Associated Press – 2/28/08 via the Museum of Hoaxes:

Maxim magazine has apologized for publishing a negative review of the Black Crowes’ new album by a writer who hadn’t listened to the whole CD.

The review in Maxim’s March issue gives the Crowes’ “Warpaint” a rating of two-and-a-half stars out of five. The band posted an exasperated statement on its Web site last week saying the Maxim writer hadn’t heard the entire album because advance copies weren’t available. The Crowes’ manager, Pete Angelus, said the magazine explained that its review was an “educated guess.”

  1. rodnovca says:

    Our local newpaper printed a review of the local symphony performance. Unfortunately, the reviewer didn’t attend the concert or he would have been aware that they had changed the program… He wrote his review off of the advanced program and just made up stuff about the performance.

  2. newglenn says:

    The editor:”I’m looking into it and, as I’ve said, we’ve already put measures in place to ensure that that will not happen again.”
    He sounds like a white house operative wannabe- not the editor of a zine.

  3. dm says:

    My educated guess would also be that the new Black Crowe’s album sucks. But I know for certain, having read it, that Maxim sucks.

    (it feels wrong to say that one “reads” Maxim; one merely “flips through” Maxim or one “looks at” Maxim)

  4. Daniel says:

    I haven’t listened to ANY song that is part of the album and could tell you it sucks.

  5. TatooYou says:

    You’re right about Maxim, they should to stick to pictures of nude chicks.

  6. Calin says:

    How is this different from any of the other printed rags out there? New York Times comes to mind.

  7. the answer says:

    It’s Maxim. Who reads Maxim? It’s for people who are too afraid to buy porn. (or just too young). We had a few copies at my old job, and the writers are horrible with just a hint of pretentious. I can easily see Mr. BottleTan (referring to the viral pictures of the kid with the spiked hair and the fake tan) writing this while looking at himself in the mirror (placed on the ceiling)

  8. Todd Henkel says:

    This goes beyond Maxim. It’s just another part of the music industry. Music reviewers are no different than music manager sleazeballs – except they have the arrogance of believing they understand music more than anyone else. They “appreciate” music more than you.

  9. tallwookie says:

    Yep #5 has it – dont spend $18 or whatever on a yearly subscription to a useless & boring magazine – use that cash to pay yer internet bill & look at some pron

  10. tallwookie says:

    oh, btw – black crowes fucking sucks HARD

  11. billabong says:

    John Dvorak turns water into wine gives it a poor review.I based this on an educated guess.Maxim is a tits magazine and most of those are fake.


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