Who picks best of breed?

A Moroccan computer engineer is due in court in connection with a fake Facebook profile set up in the name of a member of the royal family.

Fouad Mourtada, 26, was arrested on 5 February on suspicion of stealing the identity of Prince Moulay Rachid, younger brother of King Mohammed VI.

He has been in custody ever since his arrest in Casablanca…

He is accused of “villainous practices linked to the alleged theft of the [prince’s] identity”…

Look around and see where you are – before you decide to be a smartass.

Update: Mourtada was sentenced to 3 years in jail, today. (Feb. 23)

  1. Don Coyote says:

    Look around and see where you are – before you decide to be a smartass..

    OK. Canada. Now what?

  2. JPV says:

    I don’t know about Facebook, but this is common practice on MySpace and nobody seems to be upset my it.

    For instance, there are dozens of George Bushes on MySpace. There are countless people “roleplaying” as dead celebrities too. I think that most people realize that it’s done for fun, by fans or sometimes detractors, and not as an attempt at identity theft.

  3. god says:

    #1 – you’re probably OK unless you pretend to be Michael Ironside. Then, you have to watch out for slashers.

  4. bobbo says:

    The whole concept of “Royals” always puts me a bit on edge. And its not just with Arabs or Muslims either.

    “Princess Diana”==PRINCESS? as in the same as you and me?

    I wish there was some way to get past this disreputable distinction even if it is mostly linguistic and meaningless. Same rub with “General” although I guess that has somewhat more substance, depending.

  5. Mister Catshit says:

    #4, bobbo,

    What you, and many Americans, don’t understand is the significance of a “Royal Family”. Americans don’t own a similar distinction and comparisons wax and wain.

    Specifically in Great Britain, the monarch is the country. A symbol yes, but more than a symbol. More than what the Flag means to Americans. More than what the Eagle means. More than some picture, song, or story of our great own land. Queen Elizabeth is all of those things and more.

    The closest thing I can imagine the Queen representing in America would be the tie most Americans had after 9/11. Before Bush fucked it up.

    You insult her, you have symbolically committed treason. I imagine in some countries, it is treason. It is for this reason there are movements to remove the Queen as the head of the country.

  6. eljayess says:

    This impressive picture is the King of Thailand, King Bumiphol (sp) from his anniversary of 70 years as ruler. Thailand is mostly Buddhist, with a small minority of Muslims living in the south.

  7. bobbo says:

    #6–Catshit==well, everything you say is exactly what puts me on edge. The Queen is a human being like everyone else–not a symbol of anything in substance, only in image and that image is wrong.

    There is a story of the Indians meeting Cortez and wondering if he (and his horse) were gods. It became clear to them that they were not when they noticed his shit was no difference than theres.

    I would give the Queen some measure of respect if her shit was ice cream–not until.

  8. Mister Catshit says:

    #7, bobbo,

    The Queen is a human being like everyone else–not a symbol of anything in substance, only in image and that image is wrong.

    Maybe it is wrong; that is not my place to judge. In the US we swear loyalty to the country. In the British Commonwealth they swear loyalty to the Queen. During the American Revolution the Americans did away with the Crown (or George III) because anything done was done in the name of the Crown.

    I have it on good authority that on many days the Queen’s shit is more of a custard than ice cream consistency.

    Without defending the Royals, it must be kept in mind that she and her family do not have any lives. Everything they do is for Great Britain. While they live in luxury, they don’t have privacy. Whatever they do is regarded as being done by the Queen herself.

    So you may feel as uncomfortable as you like. You have as much control over the Royals as the baby born into slavery has over involuntary bondage.

  9. bobbo says:

    #8–Catshit==you are still making my case. IT IS YOUR PLACE TO JUDGE. The Royals can certainly renounce their status, but they won’t because like any other welfare recipient, they have gotten used to the benefits. I don’t blame them. I blame all idiots who give any credence to the “ROYAL” image–and that includes too many colonialists, and fewer UK subjects (subjects irks me too!) every year.

    And of course you have influence over this situation if you are one of her subjects–complain to the Ministers. It is “evil” to have tax dollars supporting the richest woman in the world when people on the Shetland Island only have cod to eat.

    Hey–just like the Paris Hilton Party Door tab being 1000 bucks==spend your money any way you like to BUT don’t tell me I don’t understand just because I disagree. And to re-emphasize, this goes to ALL Royals not just the Brits.


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