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No fad, just a bunch of growing up Gotti wannabes from North Jersey. I guess these kids don’t realize they look like complete buffoons!
Is this from a gay party?
I recognize the symptoms.
It’s the Reverse-Michael-Jackson-Syndrome. Soon they’ll all be getting much larger noses.
Some of those pictures look like they were taken from Zoolander. I understand it marginally when it does not look so fake, but some of those guys look like they just went down to the local paint shop and had a party.
Uncle Dave – you’re showing your age. All younger generations try something to upset their elders.
Remember the long hair when the Beatles arrived?
How about Sideburns, DA Haircut, Miniskirts, Tie Dye T-Shirts, The Twist, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Disco Music, Platform Shoes, “Digg it?”, Break Dancing, “Not!”, Grunge, Bleached Hair, Piercings, “LOL and OMG”, Low Rise Jeans, Thongs.
Dammit! White people should be Elizabeth the 1st white, the way nature intended us.
Did these guys escape from a Willy Wonka movie? They look like tall Oompa Loompas.
5, 6: I don’t think anyone is bashing tanning, but good god this just looks ridiculous. How anyone can say its anything but is obviously blind. This has nothing to do with being a ‘rebel’, but looking like a total and complete douchebag instead.
#8 said: This has nothing to do with being a ‘rebel’, but looking like a total and complete douchebag instead.
You proved my point. “All younger generations try something to upset their elders.”
These guys have definitely upset you.
These guys are pikers compared to their Japanese cross dressing competition.
I’m glad the todays youth is so goddamn dumb that they have nothing to do than make their heads look even dumber. What kind of cloned zombies are those?
What happened with intelligent and creative young people who were listening to beethoven and reading shakespeare?
I’ve seen this look before in old lynching photographs of “the South” from the early 1900’s. A pretty obscene new fad. Perhaps this looks cool to someone, but it hearkens back to a part of our cultural mythology many of us would rather move beyond and NOT revisit.
#5, jbenson,
Uncle Dave – you’re showing your age. All younger generations try something to upset their elders.
So what is your point? Were those fads not ridiculed too?
BTW, you missed tattooing. I expect it will have run its coarse by the end of this year and by next year Plastic Surgeons will be advertising Lasar Tattoo Removal at a cut rate $200 per sq. inch.
Aw, damn! I was thinking of getting a science or math related tattoo. Now your telling me it is out of fashion. What would you think of an Einstein tramp stamp? LOL
I don’t think a handful of pictures of young people with bad fake tans indicates any sort of sweeping societal trend.
While most of these clearly are really poorly-done fake tans (note that the pictures are primarily of young guys, who were no doubt deliberately trying to look like jackasses because, well, they’re young guys and looking and acting like jackasses is often part and parcel of being young guys), I’m sure that much of it is the effect of the camera with which the pictures were taken.
A friend of mine recently got a fake tan and looked fine in person. Not at all orange or streaky. She had some digital pictures taken and looking at those it became immediately apparent that she was sporting a faux tan, complete with orange tint and streaks.
#13 said: So what is your point? Were those fads not ridiculed too?
Exactly. Those fads were ridiculed by the older generation in past decades.
My point? Uncle Dave asked the question: What the hell is going on here?
I gave him the answer.
naw these aren’t bizarre… now this is bizarre:
Oh and as far as being disturbed or upset as to what young people do to themselves.., I laughed myself silly at their appearance.
They deserve it… I hope their skin stays that color…
You can find these guys all over the website (hot chicks with douchebags).
Actually, since the tans seem accompanied by muscles, and since most pro bodybuilders have to use a fake tanning compound to accentuate their developement during pose-downs, this is probably what is going on here.
Go to You Tube and search “My New Haircut” 🙂
Looks like a William Shatner Star Trek episode except the girls have nicer chests
They are the children of Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo?
9-hahah they’ve upset me? No, they make me laugh with their moronic ‘look’. Tell me, though, which one are you?
Well, my first thought was that they look like Oompa Loopas. If they start a band they could call themselves “Red Man Group.”
If they were my child, I’d laugh my ass off and let them continue on their way. Sometimes, you have to let people be stupid and figure it out on their own.
Going Guido! Hey kids its all the rage!
In a way its better than seeing whiggers, now thats pathetic!
I think they need a bridge and tunnel trip to “the city” stand outside waiting in the snow to get chosen at Pure, finally rejected to the china club with a three bottle minimum on dad’s card 🙂
Lame… not as lame as those commenting on their lameness though.
It’s just what a kid has to do to get a date today, now that we have set new role models for the girls aspirations.
What a couple of goofs! I wish I could be there 25 years from now when they have to explain this shit to their kids-lol
And another thing, if this is such a friggin ‘fad’ why are they so obviously alone in their fashion statement? Jerkoffs.