The Taliban threatened Monday to attack mobile phone facilities in Afghanistan, alleging that the technology was being used at night to pin-point the Islamic rebels’ hideouts.

Zabihullah Mujahed, a rebel spokesman, said that several phone companies had been given three days to respond to militants’ demands that they cut night time operations or face attacks, notably on antennas erected across the country…

“Usually during the nights the mobile phones are being used to spy on the Taliban to track down their footpaths. Here we ask the (mobile) companies to halt their operations from five o’clock in the evening to seven in the morning,” he said.

According to the country’s telecommunications ministry, over five million Afghans are currently using mobile phones, provided by five mainly foreign companies.


  1. gregallen says:

    He’s probably right — if the US is smart, they offer handsome rewards to any locals who call in a Taliban sighting.

    As a person who travels into terrorist locations, I have to say, cell phones have made my life much more risky.

    In the old days, I could get in-and-out of a dangerous neighborhood, have a little chai or a meal with a friend, and be on my way before any radicals could spot me and organize a kidnapping.

    Now with cellphones, they can spot “the white guy” and much more quickly and effectively organize an operation.

  2. Todd Henkel says:

    “Can you hear me now?”

  3. chuck says:

    Don’t they know how to switch off their own phones?

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    What??? Turn off the cell towers so the taliban cannot be tracked?

    How about this for an idea? TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONES, YOU FRIGGIN’ IDIOTS!

  5. bobbo says:

    #3-#4==I had the same question UNTIL I READ POST #1.

    “Give them books, and they eat the covers.”

  6. Sinn Fein says:

    And, when the cell phone companies comply, they’ll complain about no service…along with a demand for rebate on their bills. Then we wonder about the mentality of these people who convince their even-more-stupid comrades to blow themselves up for 72/virgins/figments-of-their-imaginations…make that **fragments** of their imaginations.

  7. bobbo says:

    #6–Sinn===this is what happens when the people get real consumer protection laws.

  8. Improbus says:

    Hey, Haji, take the battery out stupid.

  9. Farquaon says:

    You would think that the service provider can, I know this as I have worked for Ericsson a while, just filter their billing system to calls made to the USA, as I would imagine they contact their cells, then filter by top callers to the USA, and start eliminating from there. They could be able to pick up the beacons from there too, find a number and you can find the subscriber.

  10. the answer says:

    I agree with ah yea. If you can’t be bothered to not use something that isn’t super easy tracked to do your nefarious work, then you deserve to be caught , shot, whatever happens out there.

    What about satellite cell phone companies out there? do they have to divert their satellites around the country? If I owned one of those sat cell companies i’d rub it in their face, and of course trace every call and blab it because it’s what they deserve

  11. Gasbag says:

    Turn the fucking phone off or is that too hard for the dickheads that are the Taliban?

  12. bobbo says:

    HEY!!!—all you responding with “turn off the cell phone”–doesn’t Greg at Post #1 first sentence demonstrate what “might be” the relevant issue? Citizens turning in the taliban locations by making cell phone calls?

    Now that is one use of the cell phones. How would the Taliban turning off their cell phones stop this type of reporting?

  13. Raster says:

    OK, OK, let’s get this rolling…

    Do you hear that high-pitched whistle? That’s about to be your new ring-tone.

    Now *that’s* what I call an instant message!

    How many time must I say it! Turn caller ID off!

    New anti-terrorist plan: “Operation star sixty-nine”

    I’m done, I’m done, you can quit throwing rotten fruit!

  14. ECA says:

    Lets think here…
    Taliban SAYS, that cellphones can trace them?
    then WHY cut the towers, IF they cant?

    If they are smart enough to know this…WHY cut the MAIN PHONE service? Didnt you know this? YES, this is the MAIN PHONE SERVICE…

    cut the phone service and you CUT other services, LIKE INFORMATION of whats happening in the areas..

  15. joaoPT says:

    FUD is the effective weapon of terrorism. Of course this is to prevent locals to “snitch” their positions for a reward, but also because keeping more and more population “in the dark” serves their cause of spreading Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. This works very very well.
    Just look at the insane proceedings to travel by plane after 911.

  16. Sinn Fein says:

    Better solution, KILL THE F*CKING TALIBAN.

    No Taliban, no problems, telephone service or, otherwise.

  17. joaoPT says:

    If only things were that simple.
    “Kill tha bad guys, so that the good guys can live happily ever after…”
    Yeah, right. But how do you do it? Rambo is planning on retiring, and Ahnold has some pressing political affairs…


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