WCAU | Philadelphia

MIDDLETOWN, Del. — Police said Tuesday they raided a home where they said much more than strip poker was being played.

Police said a man turned a poker game with neighborhood residents into his business, with thousands of dollars on the table, high-priced buy-ins, credit card machines and occasionally, nudity. Police said 37-year-old William Shane Anderson, his wife Laurie, 37, and 20-year-old Matthew Balotin, were released on bail Monday after being charged with first-degree advancing gambling, providing a premise for gambling, possession of gambling devices, three counts of endangering the welfare of a child, and conspiracy.
Police said they were also questioning the Andersons’ parenting skills, as they said the gambling was going on as the children were in the house, and even said their mother, a stripper, helped run the business.

“On occasion, she was also a dealer and she would deal topless, as well as basically serve liquor,” said Middletown Police Chief Hank Tobin. After a long investigation, police said they figured out why the house was so popular. They said after Anderson lost his job, they said he decided to turn the “Texas Hold ‘Em” night into a career.

Police said he reached out to players all over the Mid-Atlantic, held tournaments with high entry fees, and hired a man as a bouncer/dealer. Police said Alexander even accepted credit cards at 14-hour marathon games that sometimes went on a few nights a week. Police said they have the list of all the people who played poker at the house. Some neighborhood residents were on the list, and they could also face criminal charges, police said.

Can’t even host a decent poker night in the neighborhood anymore. Cripes! The topless dealer might be a bit of a distraction though, especially playing Texas Hold ‘Em.

  1. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    Here’s a post that could use the ‘Nanny State’ banner…

    …and, of course, there’s the children. Won’t anyone think of the children?

  2. Improbus says:

    If your running an illegal business maybe you should keep our records encrypted. [sigh] Its a good thing criminals are, on average, dumber than the police.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I agree that gambling is evil. I also agree with the government’s decision to outlaw the lottery…


    wait a minute…

    Fuck the government!

    Also, I like nudity! And I vote!

  4. eyeofthetiger says:

    Part dealer and bouncer? Who’s watching the taco?

  5. BubbaRay says:

    In TX, the sheriff’s depts. are out to get “legal gambling establishments” that sneak in through a loophole. You can put money in “eight liners” (video slot machines), but the payouts are in goods and services coupons from local businesses, including major grocery store chains.

    Reason? The State Atty. General’s office has decided these shops are taking money away from the Texas Lotto and horse racing.

    Oh, where will they put all the blue-haired grammys that want to gamble for milk and bread?

    Interesting that they leave the VFWs and Legion Posts alone. Seems some sheriffs hang out there to gamble.

  6. McCullough says:

    #5. Hmmm, hope they dont let the wives go topless at the VFW, that would surely be wrong.

  7. Gasbag says:

    Will you think he is fucked now wait till the IRS finds out about this.

  8. old waterman says:

    “O” the humanity. A guy trys to show a little enterprise his wife helps. they are home to raise the kids,and it,s popular with neighbors. Whats not to like about this?

  9. old waterman says:

    And gambling is not immoral. it is human nature. You gamble every day you get out of bed. Sometimes evan in bed.

  10. marty0577 says:

    Heh, funny how my neighborhood has grown up.

  11. Mister Catshit says:

    Gambling in your own home for your own pleasure is not illegal. BUT, it is illegal to run an unregulated casino.

    So, iffen ya feel thet urge to lose your money, go to a casino. If you want to have some fun with the guys, get a game going at someone’s place where the house does not make a profit.

    It is sort of like intercourse. Geeze, nothing illegal about it. Until I start asking all the ladies for money for the opportunity to have sex with me.

  12. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:

    #7 – James Hill

    “Gambling: Crime
    Whoring your wife: Footnote.”

    Hmm. Now, I admit that as I get older, my reading skills are not all they could be, but I double-checked that article not once but twice – and I saw no mention of the guy’s wife having any sort of sex whatsoever with any guest at any time, whether at her husband’s behest, suggestion, offer or what-have-you. So I’m utterly in the dark here.

    “”On occasion, she was also a dealer and she would deal topless, as well as basically serve liquor,” said Middletown Police Chief Hank Tobin.”


    You have a real ‘Leave It To Beaver’ sense of morality, doncha there, JH? Typical Bibble-thumper logic – not wearing a garment on her upper torso and thereby allowing others to see the exact same things that virtually every woman on Earth has somehow equals “being whored out.”

    Nothing better than Repuglicans – unless it’s Repuglican hacks – the American enforcers of Shari’a law, forcing their mentally-unhealthy sexual repressions on everyone else, knowing – for a FACT, mind you – that their twisted, stunted libidos are the obvious determinant of human morality.

    They have professional counselling, JH, for adult males who are frightened by females displaying normal, healthy female physical attributes. You should look into it. More informative than your Bibble rallies. 🙂

    Footnote? No, it’s just that the rest of us are grownups who don’t curl into the fetal position and screech “whore of Babylon!” at the sight of a cute boob. 😉


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