For those who feel a bit lonely just talking on the phone, a Japanese company is offering a cellphone that turns into a robot buddy ready to chat.

Softbank Mobile Corp.’s new mobile line looks like a small humanoid with attachable arms and legs, with the screen showing various faces.

The PhoneBraver will be released in April – named after a character in an upcoming television drama series entitled “Cellphone Investigator 7…”

“We haven’t decided on specifics yet on the communication between the user and mobile, but your mobile would grow into a buddy different from others that is unique in the world,” said Softbank Mobile spokesman Katsuhide Furuya.

Just what we need.

  1. AdmFubar says:

    uhm since the microphone on these phones are located on the robots groin, does this mean when we use them, we are having aural sex with them???

    i wonder how they react when on vibrate mode????

  2. BubbaRay says:

    I don’t think I want to glue stuff onto my razr, it’s hard enough to get it in and out of my pocket as it is.

    #1, if it would dance on the vibrate & ring mode, that would probably sell the kids.

  3. moss says:

    I think Bill Gates already owns one of these. The model for his new Windows Mobile services.


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