Cosmopolitan started the whole discussion with an article – for women – about where to meet choice guys.

If you’re on the prowl, check out these hottie spots we’ve mapped out — they’re saturated with the male species…

As you probably well know, man hunting can be an enjoyable but sometimes challenging enterprise. That’s why, if you want to find guys, you have to go where tons of them gather. Cosmo scouted out the top locations men can be found these days — whether you’re looking for a fun fling or a long-term relationship.

Hot spot: The Apple store

The draw: Most guys are natural gadget lovers, and with sales of iPods and MacBooks skyrocketing, more men than ever are stopping by Apple boutiques. The vibe at the stores is conducive to man meeting too: You can check your email among cuties, take a free workshop on anything from Photoshop to podcasting (a great opportunity to strike up a conversation), or just survey the, ahem, good-looking merchandise.

Who’da thunk it?

  1. oil of dog says:

    I love fruit!!!

  2. eyeofthetiger says:

    Is that Apple birth mark considered a “gadget girl stamp?”

  3. Improbus says:

    I was just thinking where could you have read this article? Cosmo? Yep. Dreck!

  4. Bill says:

    I finally understand the old adage….
    “An Apple a day keeps the doctor away”!

  5. GregA says:

    But Im a guy, and I don’t really want to meet other guys. I mean, no problem if that is your thing, but I am not into it. I don’t see why this article is taking the ms hating tech blog’o’sphere, oh wait I see….

  6. SJP says:

    WTF: There are no Apple Stores in South Dakota.

    Off to the vegie strip club, I guess.

  7. bill says:

    Totally TRUE!

  8. Rich says:

    It’s the place to meet guys who wear ponytails and brown ensembles all year long and have suspicious baggies on their person and maternal issues and such. Were I a woman I’d stay the heck away fron any guy enthused with Macs. I could pretend to be a Mac guy for awhile if it meant I could get the nice girl, but eventually my true non-whimpified, non-dope-smoking, non-foreign-film-appreciating PC-loving self would show through. Would she still love me when she saw how heavily weighted my video collection is to war movies?

  9. Balbas says:


    Really hot babes are into Photoshop?

  10. SJP says:

    #9 I love you! God, I hope you are a chick!

  11. floyd says:

    #11: I have several friends that are hams. Hams are nice guys (and even some nice girls), and are very technically competent people (the early PC hobbyists were often hams).

    Most of the ones I know are anything but chick magnets. They are either happily married to women who tolerate their tech addictions to radio and solder and aren’t looking, or seem to be totally clueless about the opposite sex.

    Finally, most of them use tower PCs with either Windows or Linux on board, because most Macs (with the possible exception of the Mac towers) are designed to be hard to modify by the owner.

  12. jbellies says:

    Or chest ornaments. Oops, chess tournaments. Lots of guys, outnumbering gals about 20 to 1, in North America anyway.

  13. jbellies says:

    Oh, I forgot. Gals might prefer a weeknight chess *club* to a weekend chess *tournament*, because denizens of chess clubs are less likely to be obsessed by chess. OTOH, they’re also more likely to be married.


  14. Ron Larson says:

    Did they mention Star Trek conventions? Lots of single men there (I guess… never been to one myself).

  15. SJP says:

    #15, My Knight is interested…I hope your a chick!

  16. AdmFubar says:

    hhmmm i’ll have to stop at the local fruit stand in my fake ferrari….

  17. Jägermeister says:

    #16 – Ron Larson – Did they mention Star Trek conventions? Lots of single men there…

    And they’re all virgins.

  18. SJP says:

    #18, No shit, you got one too?

  19. WmDE says:

    I hope the adhesive on the stickers isn’t too effective.

  20. Cursor_ says:

    They also husband hunt at Starbucks, Lexus dealerships, why hell anywhere people will spend whopping great sums of cash for what you could get at half price and last longer elsewhere.

    Of course women want that. They have ALWAY been taught to go for the provider. Its in our society for the past 10000 years. Its what mothers teach daughters. Seek the strong looking guy with a flat stomach and a bulge in their backpocket double what is in their codpiece!

    Make sure they get you the biggest ring, niceest house and best van to drive the savage children around in. Get knocked up as soon as possible, pressure him into doing what you want, use sex as a weapon and remember that the altar is the first place to ALTER a man.

    Get it all in writing and threaten divorce at least once a year after the first 5 years of marriage to keep him in line.


  21. hockeymike says:

    Let me see: If women go to these male hotspots, and likewise, men go to the female hotspots (I’m sure Maxim or Esquire have similar list for guys) wouldn’t we be back where we started? Not getting any?

  22. Awake says:

    Brilliant strategy… hang out at a place where a hundred other guys hang out, hoping to meet one girl that walks in the door husband hunting.

    Want to meet girls? Go to places where girls hang out, where they outnumber you, where they have to compete for you. Art classes, dance lessons, mingle at the ballet or opera. Any place that is not listed in a Cosmo article as a place to meet men.

    Aside from that, all women know that real men don’t use Macs anyway, just like real men don’t drive the new style VW bug or watch American Idol.

  23. zybch says:

    You’re more likely to have a guy hit on you at an apple store.

  24. pjakobs says:

    #25, zybeb, I guess you might have a very valid point there!


  25. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  26. TatooYou says:

    #13 floyd
    “most of them use tower PCs with either Windows or Linux on board”

    The Mrs and I are both Hams, the Mrs has a tower running XP, I have everything from a TRS80 to Vista on a notebook, even a couple old Apples in between…too many towers and OS’s… 🙂

  27. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    “They also husband hunt at Starbucks, Lexus dealerships, why hell anywhere people will spend whopping great sums of cash for what you could get at half price and last longer elsewhere.”

    That might not be the dopiest statement today, but it’s way up there. You couldn’t pick worse examples to make your point; coffee isn’t “made to last” and if you can’t afford $2, then you have some income issues you need to address. It ain’t the best coffee in the world – McDonald’s is better – but it’s generally pretty damn good. And to throw, of all cars, Lexus in there as an example of something you can buy better and cheaper elsewhere proves your knowledge of cars is right up there with Paris Hilton’s knowledge of astrophysics. The whole reason behind the popularity of Lexii is that they are the most reliable cars built at any price, PLUS they cost less than their M-B, BMW and Jaguar competition, never mind Rollers and Bentleys and suchlike. To get something so universally known so totally bass-ackwards shows you really shouldn’t embarrass yourself talking about cars. You hit the lottery, I’d bet you’d run out and buy a friggin’ Range Rover.

  28. drben says:

    Wow! I hang out at Apple Stores but do *I* get a date?

    What Apple store does *she* hang out at?

  29. GF says:

    iGaydar = “Hangin at the Apple store”

  30. GregA says:


    Actually, the Lexus brand no longer does as well as the Toyota brand, which has slipped to third place right behind Honda, and just barely in front of Ford.

    Also, while the Toyota and Lexus cars have a “high reliability”, they also rank highest in maintenance costs. Mostly that is a function of the famous TCELD (Toyota Check Engine Light of Death) which is that particular brand of car has a reputation of throwing control codes that can only be cleared by Toyota Dealerships. It occurs for such problems as… You need to change your oil (yes at the Toyota dealer) and you didn’t tighten your gas cap all the way ($100 to reset the check engine light on that one)

    Last Toyota I ever own…


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