DISCLAIMER: DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO IF you do not want to see obscene remarks and gestures and what appears to be a form of torture of an apparently disturbed, if not mentally-ill, little kid by his brother. If you do watch this, ask yourself where the parents are and why isn’t someone immediately calling the local Child Protective Services Department of the local city or county. I thought twice about posting this but I was even more repulsed by the mostly cold and callous reaction to this video by normal people on YouTube and elsewhere who think it’s amusing without any consideration for what they are actually watching.

Will someone call the police, please! If this is a hoax, which I doubt, call the police anyway. What is wrong with these people?

This video seems to have surfaced two days ago and the viral effect is just beginning. The fallout for these kids is going to be something to see. They have no idea what is going to happen when the big media gets hold of this.

This video is taken off YouTube over and over and gets reposted constantly under the key words “MySpace Kid Flips Out.”

Found by Mike Cosmi

  1. zybch says:

    “I was even more repulsed by the mostly cold and callous reaction to this video by normal people on YouTube and elsewhere who think it’s amusing without any consideration for what they are actually watching.”

    But John, its the internet, its not real.

  2. Mark T. says:

    Forget about kids with guns. We need to worry about kids with computers. Crazy stuff.

    If that were my kid, he would lose his computer privileges for a year. That would include the older brother and his access to YouTube.

    It seems that between MySpace, YouTube, and WoW, we may be seeing the advent of an entire generation of socially dysfunctional kids. No more Gen X or Gen Y. Maybe they’ll call it Gen I. GenIe, perhaps?

  3. AdmFubar says:

    wow myspace really does cause familys to degenerate..

    WARNING: Myspace may cause the following, hysteria, mental instability, sibling rivalry, gas, cramps, bloating, hair loss, unwanted hair growth, obesity, bulimia, retardation, smelly feet, runny nose, stuffyness, coughing, vomiting, diarrea, constipation, dry mouth, dry brains, trembling, parkinsons, dementia, blurred vision, increased heart rate, decreased libido, eraction lasting less than four seconds, post traumatic stress, PMS, ADD, bi polar, uni polar, south polar, wander lust, staring at the ceiling for weeks at a time,obsessive-compulsive, brain cooties,dyslexia or is that lixdesya???, transgender, general malaise, being the general of malaysia, being in general, walking on water- frozen or unfrozen, belly button lint, dingleberries, hooters, audtory hallucenations, or reading Dvorak’s blog, while using a keyboard layout of the same name or not.. Do not take myspace unless under the supervision of a doctor, or tinker, tailor, solder or spy, or while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or windows vista, never drive drunk on the internet -wait scratch that, always drive drunk on the internet.. Did I leave anything out? prolly, but at this point who the hell cares…

  4. GF says:

    Context. What is truth? I don’t know these guys. I don’t know you. It’s getting hard to tell the lie from the lie in a made up world in which I nor anyone else makes the rules.

    Good Luck!

  5. MacBandit says:

    This video is clearly edited. You can see the cuts and you can tell when they mess with the audio gain. They increase the audio when they want it to sound like the kid is screaming inhumanly loud. Yes he’s screaming but not that loud. I wouldn’t be surprised if a certain amount of it wasn’t setup not necessarily scripted but definitely planned on both sides.

  6. Balbas says:

    It’s not fake-looking enough to be anything but real, and I couldn’t bring myself to watch more than half of it.

    Twisted to be sure.

  7. Luke says:

    This video is pretty disturbing. The older brother should done (or the people filming the whole thing) instead of videotaping the younger kid, is getting the kid help from like child services or something like that. As what you said John where are the parents, what i gather from what i have seen in the video the younger kid had no parents or just one parent who has done a real shitty job at being one.

  8. ECA says:

    If you dont give them something to do,
    If you dont give them SOMETHING to interact with,

    What do you get??
    some 24 year old, living in the parents basemnet, WITH A COMPUTER…

  9. Neal says:

    It’s disturbing to watch, but looks like an average scene from a house with a big brother an a little brother. This stuff happened all the time in my childhood and my friends’, and while it would have been nice if it didn’t, it was a “normal” part of growing up. (For “myspace” insert “rubik’s cube” or “walkman” or whatever)

  10. Milamberota says:

    I agree with Dvorak on this one. Those ‘teenagers’ if you can call them that, should be smacked down. Teasing the poor kid like that. I was picked on all through school. Luckily I had the wits to ignore the bullies and get on with my life.

    Those CHILDREN should be ashamed of themselves. If they really care about that obsession so much they should try to get the kid off myspace rather than teasing him about it. If i were there I would have pushed the three idiots out of the room, told them to go fuck a donkey or something equally useless (actually, juding by the level of mental maturity they displayed in that video, they probably would have done that then posted it on You Tube.) and calmed the kid down and talked to him.

    I’m a parent, if I EVER see my kid doing something this dumb I will hand him an eternity of hardship. I’m no angel myself, I’ve done stupiud things with mates, part of growing up. But getting yourself on camera and then showing it to people? For god sake!

    Also, people who reckon it is fake, yes it is edited, however I reckon it was filmed on a mopbile phone, really carppy microphones equal lots of distortion, no post processing necessary.


  11. Milamberota says:

    [Duplicate comment. – Deleted. – ed.]

  12. pjakobs says:

    #4, #9, uncle Ben, exactly right. I’ve seen kids react the same over Lego, over board games, over not getting a candy bar etc. etc.

    The culprit really is the older brother but that also isn’t so uncommon. Youngsters have limited empathy, especially when showing off to their peers. He should have had more common sense and he’s the one to punish first here. The younger one, well, I don’t know how his day-to-day behaviour is, how much time he spends on the net, but certainly, a slight damper should be in order, like restricted net access.

    Also, to the older my message would be: one more family video on the net and you’ve got a huge problem.


  13. gquaglia says:

    Forget about kids with guns. We need to worry about kids with computers. Crazy stuff.

    Why, you don’t think a kid like this would pick up a gun?

    I’m sensing a future high school shooter in the making.

  14. DisturbMeBaby says:

    Obviously people like being disturbed, disturbing, or both, or they wouldn’t post these things or watch them. Does anyone know about the premiere of “The Blair Witch Project”? They didn’t give anyone a clue that it wasn’t real, inviting everyone to a ‘shocking documentary’. It had the look of amateur filmmaking, with the shaky camera, etc. The producers totally tricked the minds of those watching into believing it was a real documentary, so much so that the audience was disturbed. People went home terrified for their kids. Some were ready to call authorities. Finally the producers announced to the public the next day that it was only a movie. It proved that peeple r stoopid and good acting and superb editing can tweak minds. I haven’t watched the “myspacekid” video nor do I ever intend to as I prefer not to fall into the online video viewing abyss. Now if only I could edit out all the Democrats from my TV viewing……

  15. amodedoma says:

    Unsupervised kids in America, so that’s news? The only thing new is the internet. It’s been the norm since the 60’s. The difference is that now parents will have to see what’s happening on youtube. This is a good thing, I guess. My opinion, if you’re going to have kids somebody’s got to stay home and raise them. I ‘sacrificed’ my career to this end and have no regrets. This is what happens when family is not a priority…

  16. TatooYou says:

    How many watched it through to the end and saw the still shot of the little guy wearing a bra or halter top? I think that’s why the kid was so panicked, the kid’s confused or curious and the older kids caught him doing something online (guessing an online persona).
    As far as abuse I remember getting my come-up-ance from my older brother, it generally involved a good beating. I finally got tired of it, and I figured out how to improvise weapons (equalizers). After being beaten with a chair, a vacumn cleaner, a chair spindle… I think the last good beating he got from me, came from a wrought iron plant hanger, he figured out it wasn’t worth it.

  17. bobbo says:

    I don’t find the video that disturbing outside the audio distortion–but I could only watch the first minute before turning away having seen these antics all too often in too many families.

    Family dynamics must always be put in context and we can’t do that here.

    I’d be interested in what the kid was posting on My Face and how his interactions were with his friends.

  18. BdgBill says:

    Seems like a normal kid to me.

    Don’t all kids spend most of their time screaming obscenities at the top of their lungs these days?

    Seems to be at least one of these on every plane, in every restaurant or especially at the movies.

  19. Kent Goldings says:

    My father had a saying, “It’s a dirty bird than fouls it’s own nest.” The older boy may think it is amusing to humiliate his brother. However, he should have thought twice about publicly outing the borderline dementia of his closest living relative. Such a thing could never have reflected well upon him.

  20. jlm says:

    hmm, I see nothing wrong with that video…older brother picking on younger brother, who has to act bigger by cursing since he cant physically compete with his older brother yet.

    Did none of you have brothers/sisters? or was it like the brady bunch for you?

  21. ECA says:

    I tell the YOUNGER kids in the family.
    If you cant PUT UP with the others in the family, I REALLY dont know how WELL you will do in life.

    the lesson on BOTH sides, is
    you CANT be cruel, and you NEED to QUIT.
    THEN you need to learn to GIVE as BAD as you GOT.
    If you DONT play the GAME, others get Bored and GO AWAY.(generally)

  22. patrick says:

    I saw that occasionally growing up with older brothers of people I knew. Always considered those types as borderline insane. The type that torture small animals and sometimes grow up to be serial killers.

  23. CapsLockMAN says:

    @ #24, I know HOW TO use CAPS Lock and SHIFT As WELL!

    @ Everyone else: this video is no big deal, just one sibling making fun of another. THe older one is a dumbass for posting it on youtube, as if you substitute the word youtube for myspace, it describes him. Both should be punished; for the little one, no PC, for the old one, no going out.

  24. Rick says:

    My kid would scream at me like that once and never EVER again. He would be beaten stupid with his precious computer and not allowed to ever have another one as well as being forced to watch as I set the fucking thing on fire. Computers and the forced legislation that has taken control and discipline out of the hands of parents are to blame for this child’s behavior. Twenty-five years ago this would not have happened.

  25. Normal says:

    This is normal behavior for kids. This has been normal forever. Or at least since I was a kid myself in the 1970’s. My sisters and I used to go at it all the time when we were in high school. I used to beat up them and their boyfriends. (They were always better at fighting then any guy they went out with. Mainly from all the practice we had together.) They used to retaliate with, what I now loving call, assassination attempts upon my life.

    This scene, though stupid and foolish, is perfectly 100% normal. The kids will grow up to the fine. Just like my family is fine now. We had our issues when young, and acted stupid. Cause that’s the age at which you don’t have experience, so everybody is stupid.

    Trying to say these kids are going to grab guns just shows your own private fears, and not reality. School shooting are still rarer than the numbers killed by lightening in schools every year in the United States. You don’t see people screaming that the weather channel is a bad thing cause it might cause some kid to look at the sky when it rains. Classic over reaction people have — the Simpson’s is more a documentary than people want to admit. “Think of the Children” is something we use to excuse any over reaction by teachers and parents now a days.

    Get over it… this is NORMAL! And like lots of things, this too shall pass.

  26. Dallas says:

    Holy cow. This kid needs an exorcist. Scary.

  27. McCullough says:

    Just makes me glad I don’t have kids.

  28. Greg Allen says:

    If America is following the decline of Rome — as many claim — the video culture is only going to get worse with cruelty, death and even murder becoming entertainment.

  29. Miguel says:

    Disclaimer – I don’t have kids. I never raised a kid.

    I don’t agree with a number of comments here. I think the little kid doesn’t actually deserve a *punishment*.

    The older kids should get some sort of punishment – like a grounding for a month or two, no vidcams, no Youtube, no going out to hang out with friends, no cellular, no Xbox 360. Just for a while.

    The younger kid actually looks very normal, and is just reacting to the overbearing bullying he’s suffering – which is somewhat like a form of torture, in that the sufferer doesn’t have the physical or psychological skills to defend him/herself.

    What I’d try to do to this kid is give him a mom or dad that could spend more time with him, preferably a mom. Some kid friends of his own age he could go out and play with in some safe place. Now and then the bigger brother could say something stupid, but just enough to build the little one’s resilience. If he got this dumb again, same treatment. The kid would put the PC in the background if he had a normal childhood.

    And also, this video will now stay *forever* on the net. You’ll bump into it 15 years from now. This kid may need some counseling in dealing with this, to make sure he really understand that his brother and the others were just being bozos, and he was just being a kid. The scene with the bra? Well, who hasn’t done stupid shit like that when you were a kid? I wore lipstick and my mother’s high heels once. No Youtube videos or digital stills of that. But it would make me laugh – now that I’m 41. I don’t know how I’d react when I was trying to find a girlfriend at 17 if she found a video like this and dumped me right away and shown it to every girl she and myself knew. Again, the kid will need some sort of help.

    Just my 2 cents.

  30. sadtruth says:

    #32 Faces of Death anyone? We’re already there.


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