• Apple iTunes now the number 2 music retailer.
  • Yahoo to do a Digg clone called Buzz.
  • Microsoft Live.com having all sorts of log in issues. Why? Aren’t they the experts?
  • IBM releases it’s new million dollar Z10 mainframe, the equivalent of 1500 servers.
  • IBM and AMD doing EUV technology for the next generation chip.
  • Today Sun Microsystems takes over MySQL for good.
  • HD-DVD’s on sale. Golly.
  • Look for a wireless mesh network in San Carlos.

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  1. BubbaRay says:

    Who knew mac was going to become a music retailer? the Beatles did, that’s who

    Yes, it must have been all that meditation with Ravi Shankar! 🙂

    I still don’t like iTunes interface, but the store is easy to navigate.

  2. GregA says:

    Computer noobs should stay away from iTunes, but not because of Apple. Like Adobe Reader, for some reason the top links on google to iTunes point to third parties that use it as a vector to install craplets on your computer.

    End users should go with reasonably safe alternatives like eMule, which is craplet free, and the music costs a lot less, and you can download Led Zepplin and the Beatles.

  3. Joey B says:

    GregA, at lest u have good taste in music. U are however a computer n00b, because only n00bs pay for musik. and only noobs use ipod w/o linux firmware.

  4. sashley616 says:

    John the HD-DVD player also up converts DVD’s to HD $50 is kinda cheep for an upconvert DVD player.


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