Court upholds man’s conviction for having sex with dead deer

A state appeals court has upheld a Superior’s man conviction for having sex with a dead deer.

The 3rd District Court of Appeals rejected Bryan Hathaway’s argument that the charge should be dismissed because the law against committing an act of sexual gratification with animals does not apply if they are dead.

“He rather convincingly contends that animal means a living creature,” Judge Gregory Peterson wrote. “However, Peterson pled no contest to the charge. A plea of guilty or no contest waives all nonjurisdictional defects and defenses.”
Hathaway told investigators that he saw a dead deer in a ditch near Superior in fall 2006 as he rode a bicycle by it. He then dragged it into the woods and had sex with it.

  1. Don Coyote says:

    Maybe he could blame his mom’s punctuation. Claim it was a semantic antic due to his hearing her say, “Not tonight. Deer.”

  2. AX says:

    I had a girlfriend once who was allergic to latex, so we had to use those nasty-ass sheep bladders. I suppose this means I had sex with her, and also part of a dead animal . . . at the same time. Ew. Or, should I say . . ewe?

  3. James Hill says:

    Wisconsin > Where you live.

  4. Hillary C. says:

    #26 bobbo – “..impulse to mate with dead things ought to breed out fairly quickly?..”


    “natural?” – I believe in general we as mankind know deep inside ourselves when something is right or wrong to do (In some things). In my opinion this is a God given discernment, though not all things are “naturally” discerned – I also believe many things are learned.

    “..Given evolution proceeds on random events, I think mating with any thing available will over time provide our greatest chance for success as an evolving species?”

    Can you theorize here? Trying to honestly understand your point here.

  5. bobbo says:

    #35–Hillary==you say “In my opinion this is a God given discernment”–if true, then it becomes obvious that that god does not give this discernment to all people in equal measure.

    The “mating with everything” was mostly humorous but with a point==its not obvious that joining organs of excrement will produce a child 9 months later. Who is to say that mating with a deer would not produce something as well?==Only the scientific method will reveal what gods plan is. Although, I do think being dead is kinda a clear line to stay on this side of==but cheers to the brave experimenters.

  6. hmbterry says:

    Who or what is the victim in this crime?


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