“What are you still doing here?”

Cafferty File – February 25, 2008:

There’s a growing chorus of voices starting to call for Hillary Clinton to give it up.

In a Newsweek column called “Hillary should get out now”, Jonathan Alter says if she wanted a graceful exit, now would be the time – before the Texas and Ohio primaries – to drop out and endorse Barack Obama. He says it would be the “best thing imaginable” for Clinton’s political career, meaning it would set her up perfectly for 2012 if Obama loses. Alter says Clinton doesn’t have a reasonable chance of winning the nomination, but he doesn’t think she’ll call it quits.

Meanwhile, in another tough piece, Robert Novak asks who will tell Hillary Clinton that it’s over, that she can’t win the nomination and the sooner she gets out of the way, the better the chances her party will beat John McCain in November.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #26 – #25 – Good analysis except the preppie rich boy. The big D lost in 04 because they chose an obviously inferior candidate. It was only the redneck’s poor performance that kept it close.

    It’s hard to call him “inferior” when he effectively received half the vote, even after the Swiftboat misinformation campaign and the bogus “flip flop” smear.

    In debates, Kerry beat the hell out of Bush. If my advice with followed and both candidates were forced to take a series of tests on math, science, history, cultural literacy and other topics, Kerry would have stomped all over him again.

    I think anti-intellectualism might be waning a bit, but in 04, being clearly superior in terms of intelligence didn’t get much traction.

    Was Kerry the best candidate possible out of the whole population of 300 million? No, probably not. Was he the best of the field offered? Definitely yes. Does he come off as a rather smug, elite, rich guy with an Ivy League pretension? Not that it bothers me, per se, but yeah, I think he did.


    Only tangentially related: The Electorial College is killing us. The time has come to eliminate it.

  2. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    Boy, I’ll tell ya, I may have to run again after all – just for the good of the country.

  3. Greg Allen says:

    # 31 Thomas said, #28
    So the fact that a Republican appointed the first black Secretary of State and did so twice means nothing I suppose.

    No. I’m down with that. It’s cool.

    Too bad Bush professionally screwed the first one and that the second one has done a horrible job.

    But here’s the deal: the racists aren’t going to use the race card against their own party and, of course, on one in a position they really don’t care much about.

    No, they are going to racially swiwtboat OUR candidate.

    I say.. let ’em try and reveal the full shamefulness of their dirty bigotry.

    I believe that Obama and we Democrats can beat ’em — with us playing fair-and-square and them being the evil trolls they are.

  4. gregallen says:

    @25 Hillary is a magnet for controversy … Sure, she’s book smart, she really doesn’t have real experience and she rubs people the wrong way.

    I don’t give a rip about that.

    The cons ALWAYS say that about our candidates:

    Al Gore “rubbed people the wrong way.”
    John Kerry “rubbed people the wrong way.”
    They say the same about Hillary.

    They’ll say it about ANYONE we run.

    And as for controversy — the right wing ALWAYS manufactures bogus controversy anyway. We even have a name for it now: swiftboating.

    So, whoever we run, they’ll (supposedly) “rub people the wrong way” and be controversial.

    I am no longer going to vote based on what the cons say and manufacture.

    They know they can’t win Dems on the issues, so they fight dirty.

  5. Hmeyers says:

    @37 Greg Allen – “I believe that Obama and we Democrats can beat ‘em”

    You were one of the ardent Hillary backer dorkswads until Obama cleaned her out.

    Your just a bandwagoneer.

    GTFO, wannabee. Quit pretending to be an Obama man. I’ve supported that guy for a year.

  6. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    #33 – The Electoral College saves us from the herd. Needs to be strengthened.

    #35 – Obama has a built in advantage. Simply sya he’s wrong about something and the Dems can cry “racist”. There won’t be any real debates because McCain will be a “racist” after every one of them, no matter what’s said. The truth about Obama will never get out.

    Doesn’t really matter, we’re screwed no matter which one gets in.

  7. patrick says:


    Are you talking about ObamaBlueprintForChange.pdf

    This is just generalities. I looked through the whole site. There are broad strokes and a few minor specifics like a $500 tax credit for small business. If this is it he’s in deep trouble come the general election.

  8. patrick says:

    # 29

    Umm, yes he is very liberal when compared to the rest of the Senate. Do you look at voting records? Just wondering.

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #36 – Hillary isn’t Bill. Bill could weather the never ending onslaught of Republican attacks that started from nearly the beginning, including the Ken Starr witch hunt that culminated with Bill being impeached over an incident that he was backed into and occurred 6 years after the Republican boondoggle began.

    He NEVER should have been asked the question. Who sucks the Presidential cock is none of our goddamn business.

    Ken Starr lead the most expensive fishing expedition in history, and if Bill Clinton had anything less than superpowers he would not have been able to effectively govern over the greatest peacetime economic expansion in history and leave office after 8 years with an approval rating over 70%.

    I don’t think Hillary has the same superpower.

    Plus she attacked GTA: San Andreas. Some things I can’t forgive.

  10. #40 – Patrick,

    Sure I do. Compare him to the better NY senator, Chuck Schumer. Or, compare him to Kucinich, not a senator albeit, but far more liberal.

    Clinton and Obama stand millimeters apart about 25 meters to the right in a 100 meter wide room. The repugs are all racing for the jackhammers to break down the right wall. I’m about 40 meters to the left … and lonely.

  11. patrick says:


    He’s in the Top 10 of liberal senators. Is he the most liberal person in the U.S. No, of course not.
    He’s not a member of the US Communist party.

  12. patrick says:


    He’s in the Top 10 of liberal senators. Is he the most liberal person in the U.S. No, of course not.
    He’s not a member of the US Communist party.

    And like I said, he doesn’t have detailed plans on his site. Or, if he considers what is there as detailed, he shouldn’t be in any executive position, except maybe running a lemon aid stand.

  13. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    “He NEVER should have been asked the question. #41 – Who sucks the Presidential cock is none of our goddamn business.”

    Yes it is. Especially if it happens in the Oval Office. That piece of shit disprespected the entire country. That issue damn well is important.

    If you’re not going to criticize him for that then you have no credibility criticizing anyone for anything – it’s all just diversity.

    #42 – If you really think the twins are right of center: when we have 100% gov’t employment and 100% income tax and there are still problems, what happens then? They’re both so far left they’re on Venus.

    As for Obama: I’ve listened to his message of change and he’s right – in fact, the more I listen, the more I need to change my shorts.

  14. #44 – patrick,

    Liberal != Communist.

    The opposite of liberal is stingy.
    The opposite of conservative is progressive.

    Check your dictionary.

  15. MikeN says:

    Somehow, if George were getting a blowjob while talking on the phone with a House member about the war in Iraq, people would say that is a reason to be impeached.

  16. patrick says:


    Of course it is not equal. Communism means almost total wealth confiscation and redistribution. Liberalism, slightly less.

  17. #47 – MikeN,

    Some of us think lying to get us into a war and killing 100,000+ people over oil is more than reason enough.

  18. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    “Progressive” is a co-opted word. In application it’s become “regressive” as in “the more successful you are, the more we will take from you”.

  19. patrick says:

    #47 Misanthropic Scott

    I take it you have no disagreement with my definitions? Good.

  20. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #44 – He’s in the Top 10 of liberal senators.


    He’s still not a liberal.

    Nader is about as liberal as it gets, in this nation. We don’t have liberals in America, and that is a very real part of our problems here.

    #45 – Yes it is. Especially if it happens in the Oval Office. That piece of shit disprespected the entire country. That issue damn well is important.

    Well, at least you admit that its about the blow job and not the perjury. You are at least more honest than most Republicans.

    But answer honestly, if Reagan had received a rim job from Maggie Thatcher, or even an anonymous low level staffer, would you still be arguing that it was a big deal to the American people?

    My answer is, I wish Reagan had such an affair, so I’d at least have been assured he was human.

  21. patrick says:

    #53 – “We don’t have liberals in America, and that is a very real part of our problems here.”

    Like the ones in the UK in the 70’s? When the top income tax rate was 98%

    Yep, that’s why we’re in trouble! ROFL

  22. #51 – SchittForBrains,

    Wow!! You really are incapable of reading a dictionary, aren’t you? A regressive tax is one that taxes poor people more heavily than rich people. A progressive tax is one that taxes rich people more heavily than poor people.

    You don’t get to rewrite the dictionary because you don’t like being called regressive.

    #47 – patrick,

    Just use a dictionary and we’ll have no trouble.

    #53 – OFTLO,

    Well said as usual.

  23. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    #55 – I know how the dictionary defines it, but it’s a misnomer and a piece of misdirection when applied to taxes. Punishing the best producers doesn’t not help the economy in general “progress”. Tax cuts stimulate the economy and increase gov’t revenues every time – even Kennedy knew that. The progressive tax is nothing more than petulant punishment tax couched in nice word.

  24. patrick says:


    You’ll never get these guys to talk about taxes like I mentioned in the UK. Also, none of the liberal candidates are going to stand up and SAY, “I want to raise taxes to 98%”. They would get shot as most in the US don’t lean towards communism. As you see when called out on it #53 just dodged my question on taxes. Fortunately, this crowd has disarmed themselves. If they do get in power…

  25. MikeN says:

    Gregallen, you say democrats aren’t afraid of an honest election, but weren’t you arguing against Nader running?

    In fact, Dems were working overtime to keep him off the ballot in 2004.

  26. Mister Catshit says:

    Obama might be considered a liberal by many on the far right. In international politics however, Obama would be considered a moderate.

    Should Hillary stay in the race? Sure. I love it when the right wing nutjobs start frothing at the mouth when her name is mentioned. I laugh when they decide to call her a bitch just because they disagree with her. (Love that sexual discrimination)

    I would much rather Biden, Dodd, Richardson, or even John Kerry were still in the race. Any one of these men have more brains and leadership than the entire Republican field ever had.

  27. Rick Cain says:

    Obama needs Hillary as VP to maintain a much more substantial voting base. Hillary needs to tone it down and just go with the Democratic flow, regardless of whether she wins or loses. Negative campaigning at this point is unproductive for the party.

  28. Rick Cain says:

    At this point I can’t believe anybody would vote McCain (Or Republican for that matter). 8 years of incompetence, our economy is dying, we are losing 2 wars, osama/zawahiri still free, our allies hate us, our dollar is worth less than Zimbabwe’s, gas prices up, food prices up, interest rates on bank investments in the toilet.

    Are you mccain voters living on the same planet?


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