“Bad Hair Day”

  1. Dallas says:

    There is nothing wrong with wearing roadkill if you consider rich women wear fur coats.

  2. Todd Henkel says:

    Awwww… come on. I just had breakfast.

  3. Wally the Engineer says:

    Those are some really nasty dreads!
    the sad part of this, is that this guy is homeless, probably mentally ill and could use some help, yet he is posted for our amusement.

  4. Jeff says:

    While I grant you that it is certainly *possible* that the person in the picture may be encountering one, some, or all of those things you describe, I find it absolutely stunning that you can state, with certainty and probability that he is all of those things from one picture of his back.

    How do you know he is homeless? How do you know he is a he? What tipped you off to mental illness? And while he could use some help (couldn’t we all?), what makes you think he wants it? You are aware that this type of hair is completely normal in some cultures, right?

  5. floyd says:

    #4: #3 is probably right. Despite what you mention about dreadlocks, that hair just looks like it hasn’t been washed in months, and may not have been cut or trimmed in years. Most people with dreadlocks keep them clean.

  6. SN says:

    Who’s taking bets? Man or woman?!

  7. qsabe says:

    It’s a hooded jacket you socially aware jerks. Get a cool coat and immediately someone wants to take you in…

  8. eyeofthetiger says:

    This guy must of been using this as a pillow. Imagine what is in that matted mess. There is no way that guy doesn’t have a huge lice infestation.

  9. chuck says:

    Bad Hair Life.

  10. Viking707 says:

    Yep! Today he no longer needs a pillow. Within six months he will no longer need toilet paper either.

    Sad. Really sad.

  11. AlanB says:

    Please, please, please be PhotoShopped.

  12. AdmFubar says:

    well aint he/she/it cootielcious!!

  13. aristide says:

    Santa Monica CA, home of the homeless

  14. ECA says:

    Thats a GREASE mess/Mass..
    I would bet that there is AT LEAST another 3-5 feet of hair in that..

  15. becagle says:

    “I told you to use that ‘no-tangle’ shampoo, but did you listen…”

  16. FRAGaLOT says:

    To grow dreadlocks you actually do not shampoo you hair. You can still wash it with plain water, but to use any kinds of soap will wash out the oils in the hair, and detangle the dreadlock.

    This guy looks like he as dirt and SHIT in his hair, and has been laying on dirty ground when he sleep. this is why I also think this is a homeless guy since anyone with access to bathing would hadn’t let their hair go this long with out a cleaning. But then again how many homeless people wear leather jackets?

  17. MacBandit says:

    I hope whoever took this photo had a really really long lens. Otherwise the stench is probably still on them.

  18. Badcam says:

    If he wasn’t in a city, I’d be thinking “he’s been lying in a cow pat”.

  19. defector says:

    This is worse than that turd shaped monstrosity of a hairball that came out of that womans stomach. thanks for that:[


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