An interesting point at the end of the article is even if the members of the press at times (or most times: Fox News) show bias, does it really matter in the end? Despite constantly pointing out all of Bush’s flaws, he was reelected by a public who didn’t listen.

The Myth of Objectivity

The pols and the people invest the press with great power. Conspiracies abound. Right-wing talk-show hosts love to go on about the liberal media establishment. Lefty commentators accuse the press of rolling over for George W. Bush before the invasion of Iraq. Politicians of all stripes accuse the press of being unfair, even cruel. Sometimes we are. On the day Vice President George H.W. Bush announced for the presidency in October 1987, he watched as his 28-year-old daughter, Doro, wept when she picked up NEWSWEEK’s cover story that week, picturing Bush driving his speedboat under the cover line FIGHTING THE ‘WIMP FACTOR.’
Certainly, there are editors and publishers who would like to be kingmakers, or just kings. From William Randolph Hearst to Henry Luce to Rupert Murdoch, press barons have sought to leave their personal stamp, if not change the course of history. But for the vast majority of media, the reality is much more mundane; the press’s impact on elections, as well as most other human events, is murky.

  1. bobbo says:

    #63–Bloe==I think there is plenty of proof of AWOL status “but” for the same reason Bushiemonkeyboy got into the Guard in the first place, there was not prosecution of this cocaine inspired episode, so, its considered not actionable.== funny==unlike Kerry where the Navy DID take action to give him a medal and he was still trashed.

    Somewhat of a double standard? But the “proof” is there, just not the political decision to thump on it.

  2. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    Yes, Kerry got a medal that may even have been deserved, he also committed treason. He falsely and very publicly accused many fellow members of our military of atrocities that they did not commit. That’s certainly giving aid to the enemy. The political elite at the time found that very useful, so instead of prison where he belongs, he eventually ended up in the senate along side Senator Chappaquiddick.

    Those two alone, have far more and more serious scandals going than Bush. Then don’t forget the President that got away with perjury as well as adultery in the Oval Office.

    Just for the sake of argument lets say Bush’s incident is as true as the others listed. That wouldn’t suggest double standard – it would suggest bias all around and no standards.

  3. bobbo says:

    #65–Bloe==I disagree with everything you say, except your conclusion. Weird.

  4. jbellies says:

    Ah_Yea, I read the report you referenced, and a question arose: if some of the sources of information are biased, untrustworthy, yet still quoted by legislators in a way of pandering to certain elements within their constituency, then the results are without merit.

  5. MikeN says:

    So by Mr standards, as reported by NBC News, Bill Clinton is a rapist, unless you can prove otherwise. Show me the record of Bill Clinton’s itinerary for the date in question.

  6. MikeN says:

    Comparfe the number of stories in the media about colder weather and record cold temperatures versus the ones about warmer weather and record heat. Tell me the disparity isn’t the media pushing an agenda.

  7. soundwash says:

    yada, yada, yada,

    think i’ve ranted something like this before..

    if anyone believes *any* mass media political commentary these days… i have the deed to the Brooklyn bridge for ya..

    political mass media commentary (and the trickle
    down to the local channels/paper) especially during election years, is scripted, bought and payed for by the major players behind the
    scenes that actually runs our gov. these days i wouldn’t be surprised if the outcome wasnt already scripted as well..

    as for this election… looks like someone is looking to guarantee the outcome.. one of the largest tech companies (and military contractors) -United Technologies, has made a bid for DieBold, -that lovely company that sells/maintains the new electronic voting machines that are so infamously secure *cough*
    we use for elections now..

    me thinks they are really loving the windfall profits from the current state of affairs and are looking ensure current trends remain entrenched, er, intact.

    call me what you will, but these days… i no longer have *any* faith in either party, nor
    do i trust the validity of our elections results.

    its funny… it seems the majority of the world is now doing civil rights, capitalism and democracy better than us now, -and we are becoming a the very thing we fought so hard to free other nations from..

    imo, we can thank our *free press* and media for keeping the masses so misinformed and braindead.

    -no one to blame but ourselves.


  8. soundwash says:

    yada, yada, yada,

    think i’ve ranted something like this before..

    if anyone believes *any* mass media political commentary these days… i have the deed to the Brooklyn bridge for ya..

    political mass media commentary (and the trickle down to the local channels/paper) especially during election years, is scripted, bought and payed for by the major players behind the scenes that actually runs our gov. these days i wouldn’t be surprised if the outcome wasn’t already scripted as well..

    as for this election… looks like someone is looking to guarantee the outcome.. one of the largest tech companies (and military contractors) -United Technologies, has made a bid for DieBold, -that lovely company that sells/maintains the new electronic voting machines that are so infamously secure *cough*
    we use for elections now..

    me thinks they are really loving the windfall profits from the current state of affairs and are looking ensure current trends remain entrenched, er, intact.

    call me what you will, but these days… i no longer have *any* faith in either party, nor do i trust the validity of our elections results.

    its funny… it seems the majority of the world is now doing civil rights, capitalism and democracy better than us now, -and we are becoming a the very thing we fought so hard to free other nations from..

    imo, we can thank our *free press* and media for keeping the masses so misinformed and brain dead.

  9. Mister Catshit says:

    #68, MikeN,

    So by Mr standards, as reported by NBC News, Bill Clinton is a rapist, unless you can prove otherwise. Show me the record of Bill Clinton’s itinerary for the date in question.

    You have just passed from stupid into the ridiculous. What the eff are you crying about now? I realize the typical right wing nut response is to invent crap as a way of deflecting the publics attention, but this is just totally absurd.


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