It’s a quiet Sunday night. Bit of a gentle rain outdoors.

My wife and I just watched “The Last Mimzy”. Second time for me. And I thought I’d put up the Roger Waters theme for the film.

I read “Mimsy were the Borogoves” when it came out, when the team calling themselves “Lewis Padgett” published it during the war. Yes, I was a kid; but, like any of the good stuff I read as a kid – it stuck around my life and was reread more than once.

  1. Wholly says:

    Does the movie do the story justice? I *LOVE* that story and it’s been a part of my mind since the day I read it (and the 100 times afterwards).

    I was terrified that the movie would “dumb down” or “misdirect” and take the wonder and OMG from the story. I assume it’s good if you recommend it.

    I can’t wait for “Flowers for Algernon”. It could make a great adaptation.

  2. Eideard says:

    “Flowers for Algernon” has been done a number of times – the 2 most successful being as a TV play in 1961 and as a movie, “Charly”, in 1968 – both times starring Cliff Robertson.

    Very well done for the time. I haven’t seen the later versions.

    As for “Mimzy”, they didn’t try to star the CGI; the screenwriting was adult; and they found a couple of talented kids, especially the girl – who cameos in the Waters’ video.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    As a side note, I didn’t notice until this listen how much Walter’s song complemented and completed his Dark Side of the Moon.

  4. Shadowmist says:

    Thats Roger Waters fool,just teasing, but its Waters not Walters.Ive been a fan since I was a kid.I could hear my sister playing Pink Floyd albums into the night.Then in the 90s the Berlin wall came down and there was a concert with over 300,000 people.Pink Floyd The Wall in Berlin.It was beautiful I will always enjoy Pink Floyd and Roger Waters solo music.

  5. John Paradox says:

    Howcum, when I go to NetFlix and look at the SciFi, they have the cheap crap, and something like this I have to do a search for?

    I’ve been reading SF since about 1957.. and there are some novels and stories I would love to see done well, with the current state of CGI making the work possible.


  6. Eric Susch says:

    Is there anybody in there?
    Just nod if you can hear me…

  7. Peter iNova says:

    Did Mimzy make any money when it first came out? I seem to barely recall it and don’t remember any publicity push.

    But what a lovely film. It deserves to be in every child’s media memories.

  8. McCullough says:

    #8. I dont think it did well at the box office, I was impressed when I saw it on cable a week or so ago, having never heard of it and thinking it was a kids film.

  9. Rager93 says:

    Too weird. I too watched The Last Mimzy yesterday. I had TiVo’d it several days ago and yesterday’s stormy weather was the perfect opportunity to finally watch it. First time I had seen it and I loved it…right up to the end. Good movie but the end just sort of fell flat for me.

    I caught Roger Water’s song at the end and thought it was just a blatant rip of Comfortably Numb. But then is it really a rip since he performed and co-wrote Comfortably Numb?

  10. Jow says:

    I thought this song was a mix of just about all of his hits. It starts off similar to Brain damage, then as he goes into the lyrics it sounds like a few Wall songs, of course the chorus has a comfortably numb lyrics and feel. I find it an interesting compilation of his previous works.


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