
  1. lucascantor says:

    It’s a lamp, sickos.

  2. Brett says:

    You got me.

  3. Dvorak says:


    [Not the real Dvorak. – ed.]

  4. Stu Mulne says:


    I had to look twice – it’s hard to spot.

    IE7 displays a tooltip – “lamp” something – when the mouse is allowed to linger over the photo, but I didn’t see that until later.



  5. Mister Canine Feces says:

    I thought she had a tattoo on her ass.

  6. Riker17 says:

    I was laughing for five minutes or more! My mind is caught up with one of the previous stories and so I immediately thought it was what you’re all thinking but don’t want to say. Took me for a loop.

  7. QB says:

    Hook, line, and sinker…

  8. SparkyOne says:

    “Windows Vista Capable Laptop”?

  9. Eideard says:

    torchiere lamp

  10. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  11. Joshua says:

    Looks like one of those Frenchie sounding lamps to me. 🙂

    Maybe I would see more if I didn’t have a healthy, full sex life. 🙂

  12. bobbo says:

    I don’t see anything, but if I stare at it for 5 minutes and then look away, I get a headache.

  13. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Whatever it is, it appears to be turned on.

  14. GregA says:

    I have that same lamp, and I will never look at it the same way again…

  15. Magnus Patris says:

    I don’t see anything, but it smells fishy to me.

  16. Semi-Aroused says:

    I thawt I saw a twa*

  17. Balbas says:

    Tattoos of exotic plants might be all the rage in Paris, but not for me in Milwaukee.

  18. Trying2Think says:

    I see someone being told they need to stop taking digital photos to send to friends.

  19. McCullough says:

    hopper you horny bastard!

  20. hhopper says:

    That’s one of the best examples of figure/ground I’ve ever seen.

  21. TIHZ_HO says:

    That lamp will now be banned from sale in most States in the US.

    Great pic hhopper, I agree!


  22. MacBandit says:

    Makes more sense if you look at it upside down. All I saw was a lamp until I started thinking about looking at it from different angles.

  23. Froggmann says:

    I Love Lamp!

  24. Pervert!!!

    [the real Dvorak]

  25. mikeknowland says:

    Oh, that’s what “I love lamp” means…

  26. sam6 says:

    it is called straples thingy

  27. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    It’s a butt pooping mud through a funnel to get added pressure to increase accuracy.

  28. Rabble Rouser says:

    A lamp, or two legs spread open. Depends on your sickness of mind.

  29. FPM says:

    I used to be a homeless rodeo clown but now I am a world class magician !

  30. Gern Blanston says:

    I see a….. ….. …………… Chicken chicken chicken !


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