Geert Wilders………..and bodyguards


AMSTERDAM (Reuters) – A politician making an anti-Koran film that has stirred Muslim outrage, brought him death threats and alarmed the Dutch government said on Wednesday the movie would be finished this week.

Geert Wilders has given few details about the content of his film “Fitna”, other than saying that in it he intends to present his views about the Koran. In the past he has called for the Koran to be banned and likened it to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

He said talks with Dutch broadcasters would begin next week over the screening of “Fitna”, an Arabic term used in the Koran and sometimes translated as “strife”. At the same time as the film is televised it will also be made available on a special internet site, intended to skirt any restrictions on access.

“It is very good news. The film will definitely be finished this week, that is to say before March 1,” Wilders told Reuters. The project has sparked street protests as far afield as Indonesia. Turkey has voiced concern about the film, and the Iranian government called it a “provocative and Satanic” act. Several films purporting to be Wilders’ 15-minute film have appeared on the YouTube Web site. Access to the site was disrupted around the world last weekend after Pakistani Internet service providers tried to prevent local users from seeing them. Wilders defended his film: “I am not endangering anybody or stirring trouble. I am a democratically elected parliamentarian who is exercising his right to free speech.”

This will just get ugly……time will tell.

  1. patrick says:

    If nothing else, this type of thing is going to start highlighting the immigration problems over there more & more.

  2. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This will be an excellent opportunity for Muslims to show the world that Islam is a religion of peace, able to coexist harmoniously in societies that value freedom of speech. Let’s see if they rise to the occasion.

  3. Brian says:

    “Geert Wilders has given few details about the content of his film “Fitna”, other than saying that in it he intends to present his views about the Koran. In the past he has called for the Koran to be banned and likened it to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.”

    As dumb as these guys are I would say Gene Wilder should look out too!

  4. TatooYou says:

    “As dumb as these guys are I would say Gene Wilder should look out too!”

    Seriously though, why stir up a hornets nest? The guy has a death wish.

  5. the answer says:

    At first I thought it said Anti Korean. And I was like aww why the koreans. Then when I read Koran I said ah….. Now I get it.

    My outlook at this event is as such. This dude wants to put the Koran in with Mein Kumph. Now Mein Kumph, written by Hitler, talked about hating Jews for whatever reason. Saying they were inferior, behind most problem of the world and so on. Well WTF is this guys thing saying? Other then that he’s the German Mel Gibson

  6. zorkor says:

    This is so lame and stupid. These Europeans who get bored suddenly wakeup with a new idea to grow their ego. Ok let’s make a movie and hit out to a minority living in our country. Let’s call it our freedom of expression but if they cry against our movie then they are dictators freedom haters and extremists. Yeah right. There are many ways to express your freedom instead of being racist to other peoples religions. To me it seems like this director is running after fame by taking the shortest way possible. What a loser!

  7. Improbus says:

    Seriously though, why stir up a hornets nest?


  8. bobbo says:

    #5–answer==boy, you caught me right at the end with your 180: “the German Mel Gibson.” Can that be approriate when the Sharia Muslims also blame the Jews for everything and are all about killing anyone who disagrees with their book?

    Rethink that just a bit, or your silly polictical correctness will be the passive jewish non-resistance that the Muslims are willing to take advantage of.

  9. zybch says:

    Good to see a politician with balls, although they might likely not stay attached for very long when the nutcase extremists get hold of him.

  10. Calin says:

    Is anyone else amused at the dichotomy here?

    I mean, the Muslims want this guy’s movie banned because of what it says about the Koran. While this guy wants the Koran banned because of what it says about infidels.

    It’s hard to pick a good guy here.

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    First, I hope Wilders has a very large life insurance policy and a well written will.

    Second, Wilders is the worst kind of political hack there is. He is creating a film which will create self fulfilling prophecy.

    Here is how it works: In the film he postulates that Islam is violent and intolerant. He then posts the film which he knows beforehand will bring protests which he hopes will be violent. This is the self fulfilling part, creating problems under the guise of exposing problems.

    Then he is shown, as above, with bodyguards for his protection. This brings him more public recognition and forwards his own personal agenda.

    And the sheeple eat this up!

  12. patrick says:

    #11 Ah_Yea “Here is how it works: In the film he postulates that Islam is violent and intolerant.”

    If the postulate is incorrect then who cares? On the other hand…

  13. bobbo says:

    #11–Ah Yea==your error is shown by #13. Looking forward to your rebuttal.

    Now, if its “just words” you are being reasonable.

    If your response is death threats, then we’ll know you are Muslim.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #2 – This will be an excellent opportunity for Muslims to show the world that Islam is a religion of peace, able to coexist harmoniously in societies that value freedom of speech. Let’s see if they rise to the occasion.

    When Operation Rescue was violently blockading abortion clinics, and lone wolf zealots were murdering doctors, where was the outcry about Christianity being a religion of hate and violence? There wasn’t any. Could that be because Christianity dominates the Western World and we know that these Operation Rescue types, and other radical fundy groups represent a small wingnut sub-culture of a much larger, non-violent, more moderate religion?

    A fraction of the total Arab population are actually the loonbat extremists who threaten violence and try to incite bloodshed through jihad. Arabs, comprise no more the 20% of the world’s total Muslim population.

    Now I don’t give a damn about anyone’s BS god delusions… But we do no favors when we attack a whole religion with our insulated and ignorant characterizations of people. Islam is not an enemy of anything (except rational thought, making it no different from any religion).

    I have no idea what the content of this guy’s film is, nor do I care. The Koran is as much bullshit as the Talmud or the Bible or any other so-called holy text… But attacking the faith as a whole only lends legitimacy to the cause of the small faction of terrorists.

  15. patrick says:


    I don’t remember tens of thousands of Christians crowding the streets in the US asking for death of abortion clinic doctors. Do you?

    I have seen footage from the ME of Muslims doing just that for the cartoonist guys (I know, not this movie making MP).

    Your example is apples & oranges…

  16. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    #7 – Yup. Spectator sport.

  17. “Main Kampf a surprise bestseller in Turkey . . .
    “Cheap cover prices and a rise in nationalist sentiment have made an unlikely best-seller in Turkey of Adolf Hitler’s infamous autobiography, Mein Kampf,” says an Agence France Presse wire story. Publisher Oguz Tektas of Mefisto Editions says his company published it “to make money,” and he attributes the fact that they’re do so to having slashed the price of the 500–page book from its previous price of 20 New Turkish Lira (about $15) to 5.9 Lira ($4.50). But another publisher, Sami Kilic of the Emre publishing company, attributes the success of the book to something else: “The times we live in have a definite impact on sales,” he says. “It is an astonishing phenomenon.” Turkish political scientist Dogu Ergil “agreed that the unexpected popularity of Mein Kampf in this Muslim–majority country has its roots in a rise in anti–American sentiment and anti–Semitism ” Ergil warned, “Nazism, buried in the dustbin of history in Europe, is beginning to re–emerge in Turkey.”

  18. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #15 OhForTheLoveOf responded to my comment saying, “Now I don’t give a damn about anyone’s BS god delusions… But we do no favors when we attack a whole religion with our insulated and ignorant characterizations of people.”

    Actually, my comment wasn’t referring to the extremists who will continue to make death threats and possibly attempt to carry them out. I was referring to the peaceful Muslims who will have the chance, once again, to speak out against those who may be hijacking their faith in repeated calls to violence. Every time these pivotal events gain a worldwide audience, it’s an opportunity not only to rally and mobilize peaceful sentiment within the Muslim community against the radical elements, but also to project that sentiment to a western culture that is very uneasy with what we don’t know about Islam.

    As I said earlier, let’s see if they rise to the occasion.

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    I response to #13 and #14, yes everyone should be able to say what they think. That is one true definition of Freedom and Democracy. You can easily tell when these fine institutions do not exist by how much freedom of speech you do not have. Unfortunately by this definition the greater part of the world does not have freedom.

    It’s ok to point this out, and do so regularly and adamantly.

    On the other hand, it’s not ok to yell fire in a theater just to watch people run. It is particularly not ok to set a fire in a theater and then yell fire.

    I am personally questioning whether Wilders is doing this movie from the goodness of his heart or because he is simply being the worst kind of political hack. I think that lives may be lost over this movie with the sole purpose of boosting his popularity at home irregardless of any other issues.

    Here in the States, if someone was this irresponsible and others died because if it, they would be guilty of manslaughter (involuntary homicide) at the very least.

  20. patrick says:

    # 21 “Here in the States, if someone was this irresponsible and others died because if it, they would be guilty of manslaughter (involuntary homicide) at the very least.”

    Again, totally incorrect. If I were to make the same movie here in the states and some fanatics killed over it, there would be no liability, civil or criminal that would attach to me.

    I highly suggest a cursory study of our constitution & basic laws if you are new to the U.S.

  21. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #20 pedro asks, “care to wager about it?”

    I only gamble when there’s a topless dealer 😉

  22. The Infidel says:

    Great going to buy 20 copies of this film when its released on DVD.

  23. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #16 – Your example is apples & oranges…

    And yet I am still right.

    Do you know why Christians don’t drag unwed mothers out of their homes and stone them to death? Because in Western civilization, we reject theocracy and would bring the full force of law down upon them. Fear keeps the acolytes of the Robertson/Falwell mindset in line… Not moral superiority.

    And yet, the vast majority of Christians are just like the vast majority of Muslims. They are people, who wish to work and raise families in peace, and have no great ambition to commit genocide on anyone.

    #19 – I was referring to the peaceful Muslims who will have the chance, once again, to speak out against those who may be hijacking their faith in repeated calls to violence.

    I misunderstood then, and apologize…

    However, I don’t see Christians in this country coming out in force to denounce hatemongers like Pat Robertson. I won’t hold my breath waiting for any global community to do much of anything. It’s embarrassing that you see so little positive political activism here in the US, where we enjoy a moderately high standard of living, with reasonable amounts of leisure time, and have access to education and global media. (We’re no Europe, but in time we can get better)

    In many Muslim dominated lands, daily living is a real contest for survival and taking a stand on global politics is not a luxury they can afford…

    And really… This guy is making a movie attacking their faith. They may not care enough to get angry personally, but what motivation do they have to rush to his defense.

    If a filmmaker made a movie attacking atheists (not a totally fair comparison as obviously atheism isn’t a religion) and angry mobs of atheists attacked him, I might say, “he has a right to free speech and the mob over reacted,” but do you really think I’d put myself in harm’s way to protect him?

    That example may be far fetched here, but these minority terrorist groups don’t care about Islam. They terrorize their own people as easily as they do their perceived enemies. Whether you pray to Allah or not, if you oppose the Talibans and Al Quiedas of the world, you are a target. Just another reason why the majority stays silent.

    #21 – Here in the States, if someone was this irresponsible and others died because if it, they would be guilty of manslaughter (involuntary homicide) at the very least.

    No one dies over a movie.
    No one dies over music or books or video games or any other kind of media.

    People only die when irrational zealots and other theological asshats kill them. If this guy gets killed by people who are offended by the movie, it will be the people, not the movie that kills him.

    The Koran is a load of shit. What is sad about this guy is that he singles out the Koran when all so called holy books are loads of shit. What’s also sad is that it seems like it isn’t the religion but the people he’s attacking.


    Muslims represent 22% of the world’s total population and Xians make up 33%. Muslim growth rates currently outpaces the global population by .6%

    If they all wanted us dead, we’d be dead. (so would they, and most everyone else too)

  24. patrick says:

    #25 “Do you know why Christians don’t drag unwed mothers out of their homes and stone them to death? Because in Western civilization, we reject theocracy and would bring the full force of law down upon them.”

    Exactly. Because a MAJORITY of people (of all religions) in the US aren’t lunatics. Try this same example in Iran for instance. Take that cartoonist and place him there. Wouldn’t get the same result there as you would in the US if he was denigrating Christianity…

    Face it, there are FAR more homicidal lunatics and, people who agree with that type of activity in the ME than in the US. You can argue that, but not not with any credibility.

  25. sadtruth says:

    @ #21 “…purpose of boosting his popularity at home irregardless of any other issues.”

    By the laws enacted by president Stewie Griffin I sentence you to a WORK CAMP for use of the word “irregardless”….despicable!!!

  26. Miguel Correia says:

    Brave, brave guy… I’m glad people at Europe are standing up for our freedom of speach.

  27. JimR says:

    Actually, there is proof that the Bible and the Koran are plagiarized from Egyptian myths, some originating 5000 years ago. Jesus never existed and Muhammad was just an asshat. The information has been available for over 200 years and yet Muslims and Christians alike refuse to acknowledge it. Read Tom Harpur’s “The Pagan Christ” for a good overview, although as an ordained priest and theologian, Harpur still grasps at spiritual straws.

    Geert Wilders call for a book (the Koran) to be banned is as wrong as Muslim objection to the critique of a book (the Koran).

    Bottom line. Make the film and let any Muslim who wishes, critique the film. There should be no exceptions.

  28. bobbo says:

    #21–Ah Yea===within your analogy==my concern is that there IS A FIRE in this world, and it is the Islamofascists. That alone might be tolerable ((NOT acceptable)) except that fire is laying on a bed of dry flammable kindling known as Arab Muslims.

    So you and others who would turn the other cheek to those who would kill you gain your right to do so from those who understand the danger.

    Why take it “on faith” that the Arabs don’t mean exactly what they say and do????? Wasn’t that the Hitler/Mein Kampf mistake?? Can it be more clearly written down in a book for christ’s sake?

  29. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #29 JimR, the prophets who wrote the Bible and the Koran ignored the cardinal rule of plagiarism: Only steal from good authors. The obvious shortcomings have been dogging their religions ever since.

  30. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #26 – Exactly. Because a MAJORITY of people (of all religions) in the US aren’t lunatics.

    If you remove the phrase “in the US” then the statement is still true.

    Try this same example in Iran for instance.

    Iran is ran by a religious nutbag and controlled by a theocratic gestapo. From this, you still have no evidence that the people there are any different from the people here.

    Take that cartoonist and place him there. Wouldn’t get the same result there as you would in the US if he was denigrating Christianity…

    Make a Pat Robertson like figure the President, fill Congress with Taliban-esque asshats, and abolish the SCOTUS. Now what happens?

    Face it, there are FAR more homicidal lunatics and, people who agree with that type of activity in the ME than in the US. You can argue that, but not not with any credibility.

    Where does your credibility come from?

    I’ll say it again so you can ignore it again. Of the entire world’s population of Muslims, only 20% of them are Arab. And by the way, Iranians are not Arabs, but rather Persian, and if you include them, they still represent a distinct minority of the total population. The vast majority of Muslims do not live in the Middle East, are not connected to Middle Eastern politics, and do not care at all if some Dutch guy makes a movie.

    Now, I actually know many Iranians and I pay attention to world events, so rather than shit my prejudices all over the ‘net, I can actually say with confidence that the people of Iran, by and large, are not interested in killing westerners and getting roped into a bloody ideological conflict. What they want is no different than what Americans want… to live in peace, without being cannon fodder for some extremist’s nightmare.

    America and Europe have been fighting for a long time, and mostly winning, to keep religion at bay so that we can maintain at least some assemblance of freedom. We are sometimes hampered by the fact that most of us are still religious despite evidence that should make us know better, but we are getting there.

    Middle Eastern nations are only in the past century beginning to fight this battle for themselves and have a long way to go. It must come from the people because it will not come from the tyrannical regimes which use theology to keep power. They can never destroy the hateful and violent 7th Century throwbacks anymore than we can vanquish the Klu Klux Klan and similar groups. But given time, like us, they will emerge as a secular society and they will pacify and marginalize these terroristic and oppressive minorities that hold their futures hostage.

    Will it happen soon… No… But it never does.

    If you think there is no American equivalent to the murderous madmen who comprise the terrorist forces in the Mid East, then go hang out with the fine Christian folk who frequent and then see what you think.

    The point is that if you equate being a Muslim with being a homicidal maniac then you are simply wrong.


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