Yael Naïm – “New Soul”

  1. bobbo says:

    Pleasant video and song. Nothing new–just straight forward application of current tech. “Still” who is the real creative force here–most likely not Yael Naïm. The writer/director/idea man behind this should get more credit/recognition==but he never will.

  2. The Man says:

    Actually Yael is a classically trained pianist a good jazz musician and a very good singer songwriter.

  3. bobbo says:

    #2–granted. But who is the creative force behind THIS video?

  4. McCullough says:

    Trippy, was Jobs with Kesey and the “Merry Pranksters”?

  5. Solderjockey says:

    iTunes store had this on the front page shortly after the commercial was out. They have a section where you can find all their commercial music beds

  6. Higghawker says:

    I think this is just another example of Apple and their ability to spot unique talent. Just as the iPod is so tastefully done, this fresh music/video fits the Apple signature.

    More on this extraordinary voice from her website:

    Then there was the meeting in 2004 with David Donatien who was accompanying a friend on stage they had in common. A West Indian drummer, David had spent the last 15 years working with an extraordinary variety of people from Bernard Lavilliers to the electro musician Junior Jack, from Wassis Diop to Malia. As changeable with instruments as he is with genres, he moves from traditional drum kits to electronic tools. David has always made a point of not stopping at just the one vocation of rhythm, but throws himself into the role of arranger too. His skill and imagination has literally made Yael’s musical universe bloom by giving a direction to her music and an aesthetic to her songs. Equally it was David who encouraged Yael to sing in Hebrew, something she had strictly denied herself up until now. Their complicity and complementary styles are such that now they prefer to present themselves as a group.

  7. AdmFubar says:

    i just dont get it……………..
    i mean really??? what does this have to do with a mac book air??
    it is soo disconnected from technology that buyers of the air would be sorely dissapointed on it’s performance based on this ad…

  8. Miguel says:

    It’s a bit off topic, but the first thing this reminded me of was Edie Brickell’s ‘Good Times’ videoclip that was in the original Windows 95 CD. A lovely theme.

  9. Ah-so says:

    “what does this have to do with a mac book air??

    Nothing, they’re selling you an image.

  10. oz4me says:

    Bringing a product and unique music together is nothing new, just good ad work. I’m more concerned about dumping that fish in the water, not ecologically sound.

  11. Cursor_ says:

    Thank you thank you thank you!

    Now I know what to avoid.

    The apple commercials use such placid, wonder bread, safe for baby-boomers with far too much money music that it is a wonder they just don’t explode from all the Birkenstock, sweater over polo, Brad and Steffie at the country club garbage into a hazy pine-sol scented cloud of atomized body parts, fluffy kittens in a deed restricted part of the cosmos!

    Its so hygienic that even vomit would smell like baby wipes!

    Ugh! Now I need to listen to three hours of KMFDM just to wash off all that good-natured, white bread, neo-hippie stink off me.


  12. rockn' says:

    So what, the mac air is a nice machine, but $1800 worth??

  13. yaldani says:

    I think that this video is really beautiful, and her style is enchanting.

    Cursor – Yael Naim is as not American as they come. Born in France, raised in Israel, I doubt she knows what wonder bread is. Thanks for the laughs, though.

  14. kamenzie says:

    what does the song have to do with the mac book air?

    that is easy, she is singing about a new soul, and the mac book air is a new addition to the mac family


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