the Daily Mail

This is the world’s smallest gun – and although it might look like a harmless toy to some it is anything but as it is capable at firing deadly bullets at a speed of 300mph. The Swiss Minigun, being marketed as a collector’s item, is two inches long, and fires 4.53mm bullets. Costing £3,000 in stainless steel, a gold-plated, diamond-studded version is also available. It cannot be imported into the UK, and buyers in Switzerland and Europe must get a permit from police to own one. The gun is banned in the US – because it is too small to qualify for sporting purposes.

Used by the worlds smallest criminals, you could possibly put an eye out with that thing……maybe!

  1. Ringo says:

    Introducing the newest addition to the Swiss Army knife!!

  2. kanjy says:

    Looks like a pain in the ass to me. Imagine reloading it.

  3. Daniel says:

    Banned in the US?? Since when did any handgun have to be for sporting purpose? My guns are for putting gaping holes in people who try to steal my stuff.

  4. Phillep says:

    300MPH!!! WOW!!!

    That’s, that’s, uhm, 330fps! Really turning and burning, there. (/sarc)

    “(T)oo small to qualify for sporting purposes”? Gee, it looks perfect for hand gun hunting house flies.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    How do you pull the trigger?

  6. JimD says:

    Would never qualify as a Penis Substitute – it is smaller than most penises !!!

  7. Esteban says:

    #6, This is for the man who doesn’t have to compensate.

  8. Mojo Yugen says:

    Stop shooting me! That tickles!!!

  9. Carl Winslow says:

    #5 – Ah_Yea:
    Notice that the faux-trigger guard is actually a trigger in and of itself. The fact that it looks like a tiny trigger inside a small guard is just an illusion…Notice the small tail that juts down off the front of the trigger guard.

    Actuating that tail fires the gun.

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    I think I know a use for this gun. I vaguely remember a James Bond movie where someone gets shot with a small gun hid in the mouth…

  11. DaveW says:

    Well this is just silly. And $6,000? I don’t think so.

  12. JimR says:

    It was a hot cloudless day, high noon, when ghostly faces suddenly appeared in every window, silhouettes froze in every door. The breeze of just seconds ago disappeared. No sound, no movement, time held it’s breath.

    Then sounds, a long tortured creak from the far end of town followed by a door closing on this end, bouncing twice, then silence again. Two men, one dressed in black, the other in unremarkable shades of brown, walked slowly, purposely, to the center of the road. They stared at each other, assessing, calculating, unnerving those who were watching… but not each other.

    The man in black pulled back his coat revealing a 45 nestled in its silver studded holster, sagging from the weight but place perfectly for the lightning draw that had never failed. He grinned a mirthlessly with whittle perfect teeth shining through a face that hadn’t seen water for twenty days or more. The other man didn’t move, didn’t reveal his gun, didn’t ready his trigger hand. He to was smiling, but strangely he just raised a fisted hand at his opponent in seeming defiance.

    The bright smile faded to a curious smirk, and then stone cold suspicion. He watch carefully, wondering if he should just kill this lunatic now.. but he hesitated. Then he noticed a tiny puff of smoke leave the mans fist with a sound that resembled a small stick smacking a desk. Then several more puffs and a succession of clacking, followed closely by little puffs of dirt appearing here and there in the dirt around him.

    The bright perfect teeth reappeared as the man in black realized what he had just witnessed. He calmly drew his gun and leisurely took aim. The tiniest gun in the world would be a nice curiosity for his collection.

  13. the answer says:

    This is what the Keebler Elves used to raid the Rice Krispies hangout in that episode of Family Guy. Since it’s a “collector’s item”, do you post it with your Collectable “action figure”. Be kinda cool having a Han Solo toy with an actual revolver instead of that range-finder-for-a-camera thing he had.

  14. Les says:

    “Banned in the US?? Since when did any handgun have to be for sporting purpose? My guns are for putting gaping holes in people who try to steal my stuff.”

    Yes, thats why you can’t buy a Glock 25 in the USA. You can buy the more powerfull models 26 and 27, which are the same size, but the less powerfull model 25 does not pass the “sporting purposes” test.

  15. McCullough says:

    #12. Nice, so finish the story….did he make him his bitch or what.

  16. Brian says:

    you’re not terribly good at math, are you?

  17. Rick says:

    Where I live 330 fps isn’t a ‘gun’. BB guns and pellet guns shoot in the range of 300 fps and do not require an FAC (Firearms Acquisition Certificate) to buy. Anything 500 fps and higher does.

  18. JimR says:

    Hilarious! Okay McCullough, just for you. 🙂

    The bright perfect teeth reappeared as the man in black realized what he had just witnessed. He calmly drew his gun and leisurely took aim. The tiniest gun in the world would be a nice curiosity for his collection.

    But as he looked down the barrel, he saw defeat in those eyes… those baby blue eyes… those teary baby blue eyes and pouty lips… and that cute little impotent thing in his hand…. “Come here bitch!” he demanded. “First, you’re going to clean daddy’s gun”.

  19. McCullough says:

    #19. LOL!!!! I love a happy ending. They ride off into the sunset…….

  20. Mister Catshit says:


    Were they riding double?

  21. alex says:

    how can you press the trigger?and plus who would talk bitch shit about any men in black

  22. dan 201 602 7130 says:

    i want one for my mini collection anybody want to sell one call me !!!!


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