
Power has been restored throughout most of Florida after a massive outage Monday afternoon left more than 4-million people throughout the state without electricity.

The problem has been traced to a malfunction at an electricity substation in Dade County. As of 4:30 p.m., power had been restored to all but 800,000 people, said Jenn Meale, a spokesperson for the state emergency operations center. The state expected that most of those people will have power by 6 p.m.

Missed my home by a hair. Now we’re under a tornado watch until 11:00 PM EST. Cripes!

  1. Little Johnnie says:

    Am I imagining things or is Dade County the epicenter for f*ckups on a massive scale?

  2. GigG says:

    The use of “as” in the headline is of course used to make it sound like the power outage was caused by the Nuke shutdown when the reverse is actually correct.

    But never miss a chance to scare some folks.

  3. Daniel says:

    Did you say NUKE??

    It must have been AL QAEDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. RTaylor says:

    It got so hot in Florida, everyone was turning their AC’s, on exceeding estimated loads. The didn’t figure in 84F days. Many people don’t open windows and turn fans on, they go from heat to AC. Many have the auto thermostats that just maintains the setting, regardless of mode. Maintaining a power grid takes a lot of planning to maintain costs.

  5. Tate says:

    I don’t know what plant is shown in the photo, but it’s not Turkey Point. Turkey doesn’t have cooling towers. Also the media failed to mention that the fossil plants at Turkey Point were shutdown as well.

  6. morram says:

    Fidel Castro’s last strike at the USA

  7. hhopper says:

    #2 – The nuclear plant was caused to shut down by a “malfunction at an electricity substation.” However, the shutdown of the nuke caused the outage.

    Give me a break!

  8. Bryan Price says:

    Interesting. The power here just south of Jacksonville went out at 4:30. We left for dinner 6:15 still without power. Now the cause of this outage was that lightning took out a transformer near us. The rest of the area had electricity.

    And the power is back on. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to type this…

  9. AdmFubar says:

    AC??? shit…expecting a foot of snow here…… DAMN TROPICS!!!
    They are root of all global warming!!!!

  10. hhopper says:

    We’ve had the AC on for a week.

  11. Jetfire says:

    #8 hhopper # 2 is still correct though. “malfunction at an electricity substation.” caused the power plant to shut down which start the cascade affect. That power plant just happen to be Nuclear. The power plant shutting down was not in affect the sole cause either. They were also do maintenance on other transmission lines which would normal handle the load.

    This was just bad timing for the substation to fail.

    But to say it’s a NUCLEAR power plants fault is misleading.

  12. george w. says:

    It’s spelled nukyular!


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