In a landmark judgement with far-reaching social implications, Italy’s highest appeals court has ruled it is a criminal offence for Italian men to touch their genitals in public.

The judges of the court of cassation stressed that the ban did not just apply to brazen crotch-scratching, but also to what might be termed superstitious pre-emption. Anyone who has seen a hearse go past in Italy, or been part of a discussion in which some terrible illness or disaster is mentioned, will know it is traditional for men to ward off bad luck with a quick grab at what are delicately called their “attributi”.

The practice has become increasingly frowned on, but “io mi tocco i … “, which translates as “I touch my … ” is still a common phrase, roughly equivalent to “fingers crossed”. The judges helpfully suggested that those seeking reassurance should wait till they had returned to the privacy of their own homes before letting their hands stray trouser-wards…

The third penal division of the Rome court was having none of it. It said that public genital-patting “has to be regarded as an act contrary to public decency, a concept including that nexus of socio-ethical behavioural rules requiring everyone to abstain from conduct potentially offensive to collectively-held feelings of decorum”.

Oh, brother.

  1. Daniel says:

    I agree that sticking your hand in your pants is somewhat offensive and certainly socially unwarranted but to make it illegal?? If you aren’t exposing yourself I don’t understand how they can legally say you can’t.

  2. Vinny says:

    “The third penal division of the Rome court…”


  3. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    This is what yo gt when you don’t require assimilation.

  4. Kunal says:

    One of the lines in the article is really funny …:).

    “The third penal division of the Rome court was having none of it. “

  5. Calin says:

    I thought it was the U.S. trying to become a theocracy. Now Italy (a cornerstone of the mighty EU) is dictating offensive behavior with law? Say it isn’t so. What would the liberals say? Oh yeah, they are liberal.

  6. WmDE says:

    Before swearing on a Bible in court there was swearing in which the man about to TESTify did this Micheal Jackson style “Beat It!” move. The root from which the word testify comes….. I am going to stop typing now.

  7. Dallas says:

    This is insane. How about butt scratching? Can you use a spatula instead of your hand? SHeesh

  8. morram says:

    Usually at company meetings I like to touch myself. But lately I’ve noticed a few of the new guys keep staring at my fingertips as they circle my nipples.

    Well at least we won’t have to worry about this in the USA, since the men here seldom touch their own pants in public instead preferring to touch other men’s pants, it’s a Senatorial thing.

    Hey pedro, look what I’m holding!

  9. tallwookie says:

    Only Italian men? So… if I was to take a vacation over there, and my balls itched, I cant relieve myself of the extreme uncomfortableness aspect – have to just endure it? Or, would this apply to only male citizens of Italy & I’m in the clear?

    Ahhhh….. thats better…

  10. Ubiquitous Talking Head says:

    if I was to take a vacation over there, and my balls itched, I cant relieve myself of the extreme uncomfortableness aspect – have to just endure it?

    Yeah, kinda like taking a shit. There are just some aspects of your existence that we’re not interested in seeing.

  11. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    If the government is going to prevent men from messing with their junk, they should provide women to do it for them.

  12. JimR says:

    That’s why I always keep a spaghetti fork handy…

  13. clockwork oranjaboom says:

    In other news: This is the country that gave us the Fiat 131 and the Lancia Beta, which gave me many opportunities to “io mi tocco i … “
    the years I drove them…

  14. morram says:

    They also gave me a Ducati I love to ride while the rest of you are itching your balls!
    Hint: Wash your balls each time you take a bath/shower.

  15. AdmFubar says:

    i guess they will just have to scratch each others over there now… at least that is still legal…
    anyone know what those judges in italy are scratching behind the bench???

  16. Dallas says:

    #10. Thanks. I did not know that. This is helpful on my next trip to Italy. Still, the whole idea of regulating how one touches our own body is a bit over the top.

  17. bobbo says:

    I got your decorum right here!!!!

  18. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This landmark case is called the “Penile Penal Code.” In a related development, all hip-hop concerts in Italy have been canceled.

  19. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    #16 – I’ll see your fork and raise you a battery powerd belt sander.

  20. lynn says:

    I’m told it’s the “Italian underwear.” When I worked in HR I had a female employee complain about an Italian male employee opening his pants and reaching in while he was talking to her. Due to his limited English, his wife came in to speak for him. “It’s Italian underwear, they are always having to move things back in. Our daughters ask him all the time to stop it in public.” Simple solution: Get caught with hand in pants one more time, you are fired. Italian underwear — ????

  21. Joshua says:

    All of the Italians I know don’t wear underware. I think they were messing with you Lynn. 🙂

    It’s not the actual *reaching in to adjust* that the court ruled on, but the hand on the crotch from OUTSIDE of the pants. Thats what most Italian, Spanish and Polish men do in public all the time.


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