1. Neal says:


  2. TIHZ_HO says:

    Its only funny with NYC accents, you know?

    You can thank “Family Guy” for paving the way…or clearing a path as the case might be.


  3. Miguel says:

    Guys, I’m portuguese. What does ‘cut the cheese’ mean?

  4. Pete says:

    #3 This was a commercial full of fart jokes

  5. Mister Catshit says:

    #3, Miguel,

    “Cut the Cheese” is slang for passing gas, or farting.

    Another joke is if you pull someone’s finger, that makes them fart.

    Near the end another joke refers to “Pinch a Loaf”, which is slang for releasing one’s bowel’s or taking a shit.

    The very last joke, “Drop the kids off at the pool” also refers to taking a shit.

  6. Miguel says:

    Wow! Never could have understood any of that! Thanks, #5!

  7. hhopper says:

    No, Mr. Cat-turd, if you have to fart, you ask someone to pull your finger and if they’re stupid enough to do it, you cut loose a huge fart. 🙂

  8. Mister Catshit says:

    #7, hopper,

    Yes, my mistake. The finger pull must be requested to have the requisite effect. As a small aside, this works best with older “uncles” ask younger children.


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