• Microsoft going to make IE8 extremely web standard compliant? Hooray. It’s all about the search anyway.
  • Sun seems be pushing the language Python.
  • Virginia says no right to spam.
  • Wikipedia Jimmy Wales story seems to be a European publicity stunt for the twosome.
  • Metel Gear Solid 4 cannot fit on Blu-ray disc.
  • Nokia using Microsoft web video tech.
  • Stock market down.

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  1. julieb says:

    Fox Business News is cumming up the rear?

    Whoa! Murdoch should at least by me dinner first.

    Good show.

  2. ECA says:

    IE8, will have a NON-Customized STANDARD???

    Metal Gear wont FIT??
    TO MANY HIGH RES GRAPHICS, that WONT RUN properly on ANY SYSTEM.. Steam has the SAME problem with HL2.. Simplify the GRAPHICS..Simplify the Polygons..

  3. B. Dog says:

    Yeah, Python can do some nasty stuff.

  4. Lou Minatti says:

    Blu-ray “won” because of the cool name and the pile of cash Sony used to bribe, I mean encourage, movie studios. But who cares. I won’t buy one anyways. DVDs are just fine for now, and in a year or three I’ll just download the movie and store it on a terabyte drive that will cost about 59 bucks by then. Movies will soon be just like MP3s. Sony won a war that was pointless.

  5. zybch says:

    #4. Have you actually seen a side-by-side comparison between HD/bluray and regular DVD.
    The HD formats are currently needed as little as DVD was compared to VHS 13 years ago. I once had the same opinion as you, but the difference is stunning, even on a ‘not really HD’ 720p TV.
    Its a shame that Sony won though, as they now literally control EVERY STEP in the motion picture chain which can onlybe a bad thing for consumers i nthe long run. Its a shame there were too pig headed and arrogant to join with Toshiba and get behind a single unified standard right at the start.
    As you say though, its a pointless war that Sony just threw money at till it won (while at the saime decrying toshiba when it did the same). I simply don’t trust sony now they have complete control.

  6. Esteban says:


    I love Tech 5, but I don’t know why you always talk about the local weather. It doesn’t really matter to those of us outside Silicon Valley.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    IE8 standardized? How much you wanna bet the European Union forced this?

    Alongside Microsoft opening up it’s file standards…


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