Yahoo! News

CINCINNATI – A federal court jury on Friday found the owner of a company that sells “male enhancement” tablets and other herbal supplements guilty of conspiracy to commit mail fraud, bank fraud and money laundering.


Steve Warshak, whose conviction was reported Friday by The Cincinnati Enquirer, is founder and president of Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals, which distributes Enzyte and a number of products alleged to boost energy, manage weight, reduce memory loss and aid restful sleep.

Television ads for Enzyte feature “Smiling Bob,” a goofy, grinning man whose life gets much better after he uses the product, which allegedly boosted his sexual performance. Warshak, 40, could face more than 20 years in prison and his company could have to forfeit tens of millions of dollars. Prosecutors claimed customers were bilked out of $100 million through a series of deceptive ads, manipulated credit card transactions and the company’s refusal to accept returns or cancel orders. They said unauthorized credit card charges generated thousands of complaints over unordered products.

Warshak’s mother, Harriett Warshak, also was convicted of conspiracy, bank fraud and money laundering. Some former employees, including relatives of Warshak, pleaded guilty to other charges and cooperated with prosecutors. They testified that the company created fictitious doctors to endorse the pills, fabricated a customer-satisfaction survey and made up numbers to back claims about Enzyte’s effectiveness. The defense contended in the trial that Berkeley suffered from customer service that didn’t keep pace with the company’s rapid growth from a one-person startup in 2001 to 1,500 employees in 2004.

You mean it doesn’t work……what am I gonna do with all this stuff?

  1. Satman says:


    If it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

    I did get a laugh or 2 from the commercials.

  2. Esih says:

    Good! If he gets 20 years it might make up for the stupid commercials.

  3. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I also got a laugh from those ads. The silly grin, the instant respect, the adoring wife. It was classic Theater of the Absurd.

    (chant) Free Bob! Free Bob! Free Bob!

  4. Li says:

    Will those silly ads go off the air now?

  5. bill says:


  6. JimS says:

    The ads may be gone, but I’m still stepping high, and laughing easy.

  7. FRAGaLOT says:

    Great ad campaign.. better than that fucking “head on, apply directly to your forehead…”

  8. Sean O'Hara says:

    Those ads freak me out with how much the people look like they stepped out of the “Blackhole Sun” video.

  9. JPV says:

    Hmmm… I wonder why drug companies are allowed to sell OTC cough medicines that even Doctors admit DO NOT WORK?

    Has anybody ever taken an OTC cough syrup that actually stopped their cough? They’ve never worked for me.

    This guy’s only mistake, was not hiring powerful lobbyist to help secure government protection for his crimes… like all other corporate criminals in this stupid greedy corrupt country.

    Experts: Skip The Cough Medicine

    April 8, 2005

    Americans spend $3.5 billion annually on over-the-counter cough remedies, but experts say much of this money is wasted.

    Guidelines released by the American College of Chest Physicians earlier this year indicate that many of the “active” ingredients in cough remedies may be ineffective, reports the May issue of the Harvard Health Letter.


    On the other hand, if you think a cold or cough medicine works, it probably won�t hurt you to stick with it, even if what you�re paying for is a placebo effect rather than a proven remedy, according to the Harvard Health Letter.

  10. the freaky tiki says:

    Where the hell was the FDA during all of this? Shouldn’t these pills been tested by them before solicitations?

  11. Libertican says:

    “The “male enhancement pill” Enzyte was marketed entirely through false claims, non-existent scientific studies and aggressive credit card billing, a former company vice president testified. In some cases, company founder Steve Warshak required customers seeking a refund to get a notarized doctor’s note stating the pill had no effect. “He said it was extremely unlikely someone would get anything notarized saying they had a small penis,” testified James Teegarden Jr.”

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    Bob’s not smiling anymore…

  13. JPV says:

    pedro said

    #9 yeah, another conspiracy. Get another notebook for this one


    Gee… I had no idea that Consumer Affairs was a conspiracy rag.

    And yeah, I guess you’re right. Lobbyist don’t secure favorable governmental treatment for their clients.

    Thanks for setting me straight.


  14. Ah_Yea says:

    Amazingly enough, you can market this stuff without FDA approval because of the Herbal Supplement exemption 0f 1994 which, governed supplements by the same rules that applied to producing foods, such as cans of soup.
    Just last year, the FDA started enforcing some laws which relates to fraud or premature death, not so much if the product works or not.

    The sad fact is, these scammers would have gotten of scott-free if they had offered prompt refunds.

  15. Satman says:

    These products are marketed as “food supplements”
    like vitamins and minerals and don’t require FDA approval to sell. Kinda like that head on stuff.

  16. Mister Catshit says:

    Well, that’s two careers shot. First as MicroSoft Bob and now as Enzyte spokesperson. Bob can’t catch a break.

    Can you imagine if MicroSoft’s Clippy got a job as a male enhancement spokesperson?

  17. Jägermeister says:

    #8 – Sean O’Hara – …“Blackhole Sun” video.

    The alternative version: Asshole Son

  18. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Can you imagine if MicroSoft’s Clippy got a job as a male enhancement spokesperson?

    “Clippy” sounds more like the name of guy who might try to sell you a home circumcision kit. Ouch!

  19. bs says:

    Well, I guess he will be spending HARD TIME.

  20. Mister Catshit says:

    #19, Gary,

    Clippy always had that “wired” look too. He was more than a little bent out of shape for my straight tastes, if ya know what I mean. I don’t know why he never could keep things together.

  21. FRAGaLOT says:

    #18 thank you! I was looking for that song forever!

  22. Rick Cain says:

    I can’t believe they lasted this long.

  23. JOOM says:

    Some of the ingredients used in Enzyte are well known to cause an enlargement of blood vessels in your tool, but heck, the wrong dosage could cause it to pop like an overblown balloon! YOWWW!!! Better off to just stick with women that aren’t big as a house to begin with! lol!


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