• Virtual fence Ok’d for US-Mexico. What’s that supposed to mean?
  • Will the FAA ban laptop batteries?
  • Nintendo going to charge for online gaming.
  • T-Mobile looking to do unlimited $10 landline.
  • Buzzword of the week: Cloud Computing.
  • Fortune kissing MSFT butt as usual.
  • Gates sees diminished role for keyboard. People like keyboards.
  • Vista SP1 may require 3rd-party software upgrades.
  • How Mozilla makes money.
  • I realize the encryption crack is a crock.

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  1. gregallen says:

    In some foreign countries I’ve had my AA batteries taken away — and I was so PO’d because they were expensive NiMh.

    When they were napping ’em I asked why AAs were illegal when every other mope had a battery in their cell phone and that was OK. Of course the security guard had no idea why one and not the other.

  2. B. Dog says:

    The FAA story may be wrong.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    #4 – pedro

    Since when do the British have a virtual fence?

  4. Jägermeister says:

    #6 – Pedro

    That’s no freaking virtual fence. That’s surveillance of people who are already in the country. Get the facts straight.


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