There continue to be people with too much spare time on their hands.

  1. TatooYou says:

    That was cool, the first tune reminded me of the Art Bell theme!

  2. Miguel Correia says:


  3. Dallas says:

    That was way cool! It sounds terrific and and could be a great cell ring tone.

  4. Andy says:

    Looks as though he was using a “modern” version of a “Tracker”: Remember during the 90’s, the so-called “demo scene” when programmers and musicians created pastiches featuring fractal graphics and music created on Scream-Tracker / Impulse-Tracker. These were primarily to pursuade games companies to hire them I think.

  5. Jägermeister says:


  6. Sean O'Hara says:

    POKE 54296,15:POKE 54278,240:POKE 54273,100:POKE 54276,33

    [Ahhh… peek and poke. Fond memories. – ed.]

  7. Win Dozed says:

    The great thing is my windows computer only takes twice as long as the song to boot up! This looks like it was made with OctaMed or a clone of it, a great Amiga program! My Amiga still boots in 25 seconds from hard drive and it is 22 years old, my laptop is 2 years old and take about 4 minutes. It runs Xp, its a toss up as to which sounds better. Microsofts new slogan for “Windows 7” – “Its not as bad as the last version!!”

    Great tune though – crap operating system.


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