A couple in Atlanta has pleaded guilty to beating their son for not getting all A’s on his school report card.

42-year-old Jean Pierre Marshall and stepmother, 26-year-old Courtney Marshall, were convicted Monday on one count of first degree cruelty to children and one count of misdemeanor battery…

The district attorney’s office says that when the teacher would not change his grades, Jacob altered his report card himself and when his parents discovered the deception they beat him with a belt and their fists.

The boy fled the house, returning to school barefoot and in torn clothes.

The Marshalls were arrested soon after. The child now lives with his biological mother in Wisconsin.

Some idiots call this “traditional discipline”.

Thanks, K B

  1. GigG says:

    No sane person considers hitting a child with their fists “traditional discipline.”

  2. MikeN says:

    Did he beat the mother too?

    First you complain that parents don’t care enough about their kids’ education, it’s all sports. Now you complain when parents push for good grades.

  3. Purple Welted says:

    Yeah, my folks would belt n welt me before grades just for good measure. It don’t make it right.

  4. keane-o says:

    Well, thanks for that thought, MikeN. Refreshing to see our neocons favor child abuse as well as all the other all-American sports.

  5. Thinker says:

    Its easy to get reactionary on reading this story. There’s a profound difference between discipline and hitting for distance or in anger, as these parents did.
    This is not ‘corrective’ in any way, this is punative, cruel…add your own adjective.

    Its a distinction worth making.

  6. tchamp2 says:

    Hitting with fists, is never discipline. Ever. I’d only use my fists to defend from a person trying to harm me.

    Also, any punishment doled out in anger is never right. Ironically enough, the Bible teaches this. That crazy God, he might have known something after all!

  7. tchamp2 says:

    #6 — LOL to your last comment.

  8. Chris says:

    Yes we can learn a lot from a god who kills everybody on the planet in a fit of childish anger (now turned into a cute cartoon for the younger tikes.)

  9. Shadowbird says:

    This is not traditional discipline. I should know; I was raised in a house with traditional discipline, and never once was I beaten.

  10. morram says:

    for me bad grades = sore ass

  11. Thinker says:

    Though, I will admit to thinking the parents should be hit for distance on this one. A good reason, perhaps, for bringing back public flogging… yes???? no????

    How can people???…

  12. rectagon says:

    #1 – Traditional Discipline? Nobody calls it that you whacko. It’s abuse. Plain and simple. And it’s a dang good thing I didn’t grow up in that house… I’d still have bruises for my marks.

  13. rodnovca says:

    I’m glad he was able to get away and get help. So many aren’t able to.

  14. Mister Catshit says:

    #13, rectagon

    The traditional right wing nuts consider this just.

  15. flyingelvis says:

    i bet the kid will make all A’s next time, by gad.

  16. tj says:

    In related news, John Dvorak beats the crap out of straw man.

  17. TJ says:

    In related news, John Dvorak beats up a straw man.


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