A public relations aide to US President George W Bush has quit after admitting to plagiarising an academic in a newspaper column on education…

After a review of his published columns since 2000, the Fort Wayne-based newspaper added on Friday that 20 had been “found to have portions copied from other sources without attribution…”

The Associated Press describes Timothy Goeglein’s role as “President Bush’s middleman with conservatives and Christian groups…”

The plagiarism was brought to light by a blogger, Nancy Nall, who posted a comparison of a Goeglein column with a Dartmouth College essay by Prof Jeffrey Hart on the goal of education.

You can’t tell the crooks in the White House apart without a scorecard.

  1. gregallen says:

    In fairness, are conservatives going to denounce and excoriate the Bush administration like they did the New York times after the Jayson Blair was found and fired?

    Don’t hold your breath…

  2. Timothy Goeglein says:

    I didn’t cut and paste. I actually wrote the material again myself, so I don’t get this whole plagiarism thing.

  3. gregallen says:

    # 2 Timothy Goeglein said, I didn’t cut and paste. I actually wrote the material again myself, so I don’t get this whole plagiarism thing.

    I assume you’re a troll but you do raise an issue about plagiarism that I don’t understand:

    It is perfectly acceptable to use other people’s material as long as you cite it.

    Anyone who has attended graduate school knows about that! Most “original” research is 90% derivative and perfectly acceptable as long as it is referenced. I think the 90% is a generous estimate.

  4. MikeN says:

    And according to team Hillary, Barack Obama was ‘plagiarizing’ Deval Patrick.

    They both have the same adviser feeding them inspirational lines.

    I would say the use in speeches shouldn’t count as plagiarism, except maybe if you’re Joe Biden.

    The reuse in a column is out of line, though in politics, I think you might have to give it a pass.

  5. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #5 wrote “The reuse in a column is out of line, though in politics, I think you might have to give it a pass.”

    The extent of Goeglein’s plagiarism was such that even the White House didn’t give it a pass, and they give passes to criminal conduct.

  6. JimD says:

    “You can’t tell the crooks in the White House apart without a scorecard.” – Sure you can !!! The answer is ALL OF THEM !!! From Bozo The Clown and Darth Vader to the very bottom, nothing by LYING, CHEATING, MURDERING, STEALING LYING SACKS OF S**T !!! “Regime Change” Urgently needed !!!

  7. shit eatin' grin says:

    That’s what we call a shit eatin’ grin.

  8. MikeN says:

    Regime change means you change the system of government, not just the people in charge.

  9. Mister Catshit says:


    For undergraduate it must be 99%. Although I do remember interviewing some live veterans on a couple of history papers, a McCarthy Hearing witness, and a psychologist on a sociology paper.

    Kids today don’t know how to research. They think Wikipedia is authoritative.


    In a speech, there is nothing wrong with saying “I didn’t think of it but I like what Joe Blow said on …” or “Joe Blow came up with the idea and I like it. …” That shows you not only acknowledge others, you are a team player and willing to listen to others.

  10. Joshua says:

    My take is this….what this guy did is what used to be called plagerism.

    But under the new Obama rules, what Obama did, isn’t, but what Joe Biden did is. To bad for Biden that the media didn’t get all wet and sticky in their pants for him like they do for St. Obama.

    My lefty/Liberal friends in Europe, who used to like Obama are now not so enthralled with him. They keep asking me when is the media going to start asking this guy the really tough questions like they do Clinton. I figure never.
    People in Europe are starting to notice how he is becoming messianic and almost cult like and can’t believe that we Americans aren’t seeing this…..I told them, so of us see it, but not enough yet.

  11. Lou Minatti says:

    I really wish the political shit was ended here. Not only is it unrelated to Dvorak’s work, it’s simply wrong. For example, just the other day one of you posted about that now-discredited “Alabama governor Don Siegelman was the victim of a Republican conspiracy via Karl Rove” story.

    Leave the stupid conspiracy tales to Kos and LGF. I am tired of utterly off-topic political shit stinking up this place.

  12. Rick Cain says:

    Republicans are just angry they got caught again doing something illegal and unethical. Bush certainly wasn’t gonna fire this guy until some blogger found the truth.

  13. K B says:

    #12 I am tired of utterly off-topic political shit stinking up this place.


  14. Mister Catshit says:

    #14, KB,

    Damn, someone beat me to it again !!!


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