Sgt. Wayne Leyde

ABC News

After completing two tours in Iraq, Sgt. Wayne Leyde won $1 million from a scratch-and-win lotto ticket on Tuesday. Now that he’s won, Leyde, a 26-year-old member of the Washington National Guard, says he’s still going to volunteer to go back to Iraq for a third tour and won’t spend any of the money in the meantime.

Leyde was driving near his home in Mead, Washington when he stopped at a store on the side of the road and bought a ticket.

“I decided to walk into a local Zip Trip. I got a Coke and beef jerky and walked up to the counter and thought I’d pick up a few scratch tickets and try my luck. I was on my way out when the lady said, ‘Do you have a lucky scratch coin?’ “I said ‘no, you gave me a dime and nickel back.'”

“She said ‘no, try this,'” handing Leyde a penny. “On my way home I started scratching tickets. They were losers. I’m thinking, boy, that lady didn’t know what she was talking about.”

Leyde couldn’t believe it when he scratched a winning ticket, but he still plans to return to Iraq. “It was a commitment I made about three months ago. I’m going to stick to it,” Leyde said about his decision. The sergeant says rents have gone sky high where he and his parents live in the Mount Spokane area of Washington and that, for now, he’s not going to spend any of the money.

Meh, a million dollars ain’t what it used to be. Still, I have to say Dude, take the money and RUN!

  1. GF says:

    Wait. The housing markets going to crash with a crescendo this summer. Then it’s time to buy. Well maybe not, Bush says we’re not in a recession, at least not the ultra rich anyway.

  2. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    If there were ever someone to emulate, it would be this guy.

  3. Jeffery Williams says:

    Lets hope he didn’t use up all his luck on the ticket.

  4. the answer says:

    Mind if I hold your cash until you get back. Dumbass. That’s the thing with gambling. You quit when your head. Shit if that was me I’d go to France or some other country that has no Extradition (Sp?) laws.

  5. GigG says:

    #4, You might want to check the list of countries the US has extradition treaties with before you make any plans.

    [Please use for overly long URLs. – ed.]

  6. Colonel Panic says:

    Run Forrest, RUN!

  7. JimD says:

    Well, hope he gets to return and enjoy the money !!! And he ought to throw something toward the lady who gave him the lucky penny !!!

  8. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  9. Mister Catshit says:

    #5, Gig,

    Yes, but those are for criminal offenses that would be a crime in the asylum country. In other words, don’t expect any country to deport or extradite a person to another country where they would be tortured or if it is a political crime. Because several countries have declared the Iraq invasion to be an illegal war, they won’t extradite someone requesting political asylum because they refused to go to Iraq.

  10. tallwookie says:

    bad move on his part – chances are he wont return & spend the prize money

  11. hhopper says:

    James Hill you horny bastard!

  12. Rick Cain says:

    How much is it after taxes, about $330,000?


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