
The Daily Record

A GROUP of cannibals have been locked up after they ate a friend who offered to cook them dinner. Alexander Stepaniuk, 41, had invited four pals to his house for a meal. But the teacher ended up on the menu after the two men and two women beat him to death with a hammer.

The cannibals, who had been drinking vodka, cut Mr Stepaniuk’s body up before barbecuing the parts. They were arrested after worried neighbours in Chernovtsi, Ukraine, called police. Alexander Woytseshko, 34, Dmitri Chuba, 45, Lilia Kisilitsa, 23, and Svetlana Lupan, 26, admitted murder. The monsters told cops: “We had nothing against him personally – we just wanted to see what human meat tasted like.”

They were sentenced to between three years and life in prison.

I wonder, what kind of wine do you serve with Friend-o? Chianti?

  1. gquaglia says:


  2. amodedoma says:

    Hmmmm, rude way to end a friendship.
    Can’t say as I’m surprised though. Most of the news from the Ukraine makes it sound like the twilight zone – east. Constant exposure to moderate amounts of radiation from Chernobyl must be fryin their brains.

  3. Les says:

    It’s so tasty too!

  4. becagle says:

    Two Cannibals were eating a clown, one cannibal turns to the other cannibal and says:

    “Does this taste funny to you?”

  5. floyd says:

    Barbaric–they forgot the fava beans.

  6. bh28630 says:

    “… Most of the news from the Ukraine makes it sound like the twilight zone…”

    That’s an ignorant statement. Americans sat on our asses and did nothing while Bush and his buddies stole the election in Florida. By contrast, Ukrainians took to the streets in protest when an equally rigged election tried to rob them of their votes. And it’s not like the Ukrainians don’t have a history of Russia invading their country and killing people when things don’t go the way people like Putin dictate.

    As for Chernobyl, get the facts. It’s true there was a tragic release of radioactivity and a subsequent misinformation campaign by the Soviets resulting in needless death and sickness. It’s also meteorological reality Belarus received more wind borne radiation. The majority of Ukraine was not directly impacted by Chernobyl.

    The Ukrainian people are no better or worse than any other nationality. Perhaps you’ve forgotten about America’s own Jeffrey Dahmer.

  7. AdmFubar says:

    sooooooooooo my dearest friends,
    would you like to come over as , i mean, for dinner??

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    I’ll bring the chianti and the fava beans!

  9. eyeofthetiger says:

    Friends don’t eat friends.

  10. Gasbag says:

    If a Cannibal eats a Chinese man is he hungry an hour later.

  11. wedding-engagement-rings-jewelry says:

    How would be the other guys’ attitude towards them in the prison. I would get definitely scared of them.

  12. oil of dog says:

    #8 Make sure it is a NICE Chianti!

  13. Don says:

    Ok, did everyone else miss the last line?

    “They were sentenced to between three years and life in prison.”

    Hello, 3 years in prison for CANNIBALISM? Nice.

    Maybe they can work in the KITCHEN while in prison. Kill 2 birds, reduce the cost of the food at the prison, and reduce the amount of loser deadbeat inmates to take care of. Sounds like a win win to me.


  14. Tom says:

    Reunitie on ice.

  15. Mister Catshit says:


    Americans sat on our asses and did nothing while Bush and his buddies stole the election in Florida. By contrast, Ukrainians took to the streets in protest

    Well, ignorant fool that you are, there is a very good reason. America is a nation of laws. Even with an obviously wrong decision such as the Supreme Court made, we will respect it. That doesn’t mean we will like it or forget about it. It does mean that we generally won’t riot over court decisions we don’t like.

  16. Um… I’ve always heard that we taste like pork, hence the term long pig.

    So, Jeffrey Dahmer has his mother over for a housewarming dinner. She says, “Jeffrey, I don’t like your new neighbors.” He says, “Here Mom. Try the vegetables.” Ba dum dum.

  17. um so
    wont their friendship change after this???

  18. bungei says:

    to #15

    # 15 Mister Catshit said, on March 2nd, 2008 at 1:37 pm #6,

    Americans sat on our asses and did nothing while Bush and his buddies stole the election in Florida. By contrast, Ukrainians took to the streets in protest …

    Well, ignorant fool that you are, there is a very good reason. America is a nation of laws. Even with an obviously wrong decision such as the Supreme Court made, we will respect it. That doesn’t mean we will like it or forget about it. It does mean that we generally won’t riot over court decisions we don’t like.

    To #15

    What laws are Americans defending when they went to Irag with total disregard of UN call on refrain and blew them.What laws did they follow in that case.To hell with Americans and their stupid way of thinking.


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