Democrats faced the prospect of at least six more weeks of tough campaigning after Hillary Clinton’s Tuesday night wins in Tuesday’s primaries in Ohio and Texas as she escaped a knockout blow by Barack Obama.

Hillary Clinton won primaries in Rhode Island, Texas and Ohio Tuesday night while Barack Obama won Vermont.

“Ohio has written a new chapter in the history of this campaign, and we’re just getting started,” Clinton told supporters in her victory speech in Ohio.

“More and more people have joined this campaign, and millions of Americans haven’t spoken yet. In states like Pennsylvania and so many others, people are watching this historic campaign, and they want their turn to help make history.”

Will Hillary accept the vice-president spot on Obama’s ticket?

  1. patrick says:

    #30 So I’ve heard, and read. Those “specifics” are a joke. If those are his detailed plans then he will fail in his objectives.

    These are goals and objectives, not plans.

    HealthCareFullPlan.pdf is a wish list. The devil is always in the details. When I see details and can see that the “plan” will handle the problem then I can decide.

  2. MikeN says:

    Yes she can, Yes she can! Hill-uh-Ree!

  3. becagle says:

    Hold on to your hats folks, you think the battle between Obama and Clinton was getting heated, just wait, we ain’t seen nothing yet…

  4. becagle says:

    Hold on to your hats folks…

    You think the battle between Obama and Clinton was getting heated, just wait…

    We ain’t seen nothing yet…

  5. MikeN says:

    The reason she is back in the race is because Republicans voted for her, egged on by Rush Limbaugh. I don’t know about Ohio, but it definitely made the difference in Texas.

  6. MikeN says:

    She’s picked up all of 19 delegates and the Texas caucus results aren’t in yet. Nevertheless, Obama has only won his home state of Illinois among the bigs.

  7. ArianeB says:

    From the standpoint of the general election it is better for the Dems to have a candidate who is popular in the “red” states, than the “blue” which should be easy wins for the Dems.

    Same goes for the GOP, McCain has to pick a VP who will help him win a blue state or two.

  8. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    RE: Hillary and Obama, “they’re both qualified…”

    Gawd, I love reading things like that when I need a non-chemical laxative. Works almost as well as an Al Gore speech.

  9. MikeN says:

    So what do you guys think about Al Gore taking over at the convention with Obama as the veep.

  10. Fibonnaci says:

    I smell a rat – a big fat fuckin’ stinkin’ RAT.

    Whew I gotta get new shoes.

    Anyway, I hope Obama wins and clears out all of the *idiots* in the DNC; starting with (Moe) Howard Dean.

  11. Mark T. says:

    According to Slate’s delegate counting web app, Hillary needs to average 62% for ALL the remaining races to get a simple majority of delegates.

    I predict a bitter fight for a Florida/Michigan do-over and an ugly debate over the silly “super-delegate” primary rigging system the Dems created for themselves.

  12. MikeN says:

    Howard Dean isn’t going to help Hillary win anything.

    Slate’s delegate counter is imprecise.

  13. ArianeB says:

    Maybe but the stats are not. Hillary Clinton has been mathematically eliminated from winning the regular delegates. She is the Mike Huckabee of the Democratic race… hanging on hoping for a miracle.

    80% of the country has voted and 52% picked Obama, only 47% picked Clinton. There are simply not enough votes left to give Clinton back the lead.

  14. J says:

    # 40 Fibonnaci

    “Anyway, I hope Obama wins and clears out all of the *idiots* in the DNC; starting with (Moe) Howard Dean.”

    That shows you have no knowledge of politics and any debate with you would be pointless.

    Oh and BTW you spelled your name wrong.

    # 37 ArianeB

    Wow with that statement my only guess would be that you and Fibonnaci must have studied politics at the same school.

    #43 ArianeB

    You never got past 8th grade math did you?


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