People will make a big deal about this, but I think everyone knows what he meant. On the other hand, I think all “Royals” are expendable.

  1. Ian says:

    All royals are remnants of tyranny. Thank God we don’t have them in America.

    I fart in their general direction.

  2. Miguel says:


    Nah, I think british humor can deal with this sort of joke. Nobody will take offense, not even young Harry. He’s probably laughing at it right now…

    OTOH, isn’t it disgusting how they brought back the kid *almost instantly*, so that their dad wouldn’t be worried? What about every other dad, mom, sister, wife, son, daughter…

    Why are some people still considered ‘special’?

  3. wbskeet37 says:

    What’s the matter with this guy? What place has he got to thinking that anyone is expendable?

  4. Sea Lawyer says:

    #2, No, It’s probably more the case that he was brought back because he is a significantly higher profile target than just some anonymous Lieutenant, which is what he was before he was outed by the press.

    I’m sure Daddy was quite aware where his son was.

  5. Sean O'Hara says:

    Of course he’s expendable. There’s even a phrase for it — “an heir and a spare.”

    But let’s give Harry credit — he’s the only member of that inbred clan who’s shown any sign of wanting to contribute to his country.

  6. DaveW says:

    It is quite simple. “Prince” Harry is not of royal blood. Look at him. He is clearly NOT Prince Charles’s son, but the spawn of some other guy that Dianna was screwing around with. Heck, Harry doesn’t even have the trademark buck teeth!
    The British press have shown pictures of the real dad and there is no question.

    And even if he were Charles’s son, he’s third in line….who cares?

  7. Sinn Fein says:

    ABC “News” and the Main Stream Media are truly the “expendable” ones…dinosaurs who are dead and just haven’t fallen over quite yet…soon enough, though.

    And yeah, he ain’t Prince Chuck’s son but, Good for Harry!

  8. Steve-O says:

    So Bullet Magnet is expendable eh?

  9. jim h says:

    The Brits get endless laughs at the expense of the Royals, and resent their huge undeserved wealth, but the provide priceless and unique continuity with the past.

    They also have influence, and to some extent Charles has used his for good things.

  10. Prince William says:

    Harry is expendable.


  11. eyeofthetiger says:

    It was a stupid and arrogant discussion to send this pissant to shoot guns at a assbackward mud hut death cultists.

  12. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    #1 – We have created our own new aristocracy in this country. Look at our culture of celebrity worship and the privilege they enjoy. We’ve even recreated the hereditary part where a complete nothing is fawned over just because of family line – Parasite Hilton comes to mind.

  13. DaveW says:

    Sure, the monarchy in Britain is expensive, but it more than makes up for it with the tourism dollars (make that pounds) it draws in.

    Heck, Disneyland is expensive to run, but it makes money.

  14. nanda says:

    as much as we pretend not to, most brits are quite fond of the royals in a nostalgic sort of way. kudos to Harry for at least going over there, you don’t see George Bush & family actually getting their hands dirty in the war he started….

  15. Sinn Fein says:

    Yup, a cost analysis of Royal Expenses vs. Royal Influenced Revenue generated for Great Britain’s interests would shut the mouths of alot of the royalist naysayers. At least they ALL have jobs, promoting GB 24/7/365.

    Can American celeb “equivalents” match that *duty* for their country? Hell No! Most of’em HATE the US, except for the millions of dollars that they can suck from the dullard masses who worship the likes of “Brangelina” and Parasite Hilton.

  16. chuck says:

    There are 130,000+ others in Iraq which King GW Bush considers expendable. Along with all the troops in Afghanistan.

    Not to mention the 250,000+ Iraqis killed.

  17. Fahrquar says:

    There won’t be a “fuss” because he is a white male. If he was a black female muslim from Irag, that survived Katrina and lived in a FEMA home, there would be HELL to pay!

  18. McCullough says:

    Sitting in a London Pub one night, talking to the locals, I asked what they thought about the tax expense of keeping the Royals. Everyone seemed to agree that, “oh, that was bought and paid for long ago”…and so it was.

  19. fred says:

    To those above who seem to delight in sneering, I’d like to inject this thought. At the very least, Prince Harry had the guts to insist on going to fight for his country, despite a privileged position that would have made this unnecessary. This is in stark contrast to the attitudes of certain presidents and vice-presidents who come readily to mind and who had ‘better things to do’. Maybe they are more expendable than he – particularly as role models.

    And to those who insist on continuing to sneer – how many of you have ever, voluntarily, put yourselves into a position of danger for your country? Come to that, I wonder whether Drudge has.

  20. Cursor_ says:

    Big deal soem bloody upper middle class german guy goes and fights in a far away land!

    Heil Haus Saxe-Coburg!

    Herr Charles must be very proud!


  21. bobbo says:

    For those who think “Prince Harry had the guts to insist on going to fight for his country” just recognize that the young men of all countries feel this way.

    Thats why there are wars, young boys dumb enough to be expendable==except their ignorance takes so much with it.

    Wise up.

  22. fred says:

    #21, bobbo

    It’s not really a matter of my wising up. I pretty much agree with you. My instincts are basically pacifist for exactly the reason that you state. On the other hand I can still admire the fact that it must have taken a certain amount of courage to make the decision that Prince Harry did in his position – even if I don’t necessarily agree with his conclusion.

    What really irritates me, however, are those who are only too ready to sneer at anything that they have not understood and who are not prepared to try to see situations from other points of view before making extreme comments.

  23. bobbo says:

    #22–Fred==fair enough. I see some sneering, most appropriate only a smaller bit, not. I don’t see anything extreme though? Can you give an example or are you just being linguistically lazy?

    And, not to let the bone go–“at the very least” is laudatory and my hole point, which I think you do understand but haven’t fully come to grips with, is that “Heroism” isn’t all that admirable==what did he really do except perform as expected/desired? Do you admire Elvis for the same thing (almost) but dislike Muhamed Ali for doing the “unpopular thing?” – – who was actually being more courageous?

  24. fred says:

    #23 bobbo
    > Can you give an example or are you just being linguistically lazy?
    I guess what rattled my cage was contribution #11. Not exactly the epitome of well thought out, reasoned common sense. Maybe the word sneer was not too appropriate – try ignorant instead.

    > “Heroism” isn’t all that admirable
    I think that we can agree that there is a very fine line between heroism and stupidity

    > what did he really do except perform as expected/desired?
    This is precisely the point. He did not do as expected or, necessarily, desired. His reputation, as portrayed by the tabloid media, was that of something of a wastrel, drunkenly lurching out of night clubs and not doing anything significant at all. His insistance, against quite some opposition, on going on active service has proven that there is more to him than meets the tabloid eye.

  25. bobbo says:

    #24–fred===thanks. Yea, #11 is hardly a comment though–as the street corner screamer is not really giving a sermon or political analysis, but rather a call for help? Follow the 80% rule==loping off the 10 per cent at either end==some extreme, others crazy, some trolling but never a need to think about or comment on==unless you are really bored.

    As far as expectations go–I hope those aren’t set by the last thing you read? Seems to me for 100’s of years the landed nobility has the first son inherit the land, the second son go into the military, the third son becomes a priest, and the fourth son becomes gay==forget what the luckless fifth son does–probably revolt. Anyway–nobody rich and privileged volunteers for the military without expectations having been laid on pretty heavy from somewhere–if not the press, then==maybe some family members?

  26. marty0577 says:

    K, expendable, if you go to war, you could be killed, big deal.

  27. Mister Catshit says:

    #14, Nanda,

    you don’t see George Bush & family actually getting their hands dirty in the war he started….

    While true you don’t see the Bush girls in Afghanistan, Bush didn’t start that war. The Taliban and al Quaeda are responsible. Britain are fighting as their commitment to NATO.


    #20, Curser,

    What the eff are you babbling about. Prince Harry is as British as they come. BTW, their last name is Windsor, but they use Mountbatten-Windsor, not Saxe-Coburg.


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