This was Milan Fashion Week. I’m including a link to a slideshow of what was offered as fashionable.

Watch at your own risk.

  1. Esteban says:

    I’ve never understood what connection these runway designs have with the fashions that everyday people wear.

  2. Balbas says:

    What an unflattering image of Karl Rove!

  3. Anonymous says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  4. Daniel says:

    Not only is the clothing ugly, but the models are too.

  5. WmDE says:

    My opening line for a detective novel:

    “She was dressed like the basket of laundry she carried….”

  6. K B says:

    “Beechvehr!” (Remember that old commercial?)

  7. Steve-O says:

    I’d still do them especially that blonde one in photo 6.

  8. LuvTheStuff says:

    These fashions from Milan are awwesome. They stand out, are vibrant, and alive! Compare to how the actresses dress for the Oscars. Their sense of “fashion” is paramount to painting the HOLLYWOOD sign to blend in with the hills. These stars always basically blend in with each other. If it wasn’t for the contrast of the red carpet no one would notice them. Someday Hollywood will wake up and get it (hopefully) and take some of their cues from Milan.

  9. AdmFubar says:

    lordy, every one of these ‘models’ look like the living dead/heroin addicts.
    i relly like the first one in number 8, she reminds me of phyllis diller, she dressed like this for laughs…
    and these are pretty funny…

  10. Eric says:

    #7 – Ah yes, the old Wendy’s commercial.

    I still use the “Izz Next …” line. Alas, all I get is blank stares.

  11. MrBloedumpSpladderschitt says:

    The models most likely are heroin addicts. If you can get past the depression those pictures invoke, it’s pretty good humor.

  12. jbenson2 says:

    Woof, Woof.

    Maybe this explains the reproduction problem in Europe. The European men are dragging their feet.

    Spanish women are now the oldest first-time mothers in Europe, and arguably in the world, bearing the first child, on-average, at around 29. The position of Spain, however, is by no means unique. Women in at least six other European countries (Ireland, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland) currently have their first child at an average age of over 28.

  13. Magnus Patris says:

    How do you say “fugly” in Italian?

  14. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #14 – Fagulia.

  15. Tordenflesk says:

    # 13- The “problem” is that people delay having children to a more stable time in their lives. We don’t all have to be hillbillies you know.

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Went through 28 pics and saw 6 I liked… and three of those I only liked on the criteria that the fashions in the pictures would not scare children.


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