, drug trafficers and other mis-creants that love to cross our southern border.

  4. patrick says:

    I heard Bonner talk about this last year on KFI 640. Bonner reported it then to Home Land Security and no response. John, you really expect any major network to broadcast this?

    There’s tighter security against jumping a subway turnstile than on our border. 😉

  5. tchamp2 says:

    #2 — sad, but true.

  6. Jacques Auef says:

    Are we sure they are smuggling drugs? I heard they are really smuggling jail broken iPhones back into the US!

    If we just legalized drugs and set market forces, prices would drop and the cartels would lose their power!

    Let’s just hope the same con artists that are controlling the price of oil don’t do the same for drugs.

  7. Breetai says:

    I’m all for spamming congress with links to the Vid. Anyone who wants to help me spam them it’d be appreciated.

  8. patrick says:


    With “borders are evil, amnesty for all” crowd in control? Waste of time.

  9. Phillep says:

    The information has been kicking around in the conservative blogs and web sites for a couple of years. Border violations are common.

    The video is blocked here and I have dial up at home so I don’t know which video you are talking about.

    #1, there’s a fair chance that the local military are the ones smuggling drugs (and sending payoffs up the chain of command).

  10. Wake the Fuck up People says:

    #8. Exactly. This is all part of the North American Union plan. The drug war is a joke, the borders are a worse joke, but the government isnt inept, they wont do anything about it because they dont want to. This is not tin foil hat stuff morans, this is real. They want the drugs, they want the fear, they want to merge our countries, and it has to stop.

  11. joe says:

    these are rouge soldiers, you know, the kind America has with killing unarmed civilians in Iraq and dropping puppies off cliffs. This is not condoned or supported in anyway by the Mexican government cause it would be a blatant act of war.

  12. patrick says:

    #1 “Because MSNBC likes to start shit? I thought it was proven that it was drug smugglers in military garb”

    Let’s just send some Marine Recon teams down there and collect a few “samples”… We’d find out real quick.

  13. Imports says:

    This is news to you ?
    All this money spent on the Mexican border seems to be most effectively spent. Just try to get on a toll free line for product support , car insurance or whatever and … press 3 for Spanish.
    Where did all these people come from ?
    All the effort in patrolling the Canadian border , enforcing documentation, passports on air travelers etc seems to have paid off , but not with Mexico.
    And we get lots of oil for our cars, trucks and S.U.V’s from Canada too.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #2 – Dems want the illegals to vote.

    Back that bullshit up.

  15. Nitroneo says:

    How about because it would begin to drum up anti Hispanic support and be viewed by the Hispanic community as discriminatory. Even though it’s not Hispanic biased, it’s Mexican biased.

    And any dem., rep., or news agency discussing it would become the target of such communities.

    I recall reading an article a few years ago about the Mexican Military coming across the border and kidnapping a whole family of US Citizens. That story never hit big news reports either.

    Mexico is not our friend, people. The sooner we all realize this the sooner we can begin to fix the problems with immigration, and begin the process of fixing our economy.

    Stop NAFTA first, only the corporations are profiting from this agreement. Ross Perot was right it was nothing but a huge sucking noise of jobs leaving America.

  16. Todd Henkel says:

    #12 – I like your idea! Regardless, start calling in air strikes. That will make them think twice. Military or smuggler, Mexico is responsible for not controlling their people.

    Can you imagine if this were reversed? The international outcry would be significant.

  17. patrick says:

    #14 Dems want the illegals to vote.

    “Back that bullshit up.”

    Let’s see… Dems in congress overwhelmingly back amnesty for these people and accelerated citizenship. I’m sure they don’t want these people voting for them!

    Also, dems scream bloody murder everytime someone suggests verifying citizenship of people going to the ballot box.

    I say “that bullshit” is now “backed up”.

  18. morram says:

    I’m never buying books at Borders again

  19. Steve-O says:

    #17 patrick – thanks for getting back to OFTLO first. I was in a meeting discussing how many illegals will be voting in November after Nancy Penosi grants them amnesty.

    Absolutely the Dems want them voting.

  20. RVS68 says:

    How Old is this Video?

    I searched all the Major News Sites and can’t find anything resent on this? MSNBC has an article on it but it was back in 2006..

    Fox News has an article but again it was released back in 2006?

    Either this is a Really Old Story or there is a Major Cover-up? I can’t find anything resent, Except for Dvorak Uncensored, Digg.com and Live Leak?

  21. blow back says:

    Welcome, Mexicans! You will find retarded, fat, tube-starers here, who hate work and hope to get rich by doing nothing. So there are plenty of jobs. Warning: if you stay long enough, you will become just like those US couch tubers.

  22. Wake the Fuck up People says:

    “If this is indeed true, how come it’s not being picked up by anyone else?”

    The original question. The people who know about this, a few here who commented, have been paying attention,. The rest of you have been sleeping and/or ridiculing those of us who have been paying attention. See? Its pretty simple. We are told we’re tin foil hat wearing loonbats, and this shit is happening right under your collective noses. So get your head out of your ass and start looking at alternative media sources, or face the consequences.

  23. Pharaoh90 says:

    “Dems want the illegals to vote.
    Repubs want the cheap labor.”

    Either your a cynic, or a kook.

  24. patrick says:

    #24 –

    I’d say he’s a realist.

  25. Phillep says:

    “Dems want the illegals to vote.
    Repubs want the cheap labor.”

    My only disagreement is that /both/ Dems and Repubs want the cheap labor. Consider how many management types are Democrats.

  26. Steve-O says:

    #26 Phillip – I stand corrected.

    Dems want the illegals to vote
    Dems and Repubs want the cheap labor

    We just get screwed either way.

  27. chris says:

    TRUE. from the movie TRAFFIC: “in Mexico law enforcement is a for-profit enterprise.” I think the Mexicans should be commended for their extensive private-public partnerships in the area of law enforcement. Law enforcement, after all, isn’t only about locking people up, it’s also about helping get business done.

  28. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #17 – #14 Dems want the illegals to vote.

    “Back that bullshit up.”

    Let’s see… Dems in congress overwhelmingly back amnesty for these people and accelerated citizenship. I’m sure they don’t want these people voting for them!

    Wow… What a partisan hack answer. No slant or agenda in that opinion…

    No serious voice has ever advocated allowing illegal aliens to vote, and you’ve provided nothing to back it up except your right wing take on the matter.

    Advocating a path to citizenship does not equal advocating allowing illegals to vote…

    And if you really have a problem with these people being here then petition the government to stop inviting them over. We hire them. We give them jobs and pay them money. That’s why they come.

    We do not enforce the labor laws meant to prevent employers from exploiting (and exploiting is the right word) migrant labor. Employers in the US would prefer to hire migrants than members of their own community at fair wages (how un-American is that?). It’s our fault they are here. Quit creating a demand.

    And if they do actually want to be working, taxpaying citizens… then let them be so. Unless your name is Running Bear, you ain’t got a reason to complain anyway.

  29. ShortStack says:

    #22 you really stuck it to Americans there. Bravo sir, bravo.


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