Full text: Microsoft execs on Vista problems

A federal judge today unsealed internal Microsoft e-mails that have been used to support the plaintiffs’ case in the lawsuit over the “Windows Vista Capable” program. Snippets were previously read aloud in court, but the full messages go further to reveal extensive hand-wringing, at the highest levels of the company, over Windows Vista’s hardware and software compatibility problems after the operating system was launched.

Click here for complete internal email messages from Microsoft

found by Howard Harawitz

  1. GigG says:

    Damn top posters.

  2. McCullough says:

    Wow, after reading the emails, I think they should just settle and move on.

  3. TomB says:

    They’re screwed. Just pay for the lesson and move on.

  4. Breetai says:

    The Monopoly really needs to get broken up. I’m not so certain about the lawsuit though. The facts may be irrelevant. Seeing as how Microsoft didn’t get broken up as the Monopoly they are they may have purchased enough of the government that this may not matter.

  5. the answer says:

    Is it so hard to make an OS that takes up LESS resources rather then More? Yes you want to take advantage of the new power that chips have, but how about just letting us users harness all that power. If Google ever wanted to make an OS ( and it’s all over the rumor mill so listen up over there ) can ya just make it simple and without so many bells and whistles without limiting what we can do? I’m no programmer, but it kinda doesn’t sound hard what with operating systems wanting to index your hard drive daily and animate every icon you have at once with Flash. Or at least let us turn on and off features at our choosing. Man I miss MAC OS 9 and the control panel. Am I right fellas?

  6. Mark Derail says:

    It’s the proof MS is scared of Apple.

    They’ve designed for a need of more expensive hardware to do the same thing cheaper hardware has been able to do for a decade now.

  7. Dallas says:

    Most people I know are NOT upgrading to Vista because of poor device driver support and program compatibility. I’m one of those.

    The “smoking email” of it being due to Intel’s ancient 915 chipset is fishy.

    Vista was poorly designed, poorly launched and is inferior to Apple’s OSX . On top of that, WIndowsXP is “just fine”. All this is a red herring to deflect attention from the above reasons.

  8. edwinrogers says:

    Ironically, Vista Enterprise Pro with RC2 SP1, runs like a dream on my 2 year old core-duo iMac. The whole Aero thing works better than on a brand new Dell GX755 that I have on the adjacent desk.

  9. Thomas says:

    Yes, they are screwed but I fail to see how breaking them up would have prevented this mistake. This is not an issue of the Windows group colluding with the Office group. This is an issue of the Windows group caving to a partner while screwing another partner.

    If designing an OS was easy, someone would have built a better mouse trap and supplanted Windows by now. That is something that even Apple has not been able to do. There is a lot to an OS besides keeping your file system in check.

  10. chuck says:

    The next “insanely great” feature for Vista:
    – will automatically delete incriminating e-mails from server.

  11. Dugger says:

    A couple of years ago during the US monopoly trial, John C recommended a settlement split down the middle. Bill takes Microsoft “Red” and Steve Ballmer takes Microsoft “Blue” and each competes with each other.

    It would have been interesting to see what would have happened.

  12. bobbo says:

    You know, I think about what I actually DO with my computer and it comes down to this:

    1. Email
    2. Web Search
    4. Media Edit
    5. Burn DvD

    I would like a stable fast secure system to do the above and I am willing to give up all other bells and whistles. No remote awake, remote desktop control, lan, instant messaging, video mail etc and all the other stuff that provides back-door access and usually doesn’t work anyway.

    THAT would make a nice “basic package” I would opt for.

  13. bobbo says:

    Whoops, add print documents to the above list–I forgot it because my printer doesn’t work right under XP as it did under 98 and forward. It likes to print the last page of the document and then quit. I have to print one page at a time now, so I have basically stopped printing. When my cartridge runs dry–think I’ll replace the whole thing as its cheaper than a new cartridge anyway. Got to fill up those landfills with software disabled garbage.

  14. John Paradox says:

    chuck said
    The next “insanely great” feature for Vista:
    – will automatically delete incriminating e-mails from server.

    Aren’t they already running that at the White House? (and RNC)


  15. paco says:

    Vista makes WindowMe look good.

  16. Sheimbola says:

    is properly a bounty. The bounty, for example, upon refined sugar money of the country because in that there can seldom be much


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