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National Insurance Numbers (NINOs): Format and Security: What to do if you suspect or discover fraud Welcome to the 21st Century.


found by Bertie Beattie

  1. McCullough says:

    I think I’ve just discovered fraud!

  2. The DON says:

    Thank God we can protect sensitive information against the abuses the freedom of information act allows 🙂

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Sooo…. Let me guess the answer, NOTHING????

  4. Cinaedh says:

    People in authority don’t want to know anything about fraud because the very fact fraud is widespread confirms they are as stupid and incompetent as everyone suspects, ipso facto.

    From the point of view of the people in power, this is a perfect solution to the problem of fraud.

  5. GigG says:

    Well if you look at the other pages at the site it seems they want you to know quite a lot about fraud.

    But there may well be something in the numbering plan that if it were published might make fraud more likely.

  6. Cinaedh says:

    #5 – GigG

    “…it seems they want you to know quite a lot about fraud.”

    Perhaps they want you to know quite a lot about fraud but as I said, they don’t want to know anything at all about fraud.

    It’s called ‘willful blindness’. Politicians and bureaucrats are experts at it.

  7. Mister Catshit says:

    Too funny to respond to.

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    (This text has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

  9. the answer says:

    yeah reading (This text has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) isn’t a good thing. Here is the question then. What do you do? Other then call that guy from Lifelock who shows his SSN on all his ads?

    Also someone confirm of a Rumor I heard that there is a hidden bill set into law already that if it is proven that you are a victim of Fraud that you only have to pay a $50 bankers fee to your bank, and that is it.

  10. Greg Allen says:

    Remember how conservatives pontificated that the best government is one that does the least for it’s citizens?

    Well… we are now reaping what the conservatives sowed. This privacy issue should have been pro-actively dealt with ten years ago.

    Instead — we got nuthin’. Thanks conservatives.

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    #9 Yes it is true that your maximum liability is %50 under certain conditions.

    Click on this link, it’s a pdf so you will want some plug-in to read it. The info is near the end of the file.
    It’s the real deal. This link takes you right to the Federal Reserve.

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    That’s $50, oops…


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