BBC NEWS | Europe | Van Gogh killer jailed for life

A Dutch court has sentenced a 27-year-old radical Islamist to life in prison for the November murder of controversial film-maker Theo van Gogh.

Mohammed Bouyeri, who has joint Dutch-Moroccan nationality, had made a courtroom confession and had vowed to do the same again if given the chance.

The murder in Amsterdam stunned the Netherlands. The court ruled that it was a terrorist act.

The judge said the murder had triggered “great fear and insecurity” in society. “The murder of Theo van Gogh provoked a wave of revulsion and disdain in the Netherlands. Theo van Gogh was mercilessly slaughtered,” said Judge Udo Willem Bentinck.

Bouyeri had told the court he had acted out of religious conviction.

Clutching a copy of the Koran, he said that “the law compels me to chop off the head of anyone who insults Allah and the prophet”.

Hey, when you stupidly invite 12th-century nutcases to your country to live, what do you expect? Now it will cost the taxpayers of Holland $2-3 million to house and feed this dolt for the rest of his life.

  1. Scott says:

    Then do the world a favour and send him to his god for his reward

  2. Brian says:

    Am sure he’ll be offed within a month of being put in jail.

  3. bobbo says:

    I really must object to your characterization of this person as a “dolt.” A dolt is a not bright person.

    Religious nut cases can be very bright or not==they are in all cases religious nut cases.

    I really don’t know why religious nut cases can’t be called for what they are–crazy==regardless of their religion, and like pederasts, difficult to modify.

    Can anyone have two gods? two countries? two loyalties? Hard to do, not often accomplished.

  4. eaze says:

    Obviously this guy doesn’t actually believe all this religious stuff hes admitted to. He is only saying what he has been told to say, too obvious is anyone gona believe this?

  5. Lou says:

    You can only hope he gets his.

  6. Dajestar says:

    >Hey, when you stupidly invite 12th-century >nutcases to your country to live, what do you >expect? Now it will cost the taxpayers of >Holland $2-3 million to house and feed this >dolt for the rest of his life.

    Actually, the guy was born in the Netherlands. I knew him when we used to go to the same student cafe in Amsterdam. He wasn’t very religious at all back then, he even drank alcohol (quite a lot I remember). He was just an annoying guy. He apparently “found” religion when he was refused an internship. How did you get the number 2-3 million? It’s likely going to cost a lot more. The cost per person in jail per year in the Netherlands is around 100,000 Euro’s (150,000 Dollars). The guys is 27, so he can expect to live for another 50 years, so that would be 5 million Euro’s without inflation (7,5 million dollars).

    > Am sure he’ll be offed within a month of being put in jail.

    Not likely, murders in Dutch prisons are extremely rare. This guy will be put in an isolated part of prison and won’t be allowed to wander around. He had better enjoy that Quran as he won’t be having many friends to talk to inside 😉

  7. bobbo says:

    #6–Dajestar==gee–even more expensive than in the USA. Any efforts underway in Denmark to make it cheaper, and any specific thing making it so expensive?

    And if you have the time, or peruse back—what has been the “general reaction” to Muslim Fundamentalist in Denmark?–In other words, how does a free country deal with people who wish to subvert the vary freedom they enjoy?

    Good post—thanks.

  8. Free Speecher bware of Fascists says:

    Domkop, I believe that’s the word your looking for. When a guy executes another in cold blood what would you propose to call him? You would actually defend his intellect? Give me a break.

    And yes, you can serve more than one God, you can be a dual-citizen serving two countries, and be married and have a lover. Lame point, period.

    The only defense religious nut-cases like this (الاسم) شخص غبي‏ should get is prior to their incarceration. He is a COLD BLOODED MUDERER, and if you defend that you are a religious nutcase.

  9. Riv says:

    We got rid of the Cold War and now we have an old scourge back.
    Nothing new in this struggle so to speak. Its sad. But get used to it. The mindset is beyond our standard Western and especially leftist perceptions.

  10. Dajestar says:

    #7 bobbo

    Don’t know about Denmark, because this happened in the Netherlands (= a different country). The reason why it is so expensive here is that we usually have only 1 prisoner per cell. In the case of Mohammed Bouyeri it’s a little different as the murder he committed was considered a terrorist act. They have created a seperate wing in the country’s maximum security prison where people that have committed terrorist acts are housed. At this time there are only a couple of people housed there so it makes it even more expensive. They should just throw him in general population…. There are plans to put 2 people per cell, but this has lead to objections from peoples rights movements in the Netherlands.

    The general reaction to extremist muslims in the Netherlands has been hostile. Holland has always been a country with a history of freedom for all. Everyone can start a mosque here, you can start schools here based on a religion with state sponsoring. But you can also marry when you are gay, adopt children, go to the beach in the nude, smoke weed, go to prostitutes, etc. The people in the Netherlands were all shocked that a couple of “cartoons” in a Danish newspaper lead to all the violence in the Middle East. Freedom of expression is a lot more extreme here than in the US. People can curse on national TV and nobody minds, we laughed our ass off when Janet Jackson showed her boob during the superbowl (you can see breasts on Dutch TV every evening)
    But recently more and more objections have raised from religious groups to these freedoms. They claim that these freedoms are conflicting with their freedom of religion. There is a Dutch Member of Parliament that has been working on a film about the Islam and it’s problems and he has been threatened with death. The same happened with the guy Mohammed Bouyeri killed, he made a movie (with another member of Parliament, Ayaan Hirsi Ali) about the Islam and that’s why he was killed. This couldn’t have happened 10 years ago. So people are restless here, they are afraid that because of political correctness we should respect all religions and their problems with freedom and subsequently lose our freedoms. I disagree, I feel that freedom of religion is a basic human right and should be protected. But so should freedom of speech. The freedom of religion in a free society means that you can worship whenever and wherever, but you have to accept that there are people that have a different view and you have to respect them as well. If someone disagrees with Islam, he has the right to do so without being threatened with death. And when muslems takes offence to gays getting married, legal prostitution or sex on tv, maybe they shouldn’t stay in this country.

    Just my 2 cents

  11. ijsbrand says:

    First: news from Tuesday, 26 July 2005, 09:52 GMT 10:52 UK, is good enough to get attention here?

    Secondly: Bouyeri wasn’t invited in. He is the child of immigrants. He got all the chances Dutch society offers everyone. He got an education, and a free entrance to a higher education. But then he radicalized, grew a beard, and thought his religion was best served by killing someone.

    It’s when seemingly fully integrated members of society turn hostile against their own society the real problems start.

  12. Firas says:

    Wow, so because it’s been a few days now without a story to try and tarnish the reputation of Muslims, you resort to digging up a [b]two year old[/b] news article?
    On topic though… murder is murder and deserves to be punished, why do his reasons matter so much?

  13. bobbo says:

    #10–Dajestar==thanks for the info and insights. America has a similar problem with “cost per inmate” being too high. Our solution has been to put 6 men into cells designed for 2 and pass a bunch of victimless crimes and crime enhancers to the effect that just about everything is illegal here.

    Funny too how religious AND OTHER FOLKS feel their freedom is somehow restricted if other people are allowed to disagree. Bit weird that one.

  14. Henrique says:

    Feed him with pork. Everyday.

  15. Canucklehead says:

    Here’s one ray of sunshine. In politically correct Ontario, Canada, the government actually dug in it’s heels and said no to Sharia.

    Previously the Jews and some Christian minorities had special legal rights regarding family law — they could settle divorces, child custody, etc, according to their religious convictions in front of a priest or rabbi. So some Muslims started clamouring for similar rights, i.e. Sharia law.

    The Muslim women freaked out and together with the feminists, convinced the government that Sharia would not be a good idea. And lo, the government agreed. So to be fair, the government banned all religious courts.

    Score one for enlightenment.

  16. zorkor says:

    Im so happy that he sent van goh to hell. I hope that the others who humiliate Islam should be buried with van goh. I salute this guys bravery!

  17. Canucklehead says:

    #17 Zorkor — why is Islam so easily humiliated? Why is an Muslim’s faith so easily shaken?

    No matter how much some people may insult liberals or atheists, guess what, it doesn’t bother me. I’m sure of my convictions. I am still a liberal and an atheist.

  18. You says:

    BC. 12th century BC.

  19. Dajestar says:

    #14 bobbo

    You guy’s should stop arresting everybody that smokes a joint, would probably result in a 25% drop in people in jail. Seriously, you can go to a coffeeshop in the Netherlands and buy weed freely, but I don’t know that many people that actually do it. It’s mostly tourists. When I went to college in Georgia it seemed as if almost everybody did it. I guess when you make something illegal, it’s a lot more tempting to try it 😉 Same goes for alcohol, you’re allowed to drive at 16, vote at 18 but you have to wait until you are 21 to drink…. weird…

  20. patrick says:

    #12 – “Wow, so because it’s been a few days now without a story to try and tarnish the reputation of Muslims,”

    That horse is already out of the barn and in the glue factory.

  21. the answer says:

    Way to be the poster boy for Islam jerk. All your doing is keeping people away from your religion, which is useless anyways. Why don’t you read the article on here earlier about how most young people are leaving Islam. Mostly because of asses like this kid. Boy should fry, and then take it up with his “maker”

    And i’ve seen better beards on 16 year old potheads

  22. Greg Allen says:

    # 1 Scott said, Then do the world a favour and send him to his god for his reward

    Coldblooded killing a killer somehow doesn’t seem like societal progress to me.

  23. Greg Allen says:

    # 3 bobbo said, Can anyone have two gods? two countries? two loyalties? Hard to do, not often accomplished.


    Seems like it’s done all the time:
    * My Irish American relatives have two countries they love.
    * My Hindu friends have two gods (just for starters!).
    * Everybody has a whole list of loyalties.

  24. bobbo says:

    #24–Greg==Yea, I posted within the context of the article. So,

    *how many Muslims love Jesus as the Son of God?

    *How would loyalty of dual citizenship people be demonstrated if the two countries went to war against one another, and

    *loyalties within the context of the foregoing, redundant really.

    Love aint got nottin to do wid it.

  25. Greg Allen says:


    Muslims don’t believe ANY prophet is the son of God — so your question strikes me as foolish.

    Bottom line — are you saying we need to be suspicious of Muslims because they are more loyal to their religion than to their country?

    This is exactly the charge bigots leveled at JFK before the election. He turned out patriotic enough, I think.

    MY COUNTER POINT is that everybody has multiple loyalties and the vast majority balance them just fine. This includes Muslims.

  26. Ah_Yea says:

    Dajestar, thanks for your excellent posts. I’ve learned quite a bit!

    I wouldn’t be too opposed to Mohammed Bouyeri being put to death. I mean, after all, wouldn’t we be doing him a favor? Which would you choose, a lifetime of solitary, or 72 virgins?

  27. Bono says:

    #17, “Zorkor” You are a cunt.

  28. Zorkor says:

    the problem is not throwing lame jokes on a Muslim but throwing jokes on the prophets, messengers from god. That should be punishable by death! Even Muslims don’t dare to make fun of Jesus, Jesus is as respectable to us as our prophet mohammad is. Any Muslim who jokes around with any prophet is harshly punished. Its as simple as that. That van goh got what he deserved.

  29. patrick says:


    I am a prophet. Don’t let me catch you making jokes of me or no soup for you!

  30. Dajestar says:

    #27 He wanted to die, tried to commit suiced by making the cops shoot him. Too bad for him cops in the Netherlands seldom use a gun and he was shot in the leg. Even bigger bummer for him that we don’t have a death penalty in the Netherlands so it’s gonna be a looooooooooooong time in jail for him.

    #29 Zorkor, you’re a dick!


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