School newspaper drops a V-bomb

Grover Cleveland High School Principal Bob Marks has his limits.

On Thursday, it was the labeled diagram of a vagina splashed across the front page of the student newspaper’s Valentine’s Day issue.

Flustered teachers rushed to confiscate the publication, but with some copies already in circulation and the Reseda campus in an uproar, it quickly became a hot read for the school’s roughly 3,700 students.

The drawing in question ran under the hot-pink headline “Have a happy Vagina Day!” and the four-page edition included stories titled “Ending shame for nature’s gift” and “Rejected!!!!!!!”

The paper’s editor-in-chief, 15-year-old Richard Edmond, said he was trying to raise awareness of violence against women with a lead story about playwright Eve Ensler’s “Vagina Monologues.”

“I didn’t think it was going to be that big a deal,” Edmond said. “But they are really upset.”
Edmond said some students reported that security guards snatched papers out of their hands. Marks said he had heard similar reports, but did not witness any such incidents.

Those wacky kids just love to jerk around the adults. <snicker>

  1. AdmFubar says:

    wait??? none of these kids heard of the internet there??? a student newspaper?? is this a school in some southern state??

  2. pjakobs says:

    why can’t those kids just be like other American kids and play with their guns?


  3. John Paradox says:

    Reminds me of a bit from George Carlin in explaining the ‘seven words’=
    Snatch that pussy and put it in the box.


  4. LAT SUX says:

    Can the editors stop posting links to LA Times articles? I refuse to give Newspapers my email.

    [You don’t have to give them your email to read the article. – ed.]

  5. Dallas says:

    As stated, these kids are just jerking around the adults. They know anything with a sex connotation causes a ruckus and they giggle for days.

    Even funnier is watching the republican conservatives put their hands over their ears and yell “la la la la la la la la la la…”.

  6. Usagi says:

    When vaginas are outlawed, only outlaws will have vaginas!

  7. MikeN says:

    Yeah this is such a super play, whose first version includes the line if it was rape, it was a good rape. Apparently, if its lesbians, then rape of minors is ok.

  8. SparkyOne says:

    Printed = 1st amendment many readers
    Posted = internet porn site blocking software

  9. Uncle Dave says:

    #4: Use a throwaway email address. Or make up a phony one and enter that.

  10. bobbo says:

    There was a small brouhaha over Jane Fonda saying she was asked to do “Cunt” from VM. Lots of Ruckus when adults do this ON TOPIC.

    Not much different from the headline above about the Muslim Fundies arresting flirts–or is there? Janes was not arrested==but the subject is still “sex” and how male dominated societies try to repress it OR repress women.

  11. JustJanet says:

    I don’t understand the huge deal…but I know the same thing would happen at my hs. Actually last year a fun fact was about boys being able to get an erection in the womb was distributed and the admin. freaked out they were ripping copies from students hands…I put mine in my bag and walked away…

  12. brian t says:

    Article refers to the Reseda campus, so that places the school in the San Fernando Valley (LA), I guess. Oh, Arnie..?


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