Karl “50 cent” Rove

CBS News

(CBS) A Republican operative in Alabama says Karl Rove asked her to try to prove the state’s Democratic governor was unfaithful to his wife in an effort to thwart the highly successful politician’s re-election. Rove’s attempt to smear Don Siegelman was part of a Republican campaign to ruin him that finally succeeded in imprisoning him, says the operative, Jill Simpson. Simpson spoke to Pelley because, she says, Siegelman’s seven-year sentence for bribery bothers her. She recalls what Rove, then President Bush’s senior political adviser, asked her to do at a 2001 meeting in this exchange from Sunday’s report.

“Karl Rove asked you to take pictures of Siegelman?” asks Pelley.
“Yes,” replies Simpson.
“In a compromising, sexual position with one of his aides,” clarifies Pelley.
“Yes, if I could,” says Simpson.

Simpson says she found no evidence of infidelity despite months of observation. Rove would not speak to “60 MINUTES”, but elsewhere has denied being involved in efforts to discredit Siegelman. Siegelman was convicted of bribery in a case that has drawn criticism from Democrats and Republicans. In fact, 52 former states’ attorneys general from both political parties petitioned Congress to investigate Siegelman’s case, resulting in hearings held last fall. “I haven’t seen a case with this many red flags on it that pointed towards a real injustice being done.”

  1. TVAddict says:

    That Karl he’s such a scamp…and he can dance too!

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Take a lesson kiddies, sometimes it doesn’t matter if the frontman is as dumb as a bag o’ hammers as long as the guy pulling the strings is a sharp as a knife.

    Karl knew when to get in, and when to get out!

  3. Greg Allen says:

    I’m beginning to agree with those who say that Don Siegelman is America’s foremost political prisoner.

    This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

  4. Lou Minatti says:

    My dog was blowing some wicked farts last night. It’s a Karl Rove Neocon Conspiracy!

  5. QB says:

    Karl Rove is a testicle with legs.

  6. Joey B says:

    QB #6 dont nock testiccles with legs. aight?

  7. JPV says:

    Yeah… that’s it, you fat piece of shit pig. Dance and laugh it up, while your actions remain responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Arabs.

    Maybe once the US slips into it’s INEVITABLE depression, due to these bastard’s economic policies and greed, Americans will finally wise up and take matters into their own hands.

    I doubt it though… Americans are too fat, lazy and stupid to take any real action.

    It was a nice country while it lasted.

  8. Awake says:

    This is headline news on “60 minutes” this weekend.

  9. MikeN says:

    #8, just like Michelle Obama said. Don’t worry though, she tells us that once her husband takes office, he will demand that people not be cynical, that they be engaged, take action, etc.

  10. MikeN says:

    WHat’s with these sex scandals involving Republicans hitting the media, but the Democrats’ scandals are ignored? The The New York Times decided to run a story on John McCain that was very weak, they wouldn’t even directly claim an affair, and denials on both sides. Yet at the same time, an equally weak story with one guy willing to take a polygraph, and filing a lawsuit, he gets a pass because his accusation is against a Democrat presidential contender.

  11. Hmeyers says:

    Rove was not a genius. The Clinton cronies had ahold of the Democratic party and their collective idiocy made Rove seem like a genius.

    I’m glad to see what looks like the end of the Bush and Clinton era all in the same year so we never have to hear about any of these people ever again.

  12. Hmeyers says:

    Btw.. 2006 made Rove look the idiot savant that he was. What I thought was over the top idiocy was how in 2006 he declared he had transformed the Republican party into some enduring dynasty meanwhile these supposed “conservatives” wasted money left and right and took bribes and otherwise acted like hogs at the trough of public money and power.

    Meanwhile, in 2008 the other bungholes that want power simply to act like hogs at the public trough, the Clintons, are vying to get back in office.

    If it weren’t for Obama, this country would be as good as flushed down the toilet.

    Sure he won’t meet all of the very high expectations, but at least he doesn’t play the 2 party shit-flinging monkey game that both Hillary and the ring wing nutjobs like to play.

  13. Steve-O says:

    #10,11 MikeN – I wonder who really gives a shit about a wife (Michelle Obomba) who says that for the first time in their adult life they are proud of their country. She would do well to take a lesson from her husband who basically hasn’t said a damn thing about anything except that we need change. Yeah, change from oppressive taxes to “you’re getting screwed into oblivion taxes” to pay for all the bullshit I want to do. Now that’s change.

    If the NYT wanted to do a story with no backing why didn’t they cover the story about Hillary Cankles having a lesbian affair a few years back?

  14. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Don Siegelman got screwed.

  15. MikeN says:

    Hmeyers, hopefully you’re right, but don’t rule out VP Jeb.

    #14, Teresa messed up JFK’s election 4 years ago.

  16. olwaterman says:

    This sounds like hearsay to me. is this the best they can come up with on rove. As for the gov he in politics. that makes him guilty.

  17. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    17…you living under a rock or something? If Bush hadn’t pulled executive privilege out of his butt so many times, Rove might be in prison or executed for treason by now.

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I was going to say what I thought about Karl Rove, but I decided to preemptively remove my own comments in advance, in accordance with posting guidelines.

  19. I love Rove. I win a number of political bets because of him. He rocks.

  20. MikeN says:

    YOu still betting on McCain?

  21. McCullough says:

    #21. I am now, especially since it looks like Obama will be his opponent.

  22. Rick Cain says:

    I think America deserved Rove. Sometimes tough love is the only way you can learn.

    Enjoy that $3.00 gasoline and money thats worth less than the Zimbabwe dollar, spongeboys. Maybe you have learned something over these last 2 election cycles.


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