Click pic for better view

No idea where this is or anything else about it, but it does make me glad I live where it will be in the low 70’s today.

  1. Eideard says:

    Looks like McCullough’s driveway…

  2. sadtruth says:

    “but it does make me glad I live where it will be in the low 70’s today.”


  3. Mark says:

    “Wait a minute! This isn’t my car!”

  4. McCullough says:

    #1. Thats not even funny Ed, It looks exactly like my driveway, I should post a picture, I haven’t seen my van in 2 months!

  5. jbenson2 says:

    Super photo, but Photoshopped.

    Check out the horizontal lines on the snow on the right side. That is not from hand shovels.

    Even though it is a foggy day, the snow in the front of the car is over-exposed with no detail, making it easy to look like the car is blocked in.

    And with the limited and restricted space for the two men, there is not a speck of snow on the car itself.

  6. McCullough says:

    #5. I don’t know, look at the car buried to the left of those 2 guys.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    #6 – I saw the car on the left and I still think there is something fishy. Here is a revised version of the photo I created in a few minutes. I made the snow even deeper.

    Click pic for larger image.

  8. Libertican says:

    Driver: See, officer, I told you this wasn’t no handicapped parking space.

    Officer: Alright, I’ll tear up this ticket. Have a nice day.

    Passenger: *%^$#!?&%?@ Wanker!!!!!

  9. Usagi says:

    Look at the reflection in the windshield. Look at the center and at the lower right hand corner.

    And why would they do all that work when its obvious that car won’t be going anywhere anytime soon…

  10. hhopper says:

    I suspect the photo was real but somebody just photoshopped in the snow in front of the car. It was in a snowbank and had a way out before the photoshopping.

  11. jbenson2 says:

    Here’s how I think they did it.

    1.) A big front end loader scooped out the area first.

    2.) Then the guys used the shovels to scrape off the snow on the car on the left.

    3.) They backed the clean car into the spot.

    4.) The white snow in the front area was applied with PhotoShop.

  12. hhopper says:

    Sounds good to me.

  13. Uncle Dave says:

    Growing up in Wisconsin, I can imagine this happening. Notice the mailbox flag just peeking up on the left? If the car is near the end of the driveway, they dug it out, then the snow plow came by clearing the road, it could have closed them up again. Cropping the photo does the rest.

  14. eyeofthetiger says:

    Two men and one shovel.

  15. McCullough says:

    #12. Well I still can’t find my van! And its 7′ 8″ in height, and white. Photoshop it back into my driveway.

  16. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    It may seem like these guys went to a lot of trouble to dig out, but they heard about a poker game in Delaware that has a topless dealer! Yipee!!!

  17. No idea where this is or anything else about it, but it does make me glad I live where it will be in the low 70’s today.

    Makes me glad I live where there’s public transportation.

  18. bill says:

    Looks like Lake Tahoe…

  19. jbenson2 says:

    Looks like we are going to need a bigger shovel.

    This is how they shovel snow in Washington state

  20. Gasbag says:

    I am glad I live in Australia now!

  21. Peter iNova says:

    Exqueeze me, but have you EVER seen a car dug out of the snow that has ZERO SNOW on it???

    Not a speck of moisture, snow, misted window, frost clinging to the inner pane of glass–nothing.

    What the…


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