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This Episode’s Topics:

  • The new Beijing airport terminal; we need a road trip with shopping.
  • Snooty sommeliers, from paint thinner to Grappa.
  • Akamai and Limelight patent suits – commenters are poorly informed.
  • John’s CBS Marketwatch column and Adam’s “live and die by Comscore clicks.”
  • We rant on Google – they control both the buy and sell side. Is Google dying?
  • Why didn’t Google, Yahoo or someone else hire this guy? Non-compete?
  • Reader feedback. What the …
  • Why are we (possibly) censored in Dubai?
  • Text messages and SMS delivery.
  • Do bank CEOs tell the truth? Bank stocks are down by half.
  • I said this in 1912, and I’m right! (Just for clarification)
  • Do we still make anything in America?
  • U.S. still awarding govt. contracts overseas.
  • Story of the week – “skin privileged”, deciphering other PC code words.
  • Podcasting monetization and “grantsmanship.”

  1. edwinrogers says:

    “Do we still make anything in America?”. Best damn podcasts in the World!

  2. Lou Minatti says:

    Yes, we still make things in the US. What we don’t make are cheap consumer goods, stuff we all buy when we go to Target or Walmart. We don’t see the tractors and farm machinery and oil field drilling equipment and jet engine turbines… you get the point. (Can someone please explain what’s so admirable about standing on a factory floor for 8 hours a day bolting handles on toasters and gluing fake hair on dolls for children? Shouldn’t Americans want and demand better?)

    That’s not to say our trade policies aren’t effed up. Countries like India and China still place massive, punitive tariffs on the stuff we produce well. I deal with this crap every day, with Indian engineers asking me to lie on invoices for customs. But that iPhone you trendoids want and desire. Would you buy a Made In The USA version made with union labor, even if it cost $1500? Didn’t think so.

  3. DeLeMa says:

    Nice ramble dudes..
    One thing I’m still confused about; “skin-privileged”,
    I guess I’m just back-asswards here in the backwater but, I thought that term had something to do with being un-circumcised ?!?

  4. Stan says:

    Seeking Intelligent answer to stupid question:

    What’s the URL of the RSS feed to plug into itunes podcast subscription of this show?

  5. Bug in the shell says:

    your article

  6. TatooYou says:

    “We don’t see the tractors and farm machinery and oil field drilling equipment and jet engine turbines”

    GE has been running a commercial on television touting the fact they’re building jet turbines in China. I worked in at a place that made precision hydraulic pumps and valves (not high tech but state of the art) that moved to Brazil. Most of the hydraulics we built were shipped over seas to be installed on the heavy equipment anyhow. The heavy equipment ran the full line up; timber, agricutural, construction, most brands you could think of…

  7. Stopher says:

    The last 10 minutes of this were them discussing different ways to charge for the podcast. Like I’m going to pay for a podcast about 2 guys asking me for money for said podcast. Get a sponsor or put a donation button if you want money.

  8. hhopper says:

    ‘Skin-privileged?’ I guess that means that some people are ‘skin-underprivileged.’

  9. BubbaRay says:

    #4, Stan, the Cage Match article has a permalink near the bottom with RSS feeds.,3748.0.html

  10. chocolim says:

    I was listening the podcast, at same point there was the point of there are only one ISP in Dubai and the censure that exist in midle east, i live in Paraguay and well we have severals ISP, but just one real, is the state isp where all private isp have to buy theirs internet signal.
    So, we live with the change of what we read in internet is not what there are on internet, with a “democratic” goverment.
    Sorry for my english

  11. lydia69 says:

    Here is my suggestion to raise cash. On the website for the podcast Filmspotting ( ) there is a handy donation button. You can either give a one time donation or make it a monthly donation. I donate $2/month and give $12 at Christmas time. I would be willing to do the same for No Agenda. Of course if it were a mandatory charge I would stop listening. I know it’s a minor difference but I’d rather give because I want to give.

    I have no idea what the costs of doing NA are. Would 10% of your listeners donating $2/month cover enough to not have to do lame telethons?


    P.S. You need a special comment line. I was going to call the DSC line but it didn’t seem to be the right place to comment about NA.


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