Now this is my kind of vegan restaurant!

  1. LtL says:

    Aren’t you at all disturbed by the misogynistic attitude of calling women “meat.” I mean, the subtext to that is rather troubling, especially in light of the sheer volume of sexism and misogyny in our culture.

    And to be clear, I’m not necessarily objecting to the concept, but to the reduction of women to “meat.”

  2. hhopper says:

    You’ve got a point there. But I feel that’s pretty minor compared to how women are treated in some other societies.

  3. McCullough says:

    #1. I’m sorry, what?

  4. bobbo says:

    Eating pussy would be dissallowed in this fine establishment, unlike eating cherry pie which is ok. (Local laws may vary.)

  5. AdmFubar says:

    after watching him in the kitchen i wouldnt eat there…
    no hair nets… no gloves… either the local regs for health and safety are non existant out there…or they just dont blatently care…

  6. wholly says:

    #4,#5 – I’m sorry, what?

  7. Tordenflesk says:

    #1 – It’s a slogan, dumbass

  8. Jägermeister says:

    #5 – AdmFubar

    He’s a vegan… you can’t expect too much intelligence.

  9. Awake says:

    Of course this is on the Conservative Fox channel. Hypocrites.

  10. Brandon says:

    #9, perhaps you should understand the difference between the Fox News Channel, and a local Fox affiliate station.

    #1, I find it odd that you’re seemingly alright with the misogynist nature of the strip club aspect of the situation, yet object to the referencing of women as meat. Granted, I agree with you that a woman is more than meat, but the whole point of a strip club is to transform women from people to objects, and THAT is the truly despicable portion of the whole situation.

  11. Cursor_ says:

    WOW! Now I have another reason not to go besides the stripping!

    Vegan = unnatural
    Stripping = torture


  12. SJP says:

    He’s missing one key ingredient to a successful business – MEAT. Add a cheeseburger to the menu and you won’t have to reinvent yourself again. Seriously, strippers that don’t eat meat? What’s the point?

  13. SJP says:

    The more you think about it the funnier it is. This guy must have the worse instinct for business ever. Guys that go to strip clubs aren’t looking to eat carrots while chugging beer. And can you picture a vegan eating in a strip club? Oh look, there’s Paul McCartney.

    The motto should read: “Come to our restaurant where we exploit women, not cows.”

    I’ll bet in less than a year he’ll be reopening as the Christian Bible and Bong Shop.

  14. hhopper says:

    Or maybe the Christian Bible and Wong Shop.


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