Yes, of course I know not all people on the right agree with this guy. But it’s interesting and important to see what the extreme right believes in in case a President starts to agree with these ideas. Here’s the dead guy’s website which is quite, um, interesting.

Anti-Islamic blogger commits suicide

A poster at Free Republic has discovered that a right-wing blogger named Ronald Barbour committed suicide on February 19. Barbour announced the planned suicide in a blog entry posted at his website on February 17. He said that the suicide would be to protest America’s failure to oppose the spread of Islam. Barbour’s views on what to do about Islam, as shown in another article of his below, were basically the same as my own: get Muslims out of the West, confine them to their own lands (he called his policy “quarantine” rather than “separationism”), and use military force to destroy any dangerous Islamic regimes but without occupying any Muslim countries. In addition to quarantining Islam as I would do, Barbour also, following the more hard-line position of David Yerushalmi of SANE, wanted to destroy Islam by destroying every sharia regime, whether or not it directly threatened us. Strikingly, Barbour understood that the problem is not terrorism, and the problem is not jihad, the problem is sharia. He said that any sharia-believing Muslim should be made to leave the U.S.

I wonder what would happen if mainstream, right-wing TV talking heads like O’Reilly started calling for this. Or for getting Jews or other non-Christians out of America?

  1. bobbo says:

    #25–Greg==lets take your analogy farther and say you are a member of the conservative movement aka Repuglican Party. Lets say the Repugs came out and congratulated Timothy McVeigh. Now–would you stay a member of that party as an average joe or not? I think not except the Muslim party will kill you for leaving. So- – – -the party has to be killed from the top down until the followers get enough courage to leave.

    Good analogy. We should start with the Repug today for practice and move on the to Sharia loving sects of Muslims?

  2. RBG says:

    The trouble with “religious” people is they become completely mesmerized listening to the same daily hypocritical messages over and over again ad nauseum: peace, love, adultery, sin. But enough about popular music.


  3. Miguel Correia says:

    #2, Totally agreed. The problem is that the “normal” islamics are still the silent majority. Let’s hope they don’t stay silent long enough to become the silent minority and fanatics become the majority.

    Anyhow, and I expect a lot of bashing on this one, I do believe we’d be much better without any religion whatsoever in the world… But this is only my opinion.

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Thanks, Greg Allen, for your #25 post. You stated better than I could what I was thinking.

    You also capably and eloquently answered some of my own questions.

  5. James Armstrong says:

    I don’t think we should throw any group out of America unless they conspire to get America to start unjustified wars contrary to US interests.

    Oh, wait.

  6. TIHZ_HO says:

    #32 pedro “Were you canned?” (I know why you ask LOL!)

    Just a hiccup with the spam guard… 🙂

    #19 Greg Allen “We liberal Jews, Christians and Muslims got no beef with each other. In fact, we get along just fine.”

    ABSOLUTELY! I could not agree more. At a German trade show we met business people from all over including Iranians and Israelis.

    Of course we were thinking to ourselves “Gee what would happen if the Iranian and Israeli business people showed up at our booth at the same time?” Would they suddenly step back from each other and pointing to each other yelling “YOU!!” LOL

    I recall this Iranian guy telling me “We have the same problem America has…an idiot President!” We both had a laugh and he know I was American. This guy told me he does business with Israel – though channles just like Israel does business with Iran again through channels … WTF??

    It seems the old adage “Believe half of what you read and half again more of what you hear” is even more true in the age of mass communication…you would have thought it would have gone the other way.

    Well as John Belushi would say. “But NOOooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo…!!”


  7. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    Hey, people who actively try to violently kill everyone else are just expressing an alternative viewpoint. In the name of diversity we must respect them.

  8. TIHZ_HO says:

    #46 Well if you are “Christian” it is your duty to respect them even if they do want to kill you! You know “Turn the other cheek…pull the finger…the meek shall inherit the Earth” and all that.



  9. julieb says:

    The guy is a moron.

    He says he did it because he is a patriot and idealist who loves god and country.

    I’m glad that was not the approach taken by Jefferson, Washington, Franklin and Paine.

    Can we nominate this chump for a Darwin award?

  10. julieb says:

    So where is the news reports that he actually killed himself?

    What building did he jump from?

  11. RBG says:

    “What a Billion Muslims Really Think, based on six years of research and more than 50,000 interviews representing 1.3 billion Muslims who reside in more than 35 nations that are predominantly Muslim or have sizable Muslim populations. Representing more than 90% of the world’s Muslim community, it makes this poll the largest, most comprehensive study of its kind.

    * Muslims and Americans are equally likely to reject attacks on civilians as morally unjustifiable.
    * Large majorities of Muslims would guarantee free speech if it were up to them to write a new constitution AND they say religious leaders should have no direct role in drafting that constitution.
    * Muslims around the world say that what they LEAST admire about the West is its perceived moral decay and breakdown of traditional values — the same answers that Americans themselves give when asked this question.
    * When asked about their dreams for the future, Muslims say they want better jobs and security, not conflict and violence.
    * Muslims say the most important thing Westerners can do to improve relations with their societies is to change their negative views toward Muslims and respect Islam.”

  12. Michael says:


    I was just about to post that, but you beat me to it. Good on you.

  13. Rick Cain says:

    Religion is a big waste of time, but I guess for those who need it its a good thing.

    A long time ago we shaped a log into a wooden monkey, or bird, or bear and worshipped it, and it was good. We then looked up to the sky and saw the sun….which was reliable, it came and went every day and gave us warmth so we worshipped it, and it was good.
    Then we created out of thin air a jealous god that killed millions for ignoring him, asked a man to kill his firstborn son, ordered his angels to slay the firstborns of all of egypt, brought plagues down that spared no-one, and threatens those who do not accept his love with eternal damnation.

    Not so good, but thats what we’re stuck with.

  14. bobbo says:

    #45–RBG==what a load of misdirecting propaganda. I’ll bet you the Nazi Party Members in 1939 would have answered exactly the same way?

    So, the issue isn’t what people want–its what their leaders push them into. THATS THE ISSUE.

    And while finding similarities is always relevant, the job is not done until the DIFFERENCES are also identified. Then the two can be weighed and compared.

    The blind stupidity of moral equivalence continues.

  15. RBG says:

    48 bobbo. You so perfectly illustrate how you and others like you so desperately wish not to acknowledge even the ostensive similarities as they exist. But that must be because leaders can so easily push you into that view.

    Or is it that leaders can sometimes do whatever they want regardless of the deep wishes of the people?

    Maybe you just need to understand that there could be differences between the views of leaders – especially unelected despots – and the people they rule.

    This is evidenced by Arabic countries that historically could so easily change their allegiances between Britain, France, the USSR, the US, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, etc. What, you thought this was all the sudden will of the people?

    If the people are indeed being pushed into something they don’t actually believe in or want, then I can only assume you find relief in the US mission to force democracy upon the world.



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