Tee hee.

  1. thomas says:

    probably got paid by apple to say it……..

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Doesn’t disturb all you Apple guys that Karl Rove is one of you??

  3. Pixelmutt says:

    Ah, Yea…it does. Very much so

  4. richardbt71 says:

    #2 – “Doesn’t disturb all you Apple guys that Karl Rove is one of you??”

    nope. Does it bother you that you both like the same music?

  5. Brandon says:

    Nobody voted for Rove, because he’s a tactician, not a politician.

    I do want his MacBook Air though. 🙂

  6. Personality says:

    The old guy was *fixing* his IT problems. Yeah. Right.

  7. chuck says:

    Somebody alert Fake Steve Jobs that Karl Rove has a MacBook Air. He can put Moshe on the job.

  8. Pharaoh90 says:

    He needs something that is intuitive and easy to use when helping to destroy our country.

  9. Brian says:

    Isn’t it ironic that even in a room full of faux-newsies, Rove is shunned and has to sit at the little kids table by himself?

  10. Jim W. says:

    On a slightly different technical note, weren’t both Fox and CNN using big screen touch screens?

    The one at CNN looked like it might have been the Microsoft Touch Table turned on end. The reporter was using his fingers to zoom in and out of maps.

  11. andy says:

    i didn’t know they still made “hee-haw”

  12. Greg Allen says:

    Karl Rove is one reason I still believe in hell. If there isn’t a hell for people like Karl Rove, then there is no cosmic justice.


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