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It was a big underground submarine base and docks once in USSR. After the Soviet Union collapsed and Russian army left Ukraine it was partly abandoned and some of its parts was converted into a museum later.

  1. rabsten says:

    At the risk of sounding like a little kid, man, that’s really, really cool.

    Those pics would make for a great FPS mod, too.

  2. Les says:

    Reminds me of Indiana Jones!

  3. pjakobs says:

    hmmm… there are so many such places all over Europe and Russia. It’s frustrating how much Energy we’ve all wasted in the last centuries to kill each other.

    Here in Germany, there are some amazing places. I used to live in Bavaria for quite a while. not far from home, there was a huge area in the forest that had been turned into a bunker. Basically, a concrete barrel had been put in the ground, well, half a barrel. It was erected to be a safe construction site for the Messerschmidt 262 Turbojets. If I remember the size correctly, it was almost 1km long (0.6 Miles or so), five storeys over ground and seven underground. There was a short runway so the planes could be flown out to an airport nearby Munich to be completed. After the war, the whole structure was blown up and only one arch remained standing. There are a few pictures of the structure here:

    Also, there are a lot of underground weapons factories in various places in Germany. Most of it is sealed off and not accessible today.

    A very sad waste of human energy and still amazing to look at.


  4. Mac Guy says:

    Perhaps our friends in Murmansk have come up with something new.

  5. ryan says:

    Looks like Half-Life 2 made real.

  6. Mark T. says:

    I have to assume this is somewhere on the Black Sea. Has anybody got a clue what city that is?

  7. Mark T. says:

    Ah, found it. It is south of Balaklava, Ukraine. Gotta love Google Earth!

    44 deg, 29′, 47.38″ N
    33 deg, 35′, 36.68″ E

  8. green says:

    fps… hl2… can’t enjoy a picture without thinking about virtually murdering someone….

    Oh yeah, thats what the base was for…

  9. gregallen says:

    It’s decided. That’s where I’m putting my lair for my evil plot to destroy the world.

  10. JimD says:

    I’m sure Disney could do something with those canals – Pirates of the Ukraine or something !!!


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