
So today, a colleague of mine received his RMA kit (Return Materials Authorization) for his ailing Apple iPhone. As you can see the kit came with a “special tool”, and a 9 page instruction booklet explaining the proper way to use the tool.

Thanks to Chris Vallee

  1. bbirdsr71 says:

    This only sent for Window users only!

  2. bjer says:

    That’s good. I found a piece of tape works well for the style of SIM card sockets that are installed behind batteries. Just attach one end of the piece of tape to the exposed side of the SIM and tug on the other end of the tape.
    Tape would be hard to ship inside a plastic bag though.

  3. Colonel Panic says:

    #1. Dude, you used the word only twice in the same sentence…..we’ll be shipping your kit today!

  4. the answer says:

    It would be funnier if I knew what a RMA Kit does. Also why when I look it up all I get is how to return it. (that’s funny within itself)

  5. Thinker says:

    ROFLMAO! Thats priceless! ๐Ÿ™‚ Somebody’s pulling my leg…right?

    He Heee, this is good for an afternoon of chuckles.

  6. Thinker says:

    ROFLMAO! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thats priceless. You can’t blame them for not being thorough. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. jmsiowa says:

    # 4
    Return Merchandise Authorization

    The kit needed to return defective product for repair.

  8. McCullough says:

    #4. Sorry, guess I should have explained that.
    Yes, what jmsiowa said.

    #5. Its real, trust me.

  9. Brian says:

    “This only sent for Window users only!”

    If you are going to try and look like a sophisticated MAC user you really ought to check you grammar!

  10. Esteban says:

    What’s an RMA? I can’t find anything on Wikipedia, and a Google search links back to this very discussion.

  11. cdvallee says:

    See comment #7

  12. Anonymous says:

    Found this link for the rest of you who aren’t sure what an RMA is (clearly Esteban did not search very well…)


  13. Joe says:

    The question is, is “special tool” referring to the paperclip, or the owner of the phone?

  14. Esteban says:

    Wow. I seem to have come down with a came of temporary stupidity in comment #10. At least I hope it’s temporary. Thanks anyway.

  15. bill says:

    The paper clip has been a traditional Apple tool!

  16. Pharaoh90 says:

    Seems really intuitive and easy use like all Apple products ;-7

  17. AdmFubar says:

    #13 Both.

  18. Mister Catshit says:

    CLIPPY !!! You’re alive !!!

  19. liunam says:

    If Apple sold iPhones to the Military, they would have called that tool the SIM Card Retrieval Apparatus and it would have cost $250.00.

  20. loupus says:

    Oh, lighten up. It’s a clever way for Apple to contrast their complex technical device (iPhone) with a surprising simple “tool”. Why else would Apple go to the slight added expense of bagging a paper clip?

    I used the RMA kit to exchange my iPhone an chuckled when I saw the “special tool”.

  21. steelcobra says:

    The paperclip has been a vital tool for Macs since the IIe days. You needed it to reset the system/get it to spit out disks. Still as usefull today as it was then.

  22. Mr. Magoo says:

    Isn’t it against the law for Apple to send this little bag to customers in Chicago?

  23. greg says:

    it’s not a regular paperclip. its the iclip if you use any other paperclip it will void the warranty

  24. GF says:

    -Plastic bag from disgusting oil
    -Paper from trees
    -Non recycled paper clip
    -Threatning English only instructions




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