Obama Viewed Most Favorably In New CBS News/N.Y. Times Poll – Horserace — FYI.

here’s a sneak peek at how the major candidates are faring in public opinion – a comparison Barack Obama appears to be winning.

Among all registered voters surveyed, Hillary Clinton has by far the highest “unfavorable” rating. Forty three percent said their opinion of Clinton is unfavorable, compared to 35 percent who viewed her favorably. Clinton fared better among likely Democratic primary voters – 61 percent of that group said they had a favorable opinion of the New York senator. But 27 percent of Democrats had an unfavorable opinion.

Obama was viewed favorably by 45 percent of all voters while just 23 percent had an unfavorable opinion of him. And among those Democrats, his favorability was 69 percent while just eight percent had an unfavorable view.

Thirty two percent of all voters said they were undecided or have not heard enough to form an opinion of Obama, indicating room for himself – or his political opponents – to shape those opinions.

John McCain was viewed more favorably than unfavorably among all voters (36 percent to 32 percent) but just 57 percent of Republicans said they have a favorable opinion of their presumptive nominee. Thirty percent of his own party said they had no opinion of McCain, indicating that he may have some work ahead of him in consolidating GOP support for the fall campaign.

  1. GigG says:

    Here’s proof that the Dems will bring about another civil war. Pitting Brother vs. Brother.


  2. RTaylor says:

    In the Democratic nomination process, he’ll not get pounding for being too liberal. In the general it will be the center piece of Republican attacks. Also VP choice will be a factor for both Obama and Hillary. These polls are meaningless this far out.

  3. MikeN says:

    No, he’s not a Juggernaut. Hillary! will win this campaign, and you all are going to get marched off to Guantanamo to fill those newly empty cells. She isn’t going to go away quietly. She will play the race card, the religion card, the foreigner card, and all from the bottom of the deck. She is going to win Texas, and Ohio, and Pennsylvania, and Kentucky, and West Virginia, and Puerto Rico, and all those superdelegates will vote for her. She will rise from the dead! Mperkel will blog again! Yes she can!

  4. Thinkdeep says:

    In television we have L.O.P. (Least Objectionable Programing). Meaning, we are going to sit down in front of the TV and watch SOMETHING for one or two hours no mater what so we tune to the L.O.P.

    It is the same with voting, even if you don’t vote. L.O.C. (Least Objectionable Candidate). Right now it seems Obama is L.O.C. as we know the least about him and Hope for the best.

  5. Hmeyers says:

    Here is a blatent cut and paste from something I saw elsewhere on the net:

    Can you guess my name?

    1) I Served on the Board of UNION HATING Wal-Mart
    But I am Pro Union.

    2) I voted for the war in Iraq
    But I am against Iraq War

    3) I Voted for Kyle-Lieberman to extent the war to Iran
    But I will bring soldiers back home in 60 days

    4) I will provide universal health insurance
    But I will force you to buy it to boost insurance company’s profits.

    5) I Supported NAFTA
    But now I oppose NAFTA

    6) I am a strong woman and a fighter
    But I cry and complain when I can not win

    7) I can stand the republican heat
    But I cannot stand the Democratic heat

    8) I am the most experienced candidate
    But I have no clue how to run a presidential campaign.

    9) I hate Bush
    But I try to copy his politics of fear and division

    10)I am the most vetted candidate in the race
    But, no I won’t show you my tax returns

    11)I am honored to be with you Barack Obama
    But Shame on you Barack Obama

    12)I will be fine because I am on both sides of the issues
    But the question is will you be fine?

  6. Joshua says:

    John….after a really good study of the various polling groups was done because of the New Hampshire debacle….CBS/NYT, CNN, Zogby/Reuters and ABC polling groups were found to be the least accurate polls being done.

    The best, so far this election have been Survey/USA, Rasmusson, Mason/Dixon. All of the others are somewhere in between.

    Rasmusson and Survey have been found to be with-in 2 points of the final tally’s in every primary since NH.

    They happen to have Obama and McCain with the same favorables, 57% and 34% unfavorable. Clinton has 44% favorable and 47% unfavorable….in their newest polls done today.
    Survey has McCain over Clinton by 4%(with in the margin of error) and McCain over Obama by 2%(also in the margin of error) meaning a virtual tie.
    Rassmusson also has McCain up over both Obama and Clinton….but Obama is with in the margin of error, Clinton wasn’t. But the really interesting polls are the head to heads on a state by state basis. Basically they show Obama and Clinton not winning any Red states and McCain winning 3 Blue states(Mass., Wisc., Penn.) and actually competitive in California.

    What these early polls show is how each of these people will be looking at the VP choice and where they will have to concentrate their resources later this year.

    I think the poll result that surprised me the most was this one…..52% of all voters said they would not, under any chance vote for Clinton…..34% said they were solid for her. 29% said that they wouldn’t vote for McCain under any circumstances…59% they would vote for him. Obama had 29% that wouldn’t ever vote for him….with 61% who would support him.
    This is really bad news for Clinton and good news for McCain and Obama….both men have only down to go…..this could be a really interesting election if people never figure out that Obama isn’t Jesus and just a typical Liberal-Lefty…..lol 🙂

  7. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    The question to ask yourself about Obama’s message of change is “Will I have any change left my pocket when he’s done?”

  8. MikeN says:

    How many people vote based on the vice=president choice?

  9. patrick says:


    That’s not something he will address with specifics. Probably with good reason.

  10. Joshua says:

    #10…MikeN….Interestingly in the polls done on the favorable/non-favorable’s of the three….those people who said they were solidly behind Obama and McCain….over 20%, I think it was 21% McCain and 23% Obama, that they could change their mind depending on who they picked as their V.P..
    Thats a pretty big chunk. Like you, I didn’t really think that many people would care that much who it was.

    The Democrats when asked if they would like to see a Clinton/Obama ticket…72% said yes. A Obama/Clinton ticket…63% said yes.

    Republicans want McCain to pick a conservative, it didn’t matter which one as long as he/she was pro-life and strong on border control.

  11. Janet Renob says:

    Obama’s efforts to connect to the Republican Party, specifically Bush, and Dick Chaney, of the Halliburton Company, dates back to the Presidents Grandfather, Prescott Bush, and indeed Chaney was once an executive officer of Halliburton.

    The American military pounds Iraq with Artillary, bombs, and the like, destroying large sections of cities, and infra-structures, then Halliburton comes in to rebuild. Halliburton and Halliburton associated companies have raked in ten’s of billions.

    Obama is just like the BIG HALIBURTAN. Haliburton has contracted to build detention centers in the U.S. similiar to the one in Quantanammo Bay, Cuba. Halliburton does nothing to earn the Two Dollars for each meal an American Serviceman in Iraq eats.


    Halliburton was scheduled to take control of the Dubai Ports in The United Arab Emiirate. The deal was canceled when Bush was unable to affect the transfer of the American Ports.

    Now we see what some might suspect as similiar financial escapading from the Democrats.

    Two years ago, Iraq’s Ministry of Electricity gave a $50 million contract to a start-up security company – Companion- owned by now-indicted businessman (TONY REZKO) Tony Rezko and a onetime Chicago cop, Daniel T. Frawley, to train Iraqi power-plant guards in the United States. An Iraqi leadership change left the deal in limbo. Now the company, Companion Security, is working to revive its contract.
    Involved along with Antoin “Tony” Rezco, long time friend and neighbor of Democratic Presidential hopeful Barack Obama, and former cop Daniel T. Frawley, is Aiham Alsammarae. Alsammarae was accused of financial corruption by Iraqi authorities and jailed in Iraq last year before escaping and returning here.

    Recently, Obama’s campaign staff have been vetted by the IRS to disclose his connection to the criminal money generating underworld. Besides, his connections to the REZCO MAFIA types, his up-coming tax fraud charges — Obama needs to disclose why he is a MUSLIM “PATWANG-FWEEE” and disclose Obama’s MUSLIM Farrakhan mob connection to Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ. Its minister, and Obama’s spiritual adviser, is the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. In 1982, the church launched Trumpet Newsmagazine; Wright’s daughters serve as publisher and executive editor. Every year, the magazine makes awards in various categories. Last year, it gave the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award to a man it said “truly epitomized greatness.” That man is Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan and Chicago’s Trinity United Church are trumpeting Barack Obama AKA Barack Hussein Obama as the second coming of the messiah. Obama should stop suppoting our intervention in IRAQ. It’s time to introduce this false, fake Xerox – X box Obama and invite the self-indicting thief plagiarizing pipsqueke “GLORK” Xerox – X box to meet the Buffalo “GAZOWNT-GAZIKKA” Police Department Buffalo Creek. He is MAD!!! —


    “GLORK” Obama looks like Alfred E. Newman: “Tales Calculated To Drive You.” He is a MUSLIM “Glork” He’s MAD!!! Alfred E. Neuman is the fictional mascot of Mad. The face had drifted through American pictography for decades before being claimed by Mad editor Harvey Kurtzman after he spotted it on the bulletin board in the office of Ballantine Books editor Bernard Shir-Cliff, later a contributor to various magazines created by Kurtzman.
    Obama needs to disclose why he is a MUSLIM “PATWANG-FWEEE” and stop suppoting our intervention in IRAQ. It’s time to introduce this false, fake “GLORK” Xerox – X box Obama and invite the self-indicting thief plagiarizing pipsqueke Xerox – X box to meet the Buffalo “GAZOWNT-GAZIKKA” Police Department Buffalo Creek.

    Michelle Obama should be ashamed.

    “GLORK” Michelle Obama should be ashamed of her separatist-racist connection to Farrakhan and Chicago’s Trinity United Church trumpeting Barack Obama AKA Barack Hussein Obama as the second coming of the messiah. If Michelle Obama new what her husband — the Hope-A-Dope, Fonster Monster — Barack Obama AKA Barack Hussein Obama did in Harlem, she would wash her wide-open, Hus-suey loving MUSILM mouth out, with twenty-four (24) mule-team double-cross X-boX-BorraX. He is a MUSLIM “Glork” It’s time to introduce this false, fake “GLORK” Xerox – X box Obama and invite the self-indicting thief plagiarizing pipsqueke Xerox – X box to meet the Buffalo “GAZOWNT-GAZIKKA” Police Department Buffalo Creek. He’s MAD!!!



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