Court upholds man’s conviction for having sex with dead deer

A state appeals court has upheld a Superior’s man conviction for having sex with a dead deer.

The 3rd District Court of Appeals rejected Bryan Hathaway’s argument that the charge should be dismissed because the law against committing an act of sexual gratification with animals does not apply if they are dead.

“He rather convincingly contends that animal means a living creature,” Judge Gregory Peterson wrote. “However, Peterson pled no contest to the charge. A plea of guilty or no contest waives all nonjurisdictional defects and defenses.”
Hathaway told investigators that he saw a dead deer in a ditch near Superior in fall 2006 as he rode a bicycle by it. He then dragged it into the woods and had sex with it.

  1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Nice doorbell. 😉

  2. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    Typical Cheesehead.

  3. Paul says:

    What the heck? Has the cheese gotten moldier out that way or what?

  4. bobbo says:

    This is a very slippery slope. Its legal to KILL LIVING THINGS but not have sex with them later? Where does that put our value on life and the natural joys of sex?

    Further, if this Nanny State Control continues, pretty soon we won’t be allowed to have sex with three pound packages of hamburger meat either unless grinding your meat has mutiple and cleansing meanings.

    Whats next?–no sex with watermelons?

  5. Thanks for the beautiful image burned in the back of my retinas now. I do have to agree though that though the animal was not consenting, it was also no longer protesting.

    Isn’t it interesting to live in a society where killing the animal is OK but having sex with it is just wrong?

    I was considering asking someone to please explain to me what anyone could possibly find sexually appealing about a dead deer. Then I thought better of it. I don’t think I want to know the answer to that.

  6. Mister Canine Feces says:

    Good data point! 🙂

  7. bobbo says:

    #5–Scott==I think you got it when you said “it was also no longer protesting.”

    Mans perverse libido reminds me of a joke during boot camp where they cancled drill (marching in formation) whenever it rained. Some guy asked the sarge why we didn’t march in the rain and he answered “Formation breaks up in the rain when you horny bastards are out there fucking mud puddles.”

    I don’t really think that was true, but it remains funny=====and possibly true?

  8. Sean says:

    Just to clarify – The guy that did this already admitted guilt and entered a plea of no contest (same as guilty). LATER he came up with this defense of “oh, but it was already dead…” So the court wasn’t under any obligation to seriously consider his case. He was already guilty.

    Wisconsin had a similar problem a while ago with some boys who dug up a girl and had their way with her corpse. There was no law on the books against sex with a dead person, so the boys were not punished.

    Similarly, I’m sure if he had used this defense for his actions at his original trial, before he pled guilty, it would have resulted in an acquittal or at least a reduction to a more minor offense.

  9. McCullough says:

    I’m outta here, ick.

  10. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    The actual law involved forbids committing an act of sexual gratification with animals, but there must be an exclusion for hunting 😉

    #1 Monster’s Lawyer, I agree (“Nice doorbell”), and it’s just the sort of doorbell button to make Jehovah’s Witnesses think long and hard before ringing it. Where can I get one?

  11. bobbo says:

    #10–long and hard would be a compliment for those lost souls.

  12. Improbus says:

    My eyes! My eyes!

  13. sadtruth says:

    AGAIN. I submit that my wonderful state of WI needs a special banner like Florida. I will donate my design time if you guys will use the banner… whatya say?

  14. and then I says:

    *nudge nudge* Is that YOU deer??

    That guy is certainly raking in the doe now!!

    I’m thinking the moron thought admitting to having sex with roadkill was better than admitting to poaching a deer. It’s public knowledge about poaching laws, but we seldom hear about roadkill fornication; go figure.

    Makes yo wonder how this guy was brought up. No, don’t answer that.

  15. the Three-Headed Cat™ says:


    Per what Sean said, Unca Dave’s headline is completely erroneous. The court rejected his argument for the exact same reason any court anywhere would’ve – once you enter a plea of no contest, you have shut the door on yourself. And it’s final.

    It’s obvious that he represented himself, because even the greenest law-school grad would’ve told him, ‘no contest’ means ‘I give up.’ They would’ve also told him ‘don’t waste your time trying to appeal it.’

  16. the answer says:

    Geez aren’t there like call girls out there or something? Why a deer? Stop eating the moldy cheese

  17. TIHZ_HO says:

    He’s lucky he wasn’t in Australia as the question would be asked was the deer of legal age for sex? It applies to elephants…(and midwest USA) 🙂


  18. bobbo says:

    If there is NO LAW against “knowing” a dead animal, the judge on his own motion should have thrown the case out.

    There is too much game playing and not enough justice in our legal system.

    This guy should have his record cleared and be given a medal. He is not bothering our women folk and I don’t care what he does to dead animals—as long as its not served up to me later in a country restaurant.

  19. John Galt says:

    I guess the question is when is a deer no longer a deer. Suppose he had skinned it and used the hide for gratification.

  20. billabong says:

    We need one more wierd story from Wi. to make a trifecta.Come on you guys can do it. Something on Ed Gein or Jeffrey Dahmer.Better yet that story about the people in Portage who tortured to death someone.How about the Deputy in Crivitz that killed 5 people and then saved us the cost of a trial by blowing his head off.Our state motto should be “Welcome to Wisconsin we are weird and scarey”.I still see T-shirts in Milwaukee that say”Welcome to Milwaukee where the strong survive and the weak are eaten”

  21. SJP says:

    No more sex on the bear rug in front of the fireplace!

    From the article about this guy: “Hathaway was found guilty in April 2005 of felony mistreatment of an animal after he killed a horse with the intention of having sex with it.” Come on, pick a species and stick with it.

  22. RBG says:

    #4 bobbo. “pretty soon we won’t be allowed to have sex with three pound packages of hamburger meat either”

    Maybe you could close the door and no one would know?


  23. sadtruth says:


    Thats what I’m saying! we deserved a dvorak banner. And don’t forget the Parteeville woman that was playing show and tell with a dildo and her twelve year old kids.

  24. Ballenger says:

    This adds a new twist on the old “not in it for the hunt joke”. If some parties in the Wisconsin outback are getting their groove on with the Bambi Family, you have to cringe thinking about what might be happening in the wee hours with all those milking machines. Doh! (Pun Intended) If this keeps happening, maybe they should bring in Elmer Fudd for major “What Not To Boink” Campaign. Such as a “West and Waxation Wiff WIMMIN in Wondufful Wiffconson” Week. Or “Wuv YOUR Wife Not Ouwah Whilwife”. I kid the perverts, but it must be tough going through life with a possible dates short list of moose, elk, caribou or antelope instead of Becky, Alice or Gwen. The real victims(other than the wildlife)here are the therapist who will have to put carpet tacks in their chairs to avoid a ROFL fit, while they sit straight-faced and listen to the perv-in-rehab stories about how it all happened.

  25. Hillary C. says:

    #4 “Where does that put our value on life and the natural joys of sex?”

    Key Word – Natural. This isn’t natural. Good law. If we let everyone do this, it would alter “natural” evolution. On the other hand, we would be able to run faster.

  26. bobbo says:

    #22–RBG==well, thats kinda the point==if its not against the law why can’t you have this sex “outside” and enjoy it and the great outdoors as well? Vestiges of sexual repression. Where are my PRIVACY RIGHT WHEN OUTDOORS?—OFTLO?

    #25–Hillary–there is Darwinian selection at play here but evolution does not work when mating with dead animals==but I take your point. My thought (validly?) is that the impulse to mate with dead things ought to breed out fairly quickly? But maybe what will change is a narrow definition of “natural?” Given evolution proceeds on random events, I think mating with any thing available will over time provide our greatest chance for success as an evolving species?

  27. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Is having sex while wearing a natural lambskin condom allowed? How much of the dead animal has to be present for it to be creepy?

  28. bobbo says:

    #28–Gary==I once had a 100% alive drunk babe pass out on me during foreplay. Was it creepy thereafter? A gentleman would never say—so, yes it was.

  29. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I bet you really regretted that last drink you bought her, eh bobbo? One yard to go and there’s a flag on the play.

  30. ECA says:



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