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Department of Homeland Security officials and congressional auditors told lawmakers on Wednesday that problems found in the 28-mile pilot project built near Nogales, Arizona, by Boeing Co. will require a change in plans, the Post reported…
While the Department of Homeland Security took over the high-tech project from Boeing last week, authorities confirmed the initial deployment did not work as planned or meet the needs of the U.S. Border Patrol, the Post said.
Homeland Insecurity admitted that, in fact, the system may not be ready until the end of the next president’s first term.
What’s wrong with bringing our Border Patrol home from Iraq, and letting them do their job?
Oh, I forgot we would be over run by people 6,000 miles away destine to kill us all. :~{
Long live the King!
This does nothing to eliminate the “virtual” invasion across my properity lines. Frankly I expected nothing more from this administration nor do I in the future. I have been existing on hope too damn long. Where do I tender my resignation.
#2 SparkyOne – You can send your resignation to me and I will forward it along with the rest to the legions of resignation handlers that I have hired cheap. Sure they don’t have green cards but what the hey, who else is going to handle all these resignation letters?
The perfect border fence: land mines … in depth. You wouldn’t need as much man power on the border and as an added side benefit the buzzards get fed.
The fence ain’t ready but it has been already been paid for with our tax dollars. and the money went to companies chosen for the no bid contracts that have ties to BushCo.
Virtual border means all the people in Mexico will get them shocking dog collars. and when they try to come in illegally. They will receive a mild zap.
There is no immigration problem just so you know. Well except for zebra muscles.
Since the fence is “virtual” (and therefore, not real), why not just deploy the fence in Second Life (or Sim Earth) and be done with it?
Why are they building a “virtual” fence? Build a real fence !!!
We don’t need guard towers with rifles, that would be just wrong. There is nothing to stop a multi barrier fence that includes a high voltage interior fence with adequate warnings. Put your stinking virtual warnings on THAT fence. If that fence is breached then arming the adjacent mine field would be warranted.
#1 We tried using Marines on the US/Mex border. It didn’t go well.
Just take a small portion of the $ being wasted in Iraq and build real wall, manned by a small portion of the troops in Iraq. IR and radar + manned gun positions = no one running across the border.
As far as #8 comment re Marines.
Did the Marines forget how to fire their M16’s?
#9 Nope, just the opposite.
#10. Nice try but this was drug interdiction mission on the U.S. side of the border, not a mission to prevent people from crossing the border. AND the person who got shot was targeting the marines with a rifle. Next…
#4 and #7 are close, but add in the no-mans zone sprinkled with nuclear waste and other toxins.
I’m going to wait for Virtual Fence 2.0 before I buy.
#11 Doesn’t matter. The same thing will happen. We could use MP units maybe but front-line forces aren’t trained for this kind of thing and there will be incidents.
It seems to me that there was once a reasonably effective fence in Berlin. If we really want one (I don’t) that is the way to go.
A better idea is no fence at all and stop giving away services to anyone.
Wrong. If you puts guys on a wall pointing into no mans land, the only ones who will get shot will be someone illegally crossing the border. And, soldiers are trained in this. It’s called perimeter defense.
Virtual fences ain’t got shit on actual bolt cutters.
Or one of these
It’s almost as if there are people dragging their feet on securing our borders, the cornerstone of every credible plan for comprehensive immigration reform.
Imagine that! Maybe this can be an issue we’ll drag out prior to every election, so our politicians can point accusatory fingers (never the right one) at one another.
Meanwhile, my own plan to have grouchy old guys at the border yelling “You Latino kids get off my lawn!” never gets the attention it deserves.
None of the remaining candidates support border security. Take a look at Barack Obama in his Texas debate.
Didn’t listen to all of it but not surprised that he doesn’t believe that the U.S. should be a sovereign country.
#10…. don’t let the FCC catch you with that UK jammer. Highly illegal. It will also jam most portable phones, WiFi, baby monitors, etc. Lots of things use the 2.4Ghz frequency.
Its almost like desktop tower defense, only, our country FAILS!